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Entrepreneurship has a big role in the Philippines in terms of economic

sustainability and standards. Since entrepreneurship is one of the solutions that provides

unemployed citizens to have an opportunity to make a business as a means or source of

their living —Filipinos tend to show inclination to creative business-related activities for

them to enhance and promote essential parts for their daily living. In the Philippines, the

unemployment rate is high, that is the reason is why being an entrepreneur is an

advantage to at least lessen the unemployed Filipinos in our country. It is also a great

help for the Filipinos to start their own business that being said, it can be a way for them

to develop an enhanced lifestyle which can lead to help develop our economy to at least

lift our own country.

Entrepreneurship plays an eminent function in creating an avenue for

employability for rural communities, providing self-employment for those who have

started up a business of their own and enhancing the economic status of the rural sector

as well. Entrepreneurship has transformed many entrepreneurs into successful

businesspersons and generated income for rural communities. Entrepreneurs in rural

areas have transformed their vicinity into trading hubs thus enabling them to become

urbanized areas.

Undoubtedly, business runs the world’s economy. In 2006, The Organization for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) stressed the importance of nurturing

entrepreneurship as an explicit policy priority for many governments. Hence, the world

economic forum in 2009, reiterated that the young generation will need to develop the

entrepreneurial skill to be successful in life.

According to the Philippine Entrepreneurship (2015) among all the countries in

South East Asia, it said that the Philippines have registered on average to the strongest

entrepreneurial intentions and perceived capabilities and opportunities. The Philippines

also placed the highest value on entrepreneurship as a good career choice and

considered entrepreneurship are well supported within society. The Philippines placed

higher hopes on entrepreneurship compared to the other economies. They also

expressed a lower fear of failure in entrepreneurial activities compared to the regional


Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Perceptions:

Philippines vs Other Southeast Asian Countries

In the Philippines, 6.2% of the adult population are established business owners

and 18.4% are engaged in young entrepreneurs

Filipino entrepreneurs see owning a business as a path to being independent as

well as the opportunity to earn a living and improve one’s economic lot. Also, 36.45% of

Filipinos fear failure because of their experience or their past experience in business,

and only 37% have the intention to be entrepreneurs.

The unemployment rate in the Philippines dropped to the lowest level of 4.5

percent in the quarter of December 2019 from 5.1 percent in the corresponding period of

the previous year. The number of unemployed people dropped by 0.15 thousand to 2.05

million, while the number of employed people went up by 1.8 thousand to 43.15 million.

There are many unemployed in the Philippines so why not teach them how to be

entrepreneurial inclined instead giving them what they need, that will lead to nowhere.

With that, if they are entrepreneurial inclined, they will help the country to grow the

economy and to increase and develop the entrepreneurs and it will lessen the

unemployed in the Philippines.

In 2013, the Department of Education implemented the K-12 Curriculum, which is

designed to provide sufficient time for the mastery of concepts and skills; develop life-

long learners; and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills

development, employment and entrepreneurship according to Psychological Association

of the Philippines (2019). The program also offers tracks that lead to specialization of a

strand such as Academic, Tech-Voc, and Sports & Arts. A two-year course addition

would be a huge help to the students, as well.

Senior High School students will acquire work expertise whereas learning.

Moreover, since entrepreneurship courses are now embedded in the curriculum, Senior

High School pupils can start their own enterprises right after graduation or can further

their education by going to college according to the Department of Education (2017).

The K-12 program helps students to be job-ready since they were taught with proper

knowledge, skills and experience needed. The added two (2) years of education

program would give them employment for some enterprise. Most students are in need of

jobs and hope to have one especially those who come from poor families. Thus, it is

important to measure the entrepreneurial inclination among SHS students for Senior

High School, academic institutions offering Senior High School, and government

agencies such as DepEd and CHED to absolutely hone SHS students to become

potential entrepreneurs.

It pertains to Grade 11 and Grade 12 levels that provide strands such as ABM

(Accountancy and Business Management), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences),

STEM and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Students choose their

strands based on their interests, knowledge, and selected course for their college.

