تجربة فنجوري

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A Venturi meter is a tube with a constricted throat that increases velocity and
decreases the pressure. Venturi meter is used for measuring the flow rate of both
compressible and incompressible fluids in pipeline. For example, the Venturi meter
is found in the wastewater treatment plant

The objectives from the implement of this experiment are study the principles of
Venturi meter and to determine its coefficient (Cd) by comparing the measure flow
rate (Qactual) with the ideal flow rate (Qtheortical). Typically, the discharge
coefficient (Cd) has a value between 0.92, and 0.99. The actual value of Cd is
dependent on a given Venturi meter, and even it may change with Qactuual

Equipment and apparatus:

Figures 2 show the details of the Venturi meter. Water enters from the hydraulic
bench to the Venturi meter which consisting of a short nozzle, a throat, and a long
diffuser. Next, the water flows into a rapidly diverging section (C-D) followed by a
settling length where the flow again adjusts to uniform conditions

1. Stand the apparatus on top of the hydraulic bench. Connect the bench supply
hose to the inlet pipe and secure it with a hose clip. Connect a hose to the outlet
pipe and put the other end of the hose in the hole leading to the bench volumetric

2. Open the outlet valve, then switch on the bench pump and open the bench supply
valve to admit water to the apparatus.

3. Partly, close the outlet valve, so that water is driven in manometer tubes. Then,
carefully close both valves so that you stop the flow whilst keeping the levels of
water in the manometers somewhere within the range on the manometer scale.

4. Level the apparatus by adjusting the leveling screws until the manometers each
read the same value.

5. Open both valves (inlet and outlet) and carefully adjust each one in turn until you
obtain the maximum differential reading (h1-h2) whilst keeping all the water levels
within the range on the manometers scale. If necessary, adjust the general level by
pumping air pipe into the reservoir or releasing air.

6. Record the manometer reading (h1, and h2).

7. Measure the flow rate (Qact) by timing the collection of water in the bench
volumetric tank.
Through experience, it becomes clear that

The purpose of the experiment is to measure the fluid flow velocity in the tube

When the discharge increases, the velocity increases in all sections of the Venturi
tube, and there is a direct relationship between the discharge and Dh.

Therefore, this experience is useful for the engineer because of its importance in the
engineering calculations of the fluid and its applications in our practical life, such as
the design of dams and gates, because by comparison between the Venturi tube,
which consists of three sections (inlet, choke and outlet) it corresponds to three
sections in the dams (the entrance to the channel and the area of gates, i.e. the
gorge and the outlet of the channel) and from Here the importance of this
experiment and its conclusions and calculations are shown to know the distribution
of pressures applied to all sections of the Venturi tube.

And the summary of the topic / according to the continuation equation

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