Benefits of Online Learning To University Students

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University students can benefit from online learning

The interest in online learning has been rising for the past years. Therefore, it has caused

many universities and colleges to seize the opportunity to deliver service to their learners as the

number of college students taking online classes has increased. Studies show that in the United

States, even before the pandemic, aside from attending physical classes, at least taking one full

course online. The demand is rising, with the benefits that come with it, such as affordability and

flexibility, and it balances school and life. Also, not forgetting those students who are either

working or have families, online learning will greatly help them. They are in a set position to

continue or further their studies from any part of the world. Therefore, this research paper will

briefly look at the benefits to university students when it involves online learning, also briefly

touch on the challenges faced and offer solutions to the areas that require improvement.

Case Study

Take a sneak view of research carried out in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) during the

Covid-19 pandemic (Ati, & Guessoum, 2010). Most countries were forced to shift from one-on-

one to online education. Was the teaching being offered to students’ quality, or was it an

emergency? For a long period, the concept of online writing has always been considered to be

inferior compared to face-to-face learning. Research carried out in over 62 countries shows a

relationship between attitude, socioeconomic factors, and the benefits to be accrued from online

learning (Xhaferi & Xhaferi, 2020). Most institutions in the UAE have opted to either do hybrid

or fully offer online courses. This was due to the foreseen future changes and dynamics of the

world in the context of technology. Studies show that both the instructors and the learners are

optimistic and well-opened to the idea and satisfied with their academic performance and

achievements from online learning.

The research was carried out in one of the Dubai universities; where close to 50% of the

students were satisfied with online learning. They enjoyed the benefits that came with it, such as

accessibility, flexibility, availability of technology, and the internet. However, they encountered

challenges such as inadequate support from teachers and colleagues (Lozovoy & Zashchitina,

2019). The study will be done at universe university (AAU). The r university students' research

was carried out by answering a series of questions. The question did allow participants the

opportunity to express themselves fully and also be able to get the required results about the

benefits of online education to students. At the same time, the qualitative study outlines fine

details of the research and gives detailed insights into students' attitudes toward online learning.

During the pandemic, the AAU acted faster upon implementing online learning by

providing basic equipment. The instructors were trained with the basic features. The learning

was carried out on platforms such as Google meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. Although the

time used to carry out the training was inadequate, the quality of education given to students was

not that to the education standards.

Discussion and Finding

The findings from the research showed that cost-effectiveness and time were the most

associated advantages with online writing. Online teaching helps learners to use their time more

efficiently. For instance, some students noted that they could wake up late, that is, ten minutes to

class, and attend class as opposed to one-on-one learning. In terms of cost-effectiveness, their

cost of transport was saved. Students who resided outside the school premises were no longer

required to commute to the university. In time management and the hustle of going back and

forth, most students use the time either to work on revision or improve their skills.

Online learning creates convenience. This has made it possible, the learning to provide a

platform to students anywhere and anytime (Dalgay, 2020). One, those students who missed the

classes could get hold of them because they were recorded. So, class material was readily

available. Secondly, those who had children could look after them very well during the pandemic

season. Moreover, not forgetting the cost-effectiveness of online learning when it involves

building institutions, their related costs are saved.

An article by Tatyana Dalgaly, after research carried out in Russian Federation, shows

how the rate of online learning was adopted with the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic that

struck the world in 2020. Some of the benefits outlined in the research did show that online

learning is cost-effective. It saves costs regarding the resources required to plan and carry out

assessments and travel to the institution. Challenges do arise; the normal ways that have existed

since a long time ago may be impeded by unavoidable circumstances. The invention of online

learning has served as a substitute, making sure that learning continues. Additionally, online

learning is ideal for people who are time conscious, mature, and self-directed.

However, having stated the benefits of online learning, there are limitations associated

with it, which include start-up capital, technical support, institutional readiness, crisis

management, and to learners who have limited language skills (Al Rawashdeh et al., 2021). The

AAU research showed that most students have much work to complete, especially toward the

end of a semester. The professors were giving out loads of work. Therefore they lacked enough

to prepare for assessments and exams.

Not all places have good internet and technology connectivity. This bared many students

from having a good flow of lessons. However, the UAE tried to solve the problem by ensuring

that the government provided readily available mobile data to those who lacked internet

connectivity. On top, there were instances where there was no adequate support from their

lecturer and fellow students. Some students could not ask their friends what they learned if they

missed class. They were forced to use social media platforms such as WhatsApp, but still, they

could not get the same feedback they used. Communication was good, and engagement hyped

students, and their level of engagement was improved.


From the research, it is required of education stakeholders to ensure that good investment

has been made in online education to avoid interruption of studies in case of interruptions and

make sure that the training carried by their teachers is comprehensive to be able to handle their

students. Secondly, they should also consider providing platforms where students can interact to

do away with feelings of isolation. Thirdly, the professors are recommended not to overwhelm

students with coursework. In addition, they have to focus on the well-being of their students in

their areas of psychological, emotional, and social.


The educational process was under much pressure due to the pandemic causing the

sudden closure of face-to-face learning and shifting to online learning. The pandemic has opened

the eyes of education stakeholders to be prepared fully for any future predicament. Also, online

education gave both teachers and students an experience outside the four walls of the classroom.

Therefore, it poses a challenge to the future on what should be done in case of other future

interruptions to avoid repeat mistakes. From the benefits discussed, all the partners contributing

to education have familiarized themselves with the areas they need to polish.

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