Senior High School students will have an opportunity to look forward to their future

careers with the help of the Senior High School Curriculum. When lower-level students

reach Senior High School, they will start to deal with their chosen career and develop

their knowledge early on, effectively avoiding the shock factor when they start college.

From there, they will have an idea about future career options. The Senior High School

curricular program will also help students improve their skills and prepare them for

college-related challenges.

With the shift of the Philippine Educational System in 2015, the K to 12

curriculums, has stipulated entrepreneurial thinking as one of the most important 21st-

century skills that must be inculcated among the learners. Thus, Accounting, Business,

Management (ABM) has been listed as one of the academic tracks.

In the past years, all strands have a lesser number of enrollees among the

academic tracks offered in RCBN-ES schools. The figures are alarming in a sense that

the exit output of the k to 12 program demands for citizens who are not just creative but

also able to earn from this creativity.

It is in this premise that the researchers decided to discover the four

factors that influence the entrepreneurship inclination of the Senior High School learners’

students in Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches–Educational System. It will utilize the

research instrument that we use which a Likert Scale Questionnaire is proposed by

Manjit Singh Sandhu, Kamal Kishore Jain, and MoharYusof.

The researchers discover the three factors that can affect the

Entrepreneurial Inclination of the people. Firstly, some students are more

entrepreneurial-inclined than most because of their family background. Students who

have family businesses are often influenced by their parents. They would also want to

continue what their parents or family has established, business-wise. According to

Krueger (1993), students who have a family business background are more likely to

either start their own business or continue their family business in the future. Secondly,

school affiliation influences Senior High School students to become inclined to take an

entrepreneurship degree. Only selected schools offer business-related subjects. When

students are influenced by the school, they will have an interest in doing business in the

future. Thirdly, age difference plays a role in entrepreneurial inclination. According to

Austin and Nauta (2015), young people are more inclined towards taking an

entrepreneurship course than older people/adults. Moreover, they are more inclined to

pursue an entrepreneurship degree because they are likely knowledgeable about

customer needs and wants.

The factors that were mentioned above will prove that these factors will influence

the students of RCBN-ES to venture entrepreneurship and for the researchers will be

aware of what factors are effective for the students to be inclined towards


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study was established on three (3) theories that

will support what the researchers want to prove at the end of the study. These are The

Social Cognitive Theory of Albert Bandura (1986), The Theory of Planned Behavior

model that was proposed by Icek Ajzen (2002) and The Social Networking Theory of

Singh et al. (1999).

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

Bandura (1986) demonstrates that learning takes place in social situations where

personality, environment, and behavior interact dynamically. What makes SCT special is

its emphasis on social impact, as well as external and internal social reinforcements.

The SCT explores unique behaviors and specific behaviors of individuals, as well as the

social environment where they perform their actions. This theory takes a person’s past

experience into account, which is a factor in whether behavioral action occurs. Past

experience affects reinforcement, as well as hopes and determines whether everyone is

involved in a particular action and why.

In connection to our study, the entrepreneurial inclination of Roman Catholic

Bishop of Novaliches – Educational System students depend on how they formulate the

idea of becoming an entrepreneur. It can be from their family or from their friends. In

other words, a person’s inclination could depend on the influence of their surroundings.

Some students were inclined because of their past experiences, either from adopting

their parents’ skills or the people who surround them.  

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

 The Theory of Planned Behavior has been used by numerous authors to explain

intentions to become entrepreneurs, according to Krueger et al. (2000), Audet

(2002), Kolvereid (1996), Tkachev and Kolvereid (1999) and Engle et al. (2010).

According to the TPB, entrepreneurial behavior is either intentional or influential.  

The Theory of Planned Behavior is built out of these constructs: 

● Attitude towards the act or behavior. An individual’s belief of whether a

certain behavior or act makes a positive or negative contribution to that

person’s life. 

