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MCQ 1: Jasper requires some assistance with comprehending the study content information from

INFS 2040. Recently, Jasper’s senior, Zoe, has created a MCQ quiz based on Agile Scrum processes to
assist Jasper in his learning. The MCQ quiz is created in which there is one correct statement and the
rest are wrong which goes as such:

• Velocity and Volume cannot be used to measure progress in Agile Scrum processes.
• At the end of a sprint in a Scrum process, the scrum team is not guaranteed to produce a
successful product.
• Sprints in an Agile Scrum processes are not restrictive to changes at all.
• In Agile Scrum processes, during the Scrum Sprint planning meeting for the upcoming Sprint,
the scrum team has no rights to reject any items listed in the meeting.

What is the Correct statement made?

A) Velocity and Volume cannot be used to measure progress in Agile Scrum processes.
B) At the end of a sprint in a Scrum process, the scrum team is not guaranteed to produce a
successful product.
C) Sprints in an Agile Scrum processes are not restrictive to changes at all.
D) In Agile Scrum processes, during the Scrum Sprint planning meeting for the upcoming Sprint,
the scrum team has no rights to reject any items listed in the meeting.

Answer B is correct.

A is wrong because volume and velocity are used to measure progress in Agile Scrum processes.
During daily standup meetings and Sprint reviews, the progress is continuously monitored by the
team and Scrum master where they will examine the volume of work that is done or unfinished, and
velocity which is the rate the team is going in completing the work. Thus, option A is wrong.

B is right because although the scrum team might produce a potentially deliverable product, it does
not guarantee to be always successful. At the end of the Sprint, the owner can examine the results
of what was done and he might not be satisfied with the results produced. Alternatively, there
might be mismanagement in teams during Sprints, preventing a successful product produced in the
end. Thus, option B is right.

C is wrong because sprints in an Agile Scrum process can be restrictive to changes. When a sprint
starts, it means that the team has to work towards the goals that they have originally listed out
before starting the Sprint. Additionally, the time they have originally set cannot be changed and the
team has to work with the amount of time planned. Thus, option C is wrong.

D is wrong because in a Scrum Sprint planning meeting, the time frame to complete the project and
goals to be achieved are assessed. Since time and the capabilities of teams are limited, there might
be some tasks listed on the product backlog that cannot be completed in the current sprint. The
team might reject some tasks to complete in this current sprint. Thus, option D is wrong.

This is a Medium Question.

MCQ 2: Garret is a good friend of Jeremy and they had met while taking the same INFS 2040 class.
Knowing that Jeremy requires assistance in learning as he is a slow learner, Garret has been creating
MCQ quizzes to test Jeremy’s knowledge of the different lecture contents in INFS 2040. This time,
Garret has created a MCQ quiz to test Jeremy on how to decide which project should be chosen
when evaluating projects. Below, Jeremy has created the MCQ as such that there are three wrong
statements while one correct statement which goes as such:

• Activities that could increase the worth of a company are never take into consideration
when evaluating projects to choose from.
• When trying to decide what project to choose from evaluating projects, a weighted scoring
model is sometimes utilised, which produces only the overall risk weightage of projects to
consider when deciding what project to choose.
• The highest ROI is always the key criteria businesses look for when deciding on what project
to choose when evaluating projects.
• Time is a factor taken into consideration when using the methods of evaluating projects in
order to choose the correct one.

What is the correct statement made?

A) Activities that could increase the worth of a company are never take into consideration
when evaluating projects to choose from.
B) When trying to decide what project to choose from evaluating projects, a weighted scoring
model is sometimes utilised, which produces only the overall risk weightage of projects to
consider when deciding what project to choose.
C) The highest ROI is always the key criteria businesses look for when deciding on what project
to choose when evaluating projects.
D) Time is a factor taken into consideration when using the methods of evaluating projects in
order to choose the correct one.

Answer D is correct.

A is wrong because activities that could increase the worth of a company are sometimes taken into
consideration when evaluating projects. In a balanced scorecard, the activities that could increase
the worth of companies are called value drivers and some examples include customer service,
financial performance and innovation. They are converted into a fixed sets of measurements which
is used to evaluate and select projects. Thus, option A is wrong.

B is wrong because a weighted scoring model does not produce the overall score of the risk of
undergoing different projects but it gives a weighted score for each project based on a set of criteria.
Although the risk criteria is taken into consideration, there are other criteria such as if the project
provides strong customer support, is sustainable and if is innovative. Thus, option B is wrong.

C is wrong because the highest ROI is not always the key criteria businesses look at when evaluating
and choosing which project to go for. Although ROI does play an important role in often assisting
companies the ideal project to choose from, companies might sometimes be more interested in
selecting the project that is able to achieve their organisational goals or address an issue. Thus,
option C is wrong.
D is right because time is a factor that can be taken into consideration when using the methods of
evaluating projects. For instance, when using the Financial Analysis method to assess and evaluate
projects, time is used which it can be used to determine the payback period of a project, which is the
amount of time to get cash inflow. Thus, option D is right.

This is a hard question.

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