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E.S.E., and covers an area of about 35 acres.

It is enclosed

ward. Here the barns, granaries, stables, shambles, workshops

weakened the division between Upper and Lower Egypt asserted

Bondo A-Jawa (Yaos)

court of appeal, and the centre of an academie (educational

reaction glycerol monoformin is produced as an intermediate

bridge. Other places of note are Norburg and Augustenburg.

of Abauzit induced William III. to request him to settle in

it had been folded; and those turnips, though few or none be

from England rarely blossom, and never yield seed; plants

value. More serious works are: William Sandby, The History

it follows that, at this point, Afghanistan is about 10 m.

sympathies. Four years before his death he was chosen president

is almost unknown, except in a few non-contentious cases as

Paris observatory on the 29th of June 1850, at 10.27 A.M.,

II. MEDIEVAL ABBREVIATIONS.--Of the different kinds of

reproached the tsar to his face for a ``conscience'' which

be consulted, for although the author tries to extenuate

mikroskopischen Anatomie der Wirbelthiere; Chalmers Mitchell,

an Irishman named O'Farrell shot him in the back with a

of the beginning of the 4th century. The first community

Constitution of the Congo State.

668 Pope Vitalian sent Theodore of Tarsus to be archbishop of

had before been practically inaccessible to the general

is the expedition of the ``Seven against Thebes,'' which the

accession of George I., and prevented, we are told, by his

the literary evidence and the locale of the stories it

exact weight by means of the weighbridge. The grazier buys

and a fine Roman aqueduct; pop. (1900) 4501. Caudete (5913),

coalbearing formations cover about 40% of the northern half

The Heroult cell consists of a square iron or steel box

the altar rather than desert it. The tumult of the people

Arabian philosopher, Averroes. In 1260 the pope made him

and paper), bears the same name as the township, and is on

from ice all the year round. It is also called Port

were brought from Egypt and school buildings were erected.

Analcite usually occurs, associated with other zeolitic

on the 28th of November 1870. (See FRANCO-GERMAN WAR.)

in consequence has been greatly restricted in Great Britain

to the Atlantic, has its principal source in the far west,

the convention of the 4th of January, and to announce his

of a status and character so dubious that, by the regulation

times the velocity of the system in the direction of the

numerous also northward in the province, until in the region

as his personal representative to negotiate with a foreign

direct descent from Solomon and the queen of Sheba; but it

then at Charenton, near Paris. The revocation of the edict of

generalship of Washington; and finally, the French alliance

(see fig. 1). The amice is now worn under the alb, except at

Fauna and Flora.--The fauna of Algeria resembles that of

Drude's Theory of Optics (Eng. trans., 1902); F. H. Wullner's

foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,038

A man of pure character, vigorous mind, unwearying zeal and

by summits in freezing-point curves. For example, the system

astounding transformation. For some mysterious reason,

controversies that have arisen as to the responsibility of the

bad flour, have disappeared. The only admixture which has

beholder. The ludicrous, again, is defined by Bain, improving on

one of those consulted by Croesus (Herod. i. 46). It was

E., and then north again to the frontier of the Congo State.

figures, an engineer can determine what ought to be the

manner of growth. It grows upon old trees, especially the

salts of zinc in small quantities. These are introduced by

under BANKRUPTCY. The same process in Scots law is called

of France where the climate is somewhat but not much more

School in Bolton, he removed to London, where he conducted a

in Genesis xxx. 37, and which has been translated hazel, is

elder son, Sir Richard, being the father of the first Lord

C6H5 . CO . CH2 . CH2. CO . CH3, is produced by

fat is therefore the chief problem of the milk-analyst.

just within the gate, as far as possible from the other two.

to monastic life. This includes two Cloisters, the great

two-thirds Moslem. The site of Doliche, famous for its

points. As the work of exploration and survey progressed

Napoleon. She had exhausted every art of diplomatic obstruction

Gallabat, in which the dervishes, under Zeki Tumal, were

See the publications of the Church Missionary Society

The expression ``flashlight'' means and includes any light used

Campanian land, which had hitherto been respected by all agrarian

board of the Victoria University. At Glasgow he was soon

actual freezing-points without becoming solid. Roberts-Austen

refraction. Consequently the Gaussian theory only supplies

latter were first studied, they were rapidly discarded for

Districts. Area in sq. miles. 1885. 1905.

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