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Podcast Draft

For my podcast, I plan on incorporating some of my script from my found sounds. Below is the
script. I have highlighted the parts I may include (subject to change.)


What do you hear? Do you hear the babbling sounds of excited children playing? Many
people would hear exactly that. However, these sounds that would bring joy to many,
may overwhelm and even cause pain to those who su er from Autism Spectrum. Julian
Maha is the parent of a child with autism. In the following TedX talk, he provides a glimpse of
what life is like for his son in a loud, constantly moving world.


Julian’s story isn’t one of a kind. Lack of proper autism awareness and education leads
people to making ignorant observations and actions, whether they mean to or not. It’s
imperative that we increase educational programs and resources, to decrease
stereotypes of autism. Not only that, but increasing these programs will also decrease
bullying towards those on the spectrum. While we may think of bullying as occurring between
children, the amount of adults that bully those on the spectrum is astonishing. The following
clip is from a news source detailing a bullying incident between a teacher and their student.


So what can we do to help solve this problem? The rst step is always to begin locally.
Implementing local programs to increase accessibility for those on the spectrum, as well
as providing educational resources. Here in Lexington, there are two organizations that
immediately come to mind. Within the past two years Lexington Children’s Theatre has
begun o ering “sensory friendly” performances. These include reduced sound and
dimmed lighting, as well as no fog or other “added” e ects.
Another local company working to provide accessible experiences is Allegro Dance
Project. They o er an adaptive dance program for those with Down syndrome, Autism
Spectrum Disorder, and other speci c needs. It’s a year long program, accumulating in a
performance alongside the company’s professional dancers at the Lyric Theatre.

For my podcast, I’m thinking about interviewing the directors of these programs and their
reasons behind starting them. What did they aim to accomplish? How many people have they

Personally, I believe companies like this are decreasing the stigma behind ASD and in a
way, making this invisible disorder more mainstream and less taboo. On a national level,
autism is making its way into media as well. One brand doing this is Sesame Street. In
2015, a muppet named Julia was introduced to the show.

Companies like Sesame Street, Lexington Children’s Theatre, and Allegro Dance Project
are fostering conversations around what autism spectrum disorder is and isn’t. They’re
helping break down barriers between the ASD community and neurotypical children.
Teaching acceptance and compassion towards those that are di erent is the most
e ective way to decrease the stigma and increase accessibility for those that are on the
Plan for setup of podcast:

Intro ( beginning of podcast)

Dive into study done on college campuses to establish exigence

Go to bullying clip/ ted talk clip of son - Julian’s story isn’t one of a kind. Lack of proper
autism awareness and education leads people to making ignorant observations and
actions, whether they mean to or not. It’s imperative that we increase educational
programs and resources, to decrease stereotypes of autism.


What can we do? - Personally, I believe companies like this are decreasing the stigma
behind ASD and in a way, making this invisible disorder more mainstream and less taboo.
On a national level, autism is making its way into media as well. One brand doing this is
Sesame Street. In 2015, a muppet named Julia was introduced to the show.

Companies like Sesame Street, Lexington Children’s Theatre, and Allegro Dance Project
are fostering conversations around what autism spectrum disorder is and isn’t. They’re
helping break down barriers between the ASD community and neurotypical children.

Conclusion - Teaching acceptance and compassion towards those that are di erent is the
most e ective way to decrease the stigma and increase accessibility for those that are
on the spectrum.

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