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Practice (Unit 1B,C)

Write the cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers in full. (Írd le a tőszámnévi és sorszámnévi

number cardinal ordinal

14 fourteen the fourteenth

Put the months in the correct order. (Tedd a True or false? Write T for True and F for
hónapokat a helyes sorrendbe!) False. (Igaz vagy hamis? Írj T-t, ha igaz, F-et ,
ha hamis!)

The first month of the year is January. ...........

February isn’t the second month. .............
The tenth month is September. .............
The fifth month isn’t June. ............
December is the twelfth month. ...........
July is after June. ...............
November, December and January are winter
months. ...........
March is between February an April. ..............
Complete the sentences with the correct date. (Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a helyes dátummal!)
Example: School starts on the 1st of September.
School finishes on ______ __________________ ______ ______________ .
Christmas is on ______ ______________________ and _______ ____________________ _______
_________________________ .
My birthday is on ________ ___________________ _______ _________________ .
Summer holiday finishes on _______ ______________________ ______ __________________ .
______ __________ ______ _________________ is the first day of the year and it is called New
Year’s Day.
______ ________________________ ______ ________________ is the last day of the year and it is
called New Year’s Eve.

Write the years in full. (Írd le az évszámokat betűkkel, ahogy kiolvassuk!)

2022: _____________________________________________________
1978: _____________________________________________________
2005: _____________________________________________________
1801: _____________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the correct adjective. (Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megfelelő

My grandmother is 71. She’s very ___________ .

This is Susan. She’s my love. She’s very ______________.

Our P.E. teacher is very _____________. He can lift 55 kilos.

This is my classmate, Tom. He’s the top student in the class. He’s very ____________ .
These children are brother and sister. They aren’t twins, so they aren’t identical. The boy
is _____________ and the little girl is _____________ .

This is my little sister. She’s only 8 months old. She’s very ____________ .

This house is very ____________ . I like it. It’s big, clean and comfortable. It
has got beautiful colours, too.
Look at the picture. Whose is it / are they? Write sentences with his, her, their. (Nézd meg a képet!
Mi kié? Írj mondatokat az övé, övüké névmásokkal!)

Example: It’s his calculator.








Translate the following sentences into English (SB p14). (Fordítsd le a következő mondatokat
angolra (Tk 14. oldal segít)!)

Hurrá! _________________________

Figyelj! _____________________


Ne nyúlj a tortához! ____________________________________________

Nézd meg Chris-t!_______________________________________________

A pocakja pöttyös. ____________________________________________

Kövesd Sid-et! _________________________________________

Végre október harmadika van. _____________________________________

Ma van a szülinapunk! _________________________________________

Ez nagyszerű! ________________________________

Szeretem az összes színt. _________________________________________

Ez itt Finn ajándéka. __________________________________________

Készen van a tortájuk. _________________________________________

Key (megoldások):

number cardinal ordinal

14 fourteen the fourteenth
1 one the first
25 twenty-five the twenty-fifth
6 six the sixth
11 eleven the eleventh
30 thirty the thirtieth
12 twelve the twelfth
9 nine the ninth
18 eighteen the eighteenth
10 ten the tenth
23 twenty-three the twenty-third
17 seventeen the seventeenth
4 four the fourth
2 two the second
20 twenty the twentieth
31 thirty-one the thirty-first
8 eight the eighth

1.January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5.May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9.September

10. October 11. November 12. December


the 1st of September; the 25th / the 26th of December; the 7th of April; the 15th of June; The 1st of
January; The 31st of December

2022: twenty twenty-two / two thousand and twenty-two / two thousand twenty-two
1978: nineteen seventy-eight
2005: twenty oh five / two thousand and five / two thousand five
1801: eighteen oh one

old, pretty, strong, clever, tall, short, young, nice

It’s his pencil. It’s her bike. It’s their dog. They’re their parents. It’s her book. It’s his skateboard.
They’re their jeans. It’s her schoolbag.

Hurray! Listen. Come on. Don’t touch the cake. Look at Chris. His tummy is spotty. Follow Sid. It’s
the 3rd of October at last. It’s our birthday today. It’s great. I like all the colours. This is Finn’s
present. Their cake is ready.

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