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Discussion Questions (from Chapter 3 – Planning and Designing the Test)

By : Meifry Chandra Paputungan

SRN : 19403106

1. Consider a language program in which you have studied or taught. Think of one or more
purposes that could be served by a single test, and briefly specify:
a. the purpose(s) of the test
b. what construct(s) the test should assess
c. how the construct(s) should be defined—that is, what should be included in each one
d. the interpretive framework (NRT or CRT) that would be most appropriate
e. the TLU domain (s) to which the test should relate
f. characteristics of the test takers
g. minimum acceptable levels for each of the qualities of usefulness
h. the resources that would probably be available in this program for developing this test.
2. For the same test, for each construct—or each aspect of each construct, if you are
subdividing the construct(s)—how many task formats would you use, and which ones?
3. For each of the task formats you listed in Question 2, how many of that task would you
4. For the same language program, or for a different one with which you are familiar, what is
an example of tests or quizzes that might be improved by using generic specifications to
plan them?

1. I have done an English class at my high school. It’s just a normal course which every
student should have (basic one).
a. The purpose of the test in the middle (UTS) and at the end (UAS) of the course
obviously measured my capability dealing with English.
b. There were so many of it, some of it are: how students can greet people, having
conversation in declining and accepting invitation, making advertisement, etc.
c. We should be able to understand what is the indicator specs. For instance:
understanding the theory, able to do practice and evaluating ourselves.
d. Its Criterion-Reference-Test, as we have to reach certain score to pass the passing grade
(KKM) in order to pass the class. The criteria are based on the theory given to us.
e. English of course. Dealing with various tenses and passive.
f. In a class, I can find it more diversity. However, the test didn’t specify particular test-
takers, but applicable to anyone in the class.
g. I think the level is still on A1 as it is dealing with the basic knowledge of English. The
passing grade was 75.
h. Internet, previous tests established by previous teacher, etc.
2. If I was the teacher, then it must be included multiple choices, fill in blanks and mini essay.
The reason is the accessibility of the students with various background to take that, prior
to the same and familiar format as from junior high school even elementary or primary
3. Each one on a set of a test. (combined)
4. It must be familiar one; multiple choices, fill in blanks, matching pictures, matching
definitions and direct questions.

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