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who took a large part in its proceedings.

It is evident from

of Alberus's hymns, all of which show the influence of his

republic, continued (1255-1257) to give the grand-duke

I.O.U. I owe you.

by growing insight into the author's plastic aim, we need

minds. It is, therefore, perfectly natural that human thought,

Cal.; SALISHAN, Brit. Col.; Sastean, Or.; SHAHAPTIAN,

which the ``compo'' ornaments can be applied and painted,

silicate. If, according to the present method of winning the

Different substances were distinguished by the name of

by tenants or by slaves or labourers under the superintendence

than 300 quarries which produce, amongst other stones, onyx

In almost all countries heavy taxes are levied on manufactured

alloys. The ternary alloys containing bismuth, tin and


royal residence during the reign of King John, occupies a strong

1666, there appeared a suggestion that sufferers from the Great

The following example of divergent acclimatization of the

C.P.D. 423.) In practice goods are not often shipped without

to retain its army in Europe, troops from Spain began to pour

AEthelstan's name. The chief collections are those issued

PHYSICAL.) Since electric currents may be either continuous,

regarded as the symbol of inexhaustible riches and plenty,

on the 3rd of February. The British admiral was accused of

viz. (Videlicet), Namely.

as natives are not allowed to act as jurymen this has often led

to be discussed at Versailles in February 1871, the cession

Haute Albanie ou Guegarie (Paris, undated); S. Gopchevich,

were:--the opuscule (4th century) known as Alexandri magni

empire. Bairam, however, was naturally despotic and cruel;

most cases, two thin lenses are combined, one of which has

ABHIDHAMMA, the name of one of the three Pitakas, or

confined to religious matters, in Egypt under the Mamelukes,

apparently in consequence of the removal of the original

by several of the Greek Christian poets, and in particular

units, which cannot ever become divided by means of any

(1820), and particularly an anonymous writer of a book

in 1827, employing potassium alone as the reducing agent,

Society, the Southdown Sheep Society, the Suffolk Sheep

of india-rubber comes from the Acre and Beni districts of

varied greatly in thickness. The direction of the wind on the

first half of the 13th century. There is also a Jansenist

most remarkable voyages was that of the ``Ville d'Orleans,''

(1818-1901), a poet who has significance only in the

of June 1877. He was a voluminous writer of books on Christian

to hold two weekly markets and three yearly fairs, as hitherto

Sir John Everett Millais, 1896; Sir Edward John Poynter, 1896.

``without a lip'' (a', cheilos), Achilles being regarded

paper, sweets and woollen and cotton goods. Bread-stuffs.

from the town, the bare sharply rising hills surrounding

columns, friezes and various mouldings; mural decoration,

vigorous and correct; his moral tone that of the period.

responding ``amen,'' to the benediction after the celebration

The political divisions of Africa Minor have changed many

future greatness. According to Bede, the whole of Britain as

of any position which involves lowering the patient's head.

the lines are so combined that the final letters as well as

the flames, and the population had to leave the place in the

Commentaries, fourteen volumes were published: of the New

above himself.'' The university of Saumur at the same time

Italy. For some way beyond it the watershed runs eastwards

with carbonic acid gas, are of use in nervous and rheumatic

Provosts and Lord Provosts of Aberdeen (Aberdeen, 1897);

and this for a double reason. (1) It makes them sense-avenues

is only open at certain seasons of the year. Between Kabul

Gesch. (vol. iii., 1904); J. B. Bury, History of Greece

and the affability and charm of his address, together with a

in earlier times whether the temple was dedicated to Zeus or

Year. Acres. | Year. Acres.

feromenoio could in no circumstances be accented on

1883); Frederic Masson, Le Cardinal de Bernis (Paris, 1884).

Britain. Hence the modern Allan Water, river Alyn, &c.

conditions. As a result of these accidents M. P. E. Berthelot

six coils (shown in fig. 6) are such that when a current

have been written with much success. They were introduced by

would probably have been by this time forgotten but for the

demonstrated that the great Zimbabwe and similar buildings

was steadily prevailing where skill and valour had failed.

other kinds, yet is so only to a limited extent; the tracing

to land going out of cultivation became loud and general,

hesitate therefore to extend the name beyond this limited

importance. The climate varies considerably with the

16 The demand for horses for the British

small quantities, or whether it be taken by itself (like golden

of Acts xv. 20 purely moral, and had no reference to Jewish

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