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Cloptn, Onn

Whot lr Boogh Wooglc

Eoogie Woogie is o twclv?-mcosurc Jozz form wirh o uniquc rhythm in thc boss.The
boss feoiures o repeoting figure which for thc mosl porr tokes thc form of cight eighth
notes fo the mcosure.

ll is from its olmost choroclcristic usc of on eight-to-the-bor boss figure fhof Boogie
Woogic is somclimes retcrrcd lo os "Eight fo the Bo/'.


Boogie Woogic, like oll Jozz, is in 1./ I tlme. And oll Jozz hos o "1ift" (resulting
from rhe rhyrhm of Jozz 3yncopofionsogoinst o stcody bcof.) Thc Boogie Woogie boss
being "eight fo the bo/', mokcs for o "li(t" oll its own. ll con hove thc light lift of Pinc'
top's Eoogie Woogie Blues,lhe croshing drive of Mcode Lux Lcwis's Six Wheel Chascr,
or the "ir^p" of Pete Johnson's Deoth Roy Eoogie. Onc connot limil Boogic Woogie lo
o spccific lifi or tempo. As long os the boss figurc repcots itsclf rhphmicolly wiihin ?hc
fwelvc-mcosurc (orm, i/s Boogic Woogic.

Bcfore you con ot?empt to

ploy Boogie Woogie lcorn
how to get the most out
listeningto it. of

( I ) lool o t m u s i c _ mok i n g os
on expression, rother lhon
simply os on ottempt lo
c r eole b e o u ty . l f y o u
h o v e o stondord conceplion ,,good
of piono lone,, os being
" beoulifu 1 " ,,, c l i n g i n g ,,,,,s w e e l ,,,
e l c" ond oppfy i hi s concepti on
to off musi c-regordress
the form ond expression of
of rhe music in ques?ion-ger
rid of ihis notion quickfy.
heor c ho rd s l i k e th e fo l l o w i n g , When you

Fron " B a s s On Top,t 6y i f ead e ' 2orr,

.Leu,i s

8 u o 6ussa lo lhe en'd

Cqyngft@ 1941 SONGS

rgJS t#ffr"-o";"

don't listcn jor o,'beovtitvl,,

or ,,clinging,, lonc.In this po'_
sogG' from A4code tux
tcwis's Sosson Top,thc
cffcct intendcd wos nor beoufy.
wGre hcld longer or ployed ff ,hc chords
"bcourfivily",rhcy woufd
bc,,corn y,, ondlhc originor compo-
sition would be hopclcssfy
out of losle. As o mo'cr
or iocl, o ,,corny,, rendirionis
which feolurcs orfificiof onc
effecls-efiects which thc
performcr did not hovc o genuinc
ing for exprcssing' ond feer-
which he threw in tostcfcssfy
ond pointlcssly. This ir why Jozzr3
difficult for the unlolcnlcd ,o
ond so simpfc for rhc
torcntcd-ony music which is
properly ond is not not fert
performcd in torre comes
C|opt,, JL,,n

Your Boogic Woogie is only os good 03 your left hond. Thc left hond musl be so
moslcrcd thot if ploys the boss ftgurc oulomoticolfy, noturolly, solidly-without being
bothercd by ony cxprctsion of thc right hond. The lcfi hond musl bc copoble of ploying
nolcr conscculivcly in limc, ond it musl orticulofe thcse notes in o cleor rhphm. In short,
it must dcvclop cnduroncc ond controf.

Singte.nolGlor Figurc

In thc following bogs ftgurc, for cxomple, thc bcginncr oftcn ncglects 1o sTli6ufote
ficr nolca.

Thb regufrrin o bos ftgurc lhot roundr quitc dificrcnl from thc originol figurc. I hovc
hcord bcginnorr ploy il fiis woy!

This corcfcsnacs in orticulotion must bo cfirinotcd bcforc thc bcainncr ocquirct thc hobit
of "rfoppy"ploying,
Try thc following dificrcnt form of thc rvolking boss. Also work it out in dottcd cighths
ond sixiecnths.

Chord Boss

Ploy ii sfoccoto-so rhot it s o u n d sl i k e r h i s :

Ploy it in strict time til it begins io swing by irsetf. Don't let iumping from one Po3ition to
onother upsel the swing of the rhythm.
Tipr on Ploylng Boogic Woogic Effcelr

Often in published muric, the bcginncr comcs ocro3s Boogic Woogie eftcctr which he
docsn't know how to lronslotc into sound.

"Crushcd" Noter

(l) "Crushed" nolc lo o chord

ff you ore nof plolng ii sotisfoclorily,try to moke it sound like this'

To ploy the effecl os suggesfeduse one slroke ond use the some finger'

(2) "Crushed" nole to o single note

T h i s p o s 3 o g e o r i g i n o l l y s o u n d sl i k e t h i s '

To goin the effect-ploy lhe "crushed" nole os close os possible to the note if decorotcs
with the somc finger, using onc strokc.


Exercise 1

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FFFi l-r--l FFrfrt FF-la

-a +-t- I r
Exercise 10
E x e r c i s e1 1

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il3 ,btqt--

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