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I am Via Lyn Verdadero of BSE4B, presenting to you my study entitled, Oral

language skills in relation to literacy development . The purpose of this study was to
determine the relationship between the oral language skills and literacy development of
This study used descriptive survey method - time-efficient research method that
engages the people who are at the center of the research objective. Data was gathered
through a questionnaire and was computed through a descriptive statistic.
Results revealed that there is no significant relationship between oral language skills
and literacy development of pupils. This means that respondents are not dependent on
their environment and parents and has nothing to do with their oral language skills.

In the level of literacy in terms of vocabulary of grade 1-4 honor students of

Temporan Elementary School, the pupils agreed to the statement “the child has the
ability to memorize words list or dictionaries”. The highest accumulated mean for this is
3.25 which belongs to the scale of 2.60 – 3.39 and the descriptive equivalent is
Proficient. And the statement “the child has the ability to know the words correct
pronunciation” has the lowest accumulated mean is 2.7 which belong to the scale of
2.60 – 3.39 and the descriptive equivalent is Proficient.
Accordingly, the overall result as the average mean for this category is 2.965 of
the total respondents in which grade 1-4 pupils are Proficient in the level of literacy in
terms of vocabulary.

In the level of literacy in terms of grammar of grade 1-4 honor students of

Temporan Elementary School, the pupils agreed to the statement “The child has the
ability to recognize the subject and predicate in a sentence”. The highest accumulated
mean for this is 3 which belongs to the scale of 2.60 – 3.39 and the descriptive
equivalent is Proficient. And the statement “The child has the ability to effectively
construct a simple sentence” has the lowest accumulated mean is 2.25 which belong to
the scale of 1.80-2.59 and the descriptive equivalent is Less Proficient.
Accordingly, the overall result as the average mean for this category is 2.685 of
the total respondents in which grade 1-4 pupils are Proficient in the level of literacy in
terms of grammar.

In the literacy development of pupils in environmental influence of grade 1-4

honor students of Temporan Elementary School, the majority of pupils agreed to the
statement, “The child reads flashcards on classroom’s wall.” The highest accumulated
mean for this is 3.875 which belongs to the scale of 3.40 – 4.19 and the descriptive
equivalent is Always. And the statement “The child imitates watched educational
cartoon movies on television.” has the lowest accumulated mean is 3.475 which belong
to the scale of 2.60 – 3.39 and the descriptive equivalent is Sometimes.
Accordingly, the overall result as the average mean for this category is 3.7 of the
total respondents in which grade 1-4 pupils are always influenced under environmental
factor in their literacy development.
The overall result as the average mean for this category is 3.419 of the total
respondents in which grade 1-4 pupils are sometimes influenced under parental factor
in their literacy development.

The finding that was most interesting in this questionnaire was statement number 2
under literacy development of pupils under environmental influence which is “The child
imitates watched educational cartoon movies on television” who got the lowest mean of
3.425 in which pupils disagreed to this statement. It can be concluded that despite being
exposed to generation z where in technologies and devices are rampant respondents
never let themselves become a puppet on what they watch or listen online.

Based from the findings of the study, the researcher concluded that the student’s
literacy development in terms of environmental and parental influence has nothing to do
with their oral language skills. that Oral language skills is not dependent on environment
and parental influence, and oral language skills is not affected by environment and

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