● Subjective norm. This construct focuses on everything around the

individual. In other words, his or her social network, cultural norms, group

beliefs and so on. 

● Perceived behavioral control. This refers to a person’s belief of how

easy or hard it is to display certain behavior or act in a certain way. 

The TPB predicts that if a person has a positive attitude towards an act

or behavior– and they are surrounded by favorable social norms and they have a high

level of perceived behavioral control–then these are the best predictors for forming

a behavioral intention and, in turn, lead to the person actually displaying the behavior or


The Social Networking Theory  

Singh (2000) argues that entrepreneurship can thrive when people have access

to business networks. Through social networking, entrepreneurs can obtain resources,

information, and business contacts which are vital for their success and sustainability,

according to Neergaard et al. (2005), Granovetter (1992) and Burt (1997). In some

countries, social networks are initiated by the government and therefore formal units

facilitating collaboration between entrepreneurs as of Farr-Wharton and Brunetto (2007).

Numerous other background factors related to social factors such as

previous employment according to Storey (1982), family background as of Scott and

Twomey (1988) and Matthews and Moser (1995), gender according to Buttner and

Rosen (1989) and Kolvereid et al. (1993), education according to Storey (1992), ethnic

membership as of Aldrich (1980), and religion as of Weber (1930) have also been

discussed in the literature on entrepreneurship. Altogether, the combination of

psychological traits and specific background factors make some individuals more likely

entrepreneurial candidates than others. Some researchers have specifically studied

student populations and found that there are certain factors such as education that affect

students more than others as of Wang et al. (2001) and Scott and Twomey

(1988). According to Turnbull et al. (2001), the major motivational factors for students

to become entrepreneurs are opportunity to take risks, freedom, financial gain,

and security of employment and control. 

This study mentions that some students incline towards entrepreneurship through the

factors they have. Sometimes, they are inclined because of their family background,

gender, ethnic membership, education, previous employment or experiences, and their

religion. This theory also tells us that from social network platforms we can carry out

information and connections through our friends, mutual social group membership,

shared contacts etc.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers of this paper assume that there are several different factors why

some Senior High School students of Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches –

Educational System are inclined towards taking an entrepreneurship degree. These

factors come from the three theories: The Social Cognitive Theory of Albert Bandura,

The Theory of Planned Behavior Model by IcekAjzen and The Social Networking Theory

of Singh et al.

Figure 1.

The Research Paradigm

The Entrepreneurial Inclination of Senior High School Students of Roman Catholic

Bishop of Novaliches Educational System

The figure above shows the dependent and independent variables along with the

procedures that will be used to gather information. Green symbolizes as an independent

variable while the blue symbolizes a dependent variable. The test will serve as the main

way to distinguish how to determine if the given factors can address the entrepreneurial

inclination of the RCBN-ES senior high school students. The factors are based on the

concepts mentioned in the researchers' theoretical framework.

To propose a curricular program with a basis to enhance the senior high school

entrepreneurial inclination of students from Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches-

Educational System (RCBN-ES) and it will be based on the results of the data gathering

process. After that, if the information is processed, among those various factors we will

identify what factor/s that influence students to be more. This study aims to identify the

various factors that affect the Entrepreneurial entrepreneurially inclined. The researcher

will observe the feedback of the Senior High School students and the other information

relevant to the study.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers would like to know the senior high school learners under Roman

Catholic Bishop of Novaliches- Educational System inclination towards entrepreneur.

In view of the purpose of this study, the researchers specifically seek to answer

the following questions:

1) What is the level of inclination of the senior high school students of RCBN-ES

towards becoming an entrepreneur?

2) What are the factors that contribute to their inclination towards becoming an


3) In what ways can the existing senior high school curriculum of RCBN-ES be

enhanced to make the students more inclined towards entrepreneurship?

Significance of the study

The results of the study will benefit the following:

Students. This study will have a significant effect on students who want to be

entrepreneurial inclined in their schools. Also, it gives opportunities to the school alumni

because it will be easier for them to improve and to enhance their skills that we will

discover by conducting this research. They may be able to know in what way or in what

factors they are inclined to.

