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Renewable vs Non-renewable

Anything renewable can be replaced or has an endless supply. Renewable sources of energy
don't run out. Non-renewable means that resources are limited in supply and cannot be used
sustainably. Some renewable resources include hydropower, wind energy and solar energy.
Some non-renewable resources are oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy. Renewable
resources are very good for the environment. For example, renewable resources are: a fuel
supply that never runs out, cleaner air and water, zero carbon emissions and a cheaper form
of electricity. Renewable resources aren’t all good, though. Some disadvantages of renewable
resources are: Higher capital costs, renewables still have a carbon footprint, its impacted by
environmental conditions and the fact that energy storage is a challenge. Non-renewable
resources on the other hand, are quite different. Some cons of non-renewable resources are
fossil fuels aren’t renewable energy sources, fossil fuels pollute the environment and that if
fossil fuels are handled irresponsibly, they can be dangerous. Some pros, on the other hand,
are quite good. Some non-renewable resources are: fossil fuels are easy to store and transport,
it’s really cheap and it is more reliable than renewable energy.
Hydropower is a renewable resource that uses the power of moving water to produce
electricity. Hydropower works by a water flowing down through a dam its kinetic energy is
used to turn a turbine. The generator converts the turbine’s mechanical energy into electricity.
This electric energy then goes through many processes before it reaches someone. The
process of hydropower (moving water) can provide the power you need to light up your room
and it can also charge up your phone. Humans have been using the energy of river currents
for centuries, using water wheels spun by rivers normally to process grains and cloth.
Hydropower became an electricity source in the late 19th century, a few decades after British
engineer James Francis developed the first modern water turbine. In 1882, the worlds first
hydroelectric power plant started operating in the US in the Fox River in Appleton,
Wisconsin. Today, hydropower provides about 16 percent of the world’s electricity.
Hydropower is obviously pretty important as you can see in the previous paragraph. It is also
something that has both pros and cons to it. Here are some pros to hydroelectric power:
Hydropower is a renewable energy source, it’s a clean energy source, recreational
opportunities and it contributes to the development of remote resources. Hydropower is very
good, as you can see, but hydropower has some bad sides to it too. Here are some cons to
hydropower: It causes environmental damage, high costs, it might cause conflicts, it may lead
some places to droughts and it is a higher risks of floods in lower areas.

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