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Graph Theory

Hamiltonian Circuit and Path – this focused on crossing all the vertices in a graph without passing through the same
vertex twice or more.

For Example:

Hamiltonian Path Hamiltonian Circuit

Hamiltonian Path – is a path that all vertices can be Hamiltonian Circuit – is a path that all vertices can
visited without passing through be visited without passing through
the same vertex twice or more. the same vertex twice or more but
cannot go back to the same starting

In the given example, Hamiltonian path and Hamiltonian circuit can co-exist.
Unfortunately, unlike to Eulerian Path and Circuit, there is NO PERFECT theorem to easily recognize a graph if the
Hamiltonian Path or Circuit exists in the given graph.

Let’s Try! Find if Hamiltonian Path and Circuit co-exists in the given graphs A and B.

Graph A Graph B

Dirac’s Theorem – a graph with n is ≥ 3 vertices, and every vertex is having a degree of ≥ n/2 is Hamiltonian.

There are vertices in this graph, each vertex has a degree

of greater than equal to 6/2 or 3. So, it is a Hamiltonian.
Let’s study this graph. We know that in this graph, Hamiltonian Path and
Circuit exists.

But, the conditions in Dirac’s Theorem are not met. Why?

What does this imply?

Weighted Graph – graph in which edges are associated with a value.


MATAIN 50 110 None None 100
CALAPACUAN 50 140 80 50 120
SANTO TOMAS 110 140 None 90 80
NAUGSOL None 80 None None 75
CALAPANDAYAN None 50 90 None 85
MANGGAHAN 100 120 80 75 85

Finding shortest path or route.

1. What is the shortest route if your destination is Manggahan and you are from Calapacuan?
2. What is the shortest route if you want to go to Naugsol and you are currently at Matain?

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