Teachers. In analyzing this study, the teachers are expected to find ways to

understand the significance of the educational systems' inclination to the entrepreneurial

skills of the students for them to enhance their teaching skills. They will also come up

with a solution if they fully need to understand their schools' current management. It can

help teachers continuously process their learning or teaching skills, master new

knowledge, develop new proficiency that can help students improve their learning and by


Administrators. By conducting this study, as a result, there will be an increased

number of successful entrepreneur students, current or alumni from different schools.

The enrichment program will be proposed in this study, the researchers’ main targets are

the learners for us to pinpoint the areas they lack and also what is needed to be

improved. The school will also gain more credibility as an effective educational institution

for they will be able to produce competent and intellectual students who are

academically excellent and can effectively use their entrepreneurial skills inside or

outside the schools' premise. This will help them determine their strengths and

weaknesses in conducting programs based on the responses of the respondents, which

are the current and alumni students from different schools. This helps them determine

what areas need to improve or remove so that it can further improve when it comes to

making school programs about entrepreneurship.

Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for the future

researchers and the present researchers who plan to make a research study about

entrepreneurship. Also, this study may benefit the people who plan to enhance the

curriculum of the school that can change the behavior and learning style of the Student.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus on the factors that affect the Senior High School students of

inclination towards an entrepreneurship degree as basis for enhancing the curriculum of

Senior High School. The respondents of the study are the Senior High School of the

following schools: Good Shepherd Cathedral School, Colegio de San Bartolome of

Novaliches, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, and Ina ng Buhay Catholic School who

are enrolled for the School Year 2019 - 2020. This study uses a Likert Scale

Questionnaire to evaluate the Senior High School Students Inclination that will be

conducted from January to February 2020.

Definition of Terms

Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches - Educational System. A collaboration

of nine catholic schools within the diocese of Novaliches. In the context of the study, this

will refer to the six-member schools: Good Shepherd Cathedral School, Colegio de San

Bartolome of Novaliches, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, Our Lady of Lourdes

Catholic School, Ina ng Buhay Catholic School, Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School,

and Resurrection Catholic School which has K-12 Curricular program.

Entrepreneurial Skills. Is an ability to make the ideas into actions that include

innovation, the ability to plan and manage projects, risk-taking in order to achieve their

objectives. Also, provides benefits regardless of whether a person sees their future as a

starting business. The Senior High School students of RCBN-ES regarding

entrepreneurship is a gateway for their future business and it will serve as a training

ground for them where their skills will be developed through study and experiences.

Inclination. It refers to the preference of the students of RCBN-ES to have a

mindset of being an entrepreneur or what makes the students want to act in a particular

way. This will serve as the beginning of improvement of entrepreneurship in the future.

Students. It refers to the Senior High School students of Roman Catholic Bishop

of Novaliches that will prove what factors will affect the most in terms of being inclined in




This chapter shows related literature and related studies, from local and

foreign, that supports this study. It includes different studies and literature that is related

to the Entrepreneurial Inclination of the Senior High School Students in RCBN-ES. This

review is used to support and strengthen the study to enhance the Senior High School


Related Literature


Piperopoulos and Dimov (2014) stated that the three generic themes of

Entrepreneurial Education provision are theoretical-oriented courses that teach about

entrepreneurship and according to Fayolle and Gailly (2013) aim to increase awareness

about entrepreneurship and encourage students to choose entrepreneurship as a

potential career choice.

Therefore, Piperopoulos and Dimov (2014) aim to increase awareness

about entrepreneurship, encourage students to choose entrepreneurship as a potential

career choice as stated by Fayolle and Gailly (2013) and consider self-employment.

