The Road To Freedom

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Chanyuan Corpus - Human Being and Life

The Road to Freedom


(Translated from Chinese)

Nov. 10, 2022

Everyone, who has worked hard all his life, is fighting for his own

physical and mental freedom.

The question is,have they achieved physical and mental freedom

through out their life?


Can you go where you want to, associate with the opposite sex

when you want to, say what ever you want to? Who has achieved it?

No one. The presidents can not, billionaires can not, experts, scholars

and professors, followers of any religion, none of them can, not to

mention the general public.

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

What is the problem? Why has not a single person achieved

physical and mental freedom in their entire life for thousands of years?

There are eight factors that prevent people from obtaining

physical and mental freedom, namely:country, money, marriage, family,

kinship, government, debt, and ego.

As long as there are countries in this world, no one can be free.

As long as there is money in this world, no one can be free.

As long as you enter marriage, the special relationship between

both sexes, don't expect to be free again.

As long as you revolve around family, the most basic production

relationship in society, you will never expect to be free for the rest of

your life.

As long as you have parents, children, siblings, and other

relationships, you will not have freedom of mind and body.

As long as there is a government that controls you at all times, no

one can be free.

As long as you owe debts of gratitude and financial debts, don't

even think about gaining physical and mental freedom.

As long as you are stubborn and always think you are right, you

will not achieve freedom.

Chanyuan Corpus - Human Being and Life

Isn't this making people feel hopeless, desperate and miserable?

Think about it this way,no matter how hard we try, no one can reach

the highest realm of physical and mental freedom.

Why do the vast majority of people go to some kind of religious


When people cannot get physical and mental freedom in reality,

they can only seek spiritual comfort in religion, to anesthetize their

fragile and sad nerves, and to live a miserable and helpless life in hope.

In terms of conventional thinking, there is no possibility that the

country, money,marriage, family, kinship, government, debt, and ego

will disappear from the world. No one in their right mind can accept

the disappearance of these eight factors, even emotionally. However, it

is precisely because people are too rational and pay too much

attention to affections that no one has achieved true physical and

mental freedom for tens of thousands of years. People can not

imagine how they would live if these eight factors disappeared. For

example, if there is no country, who will protect my safety? What’s the

point of having a life without parents and children? Who will be

responsible for the normal operation of society without the

government? Without money, what can I use to exchange for the

goods I need with others? And so on. It's hard to imagine how human

society would operate and develop in an orderly manner without these

eight factors, and ten thousand "what to dos” will come to mind.
Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

Nothing is ever impossible which not yet been realized or

transformed by thinking.

On my way to make people completely gain physical and mental

freedom, I entered 20 worlds in the realm of time and space that are

superimposed, intersected, have clear boundaries that are

interconnected, and found that there are no factors such as country,

money, marriage, family, and kinship in the Thousand-year World,

which is the closest to human life, but the people who live there have a

beautiful life with complete freedom of body and mind. I wondered if I

could copy the life mode of the Thousand-year World to the human

world, so I created abrand-new production and life mode which is

completely different from the traditional life mode. I call it "the Second

Home". This Second Home life mode has been going on for 13 years

since April 2009, and 95% of those who have lived this way have been

happy with this way of life. It turns out that, even if factors such as

country, marriage and family disappear, human beings can live a

lifetime in the highest realm of life with freedom of body and mind.

Can the partial success prove that the Second Home model works

in the world?

In theory, it totally works.

In practice, it needs to be confirmed experimentally. I have lived in

Asia for decades, Africa for more than ten years, America for more than
Chanyuan Corpus - Human Being and Life

five years, and a few months with the indigenous tribes of Australia. In

the recent five years, I have been in close contact with more than 2,000

people from Europe and have had superficial exchanges with most of

them. I have also had deep contacts and exchanges with the Konohana

family in Japan. I have visited two communities in Canada as well and

have conducted in-depth exchanges with them. My feeling is that the

new life of human beings - the Second Home mode, works all over the


What I am convinced of is that if human beings are not eliminated

by nature, the future production and life mode of human beings will

be the Second Home model. This is the only way for everyone to

obtain physical and mental freedom.

The conclusion is that the new mode of life for mankind, the

Second Home, is the road to freedom.


Lifechanyuan New Oasis for Life YouTube

Lifechanyuan International Family Society

800 Values for New Era Human Being(3rd Edition)

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