Bulletin 310711

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Josephs Catholic Church Bulletin 31 st July 2011

Fr. John B. Winstanley, Parish Priest St. Josephs Presbytery, Woodlands Road, Ansdell, Lytham St Annes, FY8 4EP. Tel: 01253 737037

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Mass Book page 60

MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS SUN 31 6pm (Vigil) 9.30am 5.05pm Thomas & Nora Johnson Parish Veronica Cartwright Thanksgiving (Wilson) Eileen Draper 90 Birthday

TODAY we welcome Fr. Peter Sharp who will celebrate the Masses. Fr. Bootle will cover the Saturday morning Confessions from 11am 12noon with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. He and Mgr. Kirkham will kindly cover some weekday Masses. THIS SUNDAY is designated by the Bishops as a day for Life. There will be a special collection to support the churches efforts to encourage a culture of respect and reverence for human life. VERONA FATHERS MISSION APPEAL. On behalf of Fr. John Downey a sincere thank you to all who contributed to the very generous collection last week. 841.54 has been forwarded to the Verona Fathers. FR. JOHN will be away from the parish from 20th July - 13th Aug. Please note arrangements for weekday Masses and Eucharistic Services during this time on the bulletins. In case of any emergency, please contact St. Peters (736721) or Our Lady Star of the Sea (723661). Items for the bulletin or enquiries to Catherine Hill at the parish office. CLEATOR PILGRIMAGE: Sunday 11th September 3.00pm Mass and blessing of the sick. Please see poster for details. Refreshments served afterwards at the Grove Court Hotel at a cost of 7.95 per head. Bookings for refreshments to St. Marys Cleator by 26th August. Tel 01946 810324 MENS ECUMENICAL PRAYER BREAKFAST meets next Saturday 6th August at 8.15am at St. Pauls shop on Woodlands Road. You are welcome to come regularly or occasionally to share continental breakfast, pray a piece of scripture and to pray for the local community. Meeting lasts one hour. PARISH AGM. The Parish AGM will be held on Sunday 11th September at 11.00am in the Hall, all welcome. Nominations for Chairperson and Secretary are required. Nomination forms available at the back of church and completed forms should be returned to the parish office no later than 28th August. CHURCH SECURITY: On Police advice, there will be times when the church is locked during the day. This is only intended to be a short term measure and will be reviewed with the Police. This is regrettable, but necessary at present. THE NEW TRANSLATION-The Word of the Lord At the end of the readings and the Gospel at Mass, we are used to hearing This is the Word of the Lord; This is the Gospel of the Lord. In the new translation, the words this is are now left out and we will hear The Word of the Lord and The Gospel of the Lord. One of the reasons is that the Latin does not include This is. But there is more to it than that. If the priest or deacon lifts the book and says This is, it can suggest that he is talking about the book itself. In fact, he is talking about the Word of Godwhich is alive and active. The words at the end of the readings are announcing a great event. They are telling us that God has spoken; that Christ is present. We respond Thanks be to God, or Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ which is our acknowledgement that what we have heard is, indeed, the Word of God. For more about the Word of the Lord see Verbatum Domini by Benedict XV1 available to download as a pdf file on http://www.vatican.va/holyfather/benedict xvi/apost exhortations/documents/hf ben-xvi exh 20100930 verbatumdomini en.pdf

MON 01 TUE 02 WED 03 THU 04 FRI 05 SAT 06 SUN 07

St Alphonsus 9am Mass 7pm 9am Mass

Word and Holy Communion

St John Mary Vianney 9am Mass Peter Wyn Stoppard Dedication of the Basilica & St Mary Major 9am Word & Holy Communion Transfiguration of the Lord 9am Word & Holy Communion 19 Sunday Ordinary Time 6pm (Vigil) Intentions of Jayne Thornton (N.Z.) 9.30am Parish 5.05pm Audrey & Ronnie Wheddall

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday 11am 12 noon PRAYER & DEVOTIONS Benediction Morning Prayer of the Church: Holy Rosary Exposition of Blessed Sacrament No Benediction this month Mon, Wed -Sat 8.45am. Tuesday 6.40pm Sat, 11am-12noon

SICK: Please remember those who are sick, especially Anthony Bentley, Bernard Jones, Betty Tattersall, Kathleen Griffiths, Angela Livsey, Vera Myerscough, Vernon Eccles, Bernie Farish, Liam Herron, Christopher Hunter, Maureen Lundy, Pat Marion, Charles ONeill, Margaret Portelli, Barbara Gillett, Robert Blackhurst and Mary Strickland. ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for the souls of Alice Margaret Harman, Mary Saum, Mary Hull, Winifred Walsh, Henry Magee, Fr. Sean Hogan, John Smith, Sister Mary Corroll SCJM, Deacon John Stanning, Eric Herbert Sutton, William Robert Barnes, Teresa Crilly, Cecilia Hopkinson, Joseph Strickland, Bernard Kelly, Jessie McDermott, Teresa Bialecki and Joseph Hogben whose anniversaries occur about this time. COLLECTIONS: Thank you for last weeks collections: Offertory Mission Appeal Gift Aid 645.32 Non-Gift Aid 505.69 841.54 1151.01 This weekend we have a retiring collection for Day of Life th The Good Shepherd Collection will be taken on 14 August. 6/7 August Sat 6pm Sun 9.30am Sun 5.05pm Readers Ministers E Gillett Group C A Wormleighton Group F D Warwick J Berry, D&J Warwick

TEA AND COFFEE in the Hall after Mass. SVP No meeting in Aug. Next one (provisionally) Thurs 1 Sep at 6.30pm.

Parish Website: www.st-josephsansdell.net LANCASTER DIOCESAN TRUSTEES REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 234331

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