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Intern First & Last Name

Corinne Briones

Course Name, Period, Date

Internship/ TLC Core Academy, 1st period, 11/29/2022

Q2 Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

To be able to read and understand the given vocabulary words of the week.

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)

Students will read and sound out the vocabulary words that are given.

CSTP Rationale (Describe the ways your lesson aligns with California Standards for the Teaching

CSTP 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Connecting the words with sentences in case they don't understand. As well as helping them
sound out the word if needed.
CSTP 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
I will allow each student to go at their own pace and then have them do it alone 1 by 1 so
there are no distractions.
CSTP 3 Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

CSTP 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
If there are students that are a little bit behind, I will ask them to just tell me the words that
they do know, and we will come back to the words they don't.
CSTP 5 Assessing Students for Learning
This will be an assessment and after every test I will grade it and see the words that they
need to work on next time.
CSTP 6 Developing as a Professional Educator
See what type of techniques each student needs and how I can help them all in their own
ways to learn better.
Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)

The lesson will start with the children coming in from playground, then they will unpack their
things. Once they sit down and are ready for the lesson, I will announce that they will be
getting assessed on their ability to read and understand their vocabulary words. I will then
bring the first student and test them, once they are done testing, I will grade them and help
them with any unknown words. After that I will encourage them to continue to study and close
by asking them to grab the next student.

Instructional Procedures

 Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your teaching.)

When the students walk into the classroom, I will get their attention by announcing that
I will be assessing them today on their recent vocabulary words.

 Instructional Strategies (Describe all instructional methods you will employ during the lesson.)

I will assess each student individually to come and read their list of words. After each
student is done, I will give them the next student's packet and they will grab the next

 Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to participate?)

I will ask each student to start whenever they are ready. When they do not know one
of the words, I will help them sound it out, then if the student is still unsure then I will
tell them the word and then have them read me the next word.

 Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged in the lesson?

To ensure that each student is engaged in the lesson I will give them time to get ready
for their assessment. During their assessment I will make sure that they know if they
got their word correct or not, if not I will help them get the word correct. I will also
encourage each student to try even if they don't know the word.

 Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)

I will end the lesson by showing them and having them go over with me which words
they still need to study. I will then give them the paper for the next student, and they
will go notify the student that it is their turn.
 Assessment (How will you assess that student achieved the lesson goals or learning targets?)

I will assess each student's achievement by scoring each test has a go. If any of the
students are behind the next time, I come to intern I will go over the words that they
are still struggling.

Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the lesson with
the full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology, whiteboard space,
classroom space, etc.)

The things that will be needed for this lesson will be a laminated list of vocabulary words, a
grading sheet, a pen to grade and check off the words, and a highlighter to highlight the words
that they still need to work on, the back table it.
Optional Notes:

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