Piperopoulos and Dimov (2014) aims to encourage students and enhance their

intentions to be entrepreneurs in the future and “through” entrepreneurship, which aims

to graduate entrepreneurs, Chang and Rieple (2013). While this theme depends heavily

on experiential learning by doing fewer articles discuss the teaching methods explored in

this theme. Researchers have found that entrepreneurial education is related to career

choice and personal skills. For example, research finds that entrepreneurial education is

positively related to entrepreneurial attitudes and skills.

With that, Hattab (2014) demonstrates that entrepreneurship education

can improve entrepreneurial intentions through individual attitudes and cognition.

However, despite these benefits, limited research investigates the underlying

mechanism of how and why entrepreneurial education works for increasing students’

entrepreneurial intentions, which can help us to better understand the entrepreneurial

process. Martin et al. (2013) state that entrepreneurial education – including the

observation of former entrepreneurs – will intervene upon the cognitive factors (self-

efficacy) of the students and can help them to decide their own intentions and behaviors.

Additionally, Pittaway and Thorpe (2012) and Ramoglou (2013) state: “as

there is nothing to be learned from dancers beside them dance, there is nothing unique

to be found in individuals who just exercise entrepreneurial action”; hence,

entrepreneurs actually learn similarly to how other adults do. Pittaway and Thorpe

(2012) suggest that entrepreneurship courses were first provided in conventional

business education. Several entrepreneurial learning articles have drawn on literature

from relevant fields like individual learning and adult learning.

On the other hand, Harmeling and Sarasvathy (2013) state that some

studies argue that part of the increasing interest in Entrepreneurial courses is that the

current entrepreneurship educational provision is supply-led and does not fully reflect a

demand-led approach that values how entrepreneurs learn.


While the K to 12 programs only began in the 2016-2017 school year, it is

high time to start a company that measures the willingness of the Senior High School

students to become entrepreneurs. In addition, the following categories were focused on

the analysis which detects major differences in the entrepreneurial propensity of

respondents, according to Lacap (2015):

● School Membership

● Differences for level

● Plan to pursue in College

● Family Business Background

Research is focused on market inclinations and the Philippines'

expectations. Ramos (2014) pointed out from the literature review that the intentions of

entrepreneurial deals were not influenced by the context of the students' families and

their bachelor degrees. Mendoza and Lacap (2015) established that interviewees had an

important relationship with entrepreneurial goals, had open minds towards knowledge,

conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Through Republic Act No. 7269, the Technical Education and Skills

Development Authority (TESDA) was formed in 1994 as a single government body

responsible for overseeing the development of technical education and skills in line with

the country's development of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship topics have been

introduced into the primary level curriculum of formal education grades in the

Philippines, and entrepreneurship is inserted into the topics as a group.

According to Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (2019), they seek to

add strong entrepreneurship lessons into the school curriculum. Having a goal to

develop a culture of enterprise and cultivate future competition for entrepreneurs should

start at a young age. From the primary and secondary schools in the Philippines, should

teach the values and develop the mindsets of entrepreneurs. In college, however, some

enterprise networks are seeking answers to assist in the area of curriculum

enhancement that provides manuals, continuous training for the teachers, and involving

real entrepreneurs in the learning process.

Therefore, Velasco (2013) presents the current state of entrepreneurship

education in the Philippines. The status of entrepreneurship education is evaluated

through the analysis of entrepreneurship education curricula and practices in the

Philippines and to suggest policy measures in the promotion, development and creation,

growth, and sustainability of more entrepreneurial undertaking. Entrepreneurship

education in the Philippines is heavily focused on the development of entrepreneurs in

terms of encouraging start-ups. However, there is a lack of focus in developing creativity

and innovation as a mindset of the student in the formal education system. There is also

minimal support from the academe and industry to aid nascent entrepreneurial

undertaking to grow and sustain the business.

Related Studies


Voleryet. al. (2015) suggest that different skills may be required to

successfully undertake the idea recognition or creation element of entrepreneurial

behavior, as compared with the skills necessary to capitalize successfully on the idea.

They identify a group of entrepreneurs who appear to be ‘ambidextrous’ or usually used

by left-handed and right-handed people with equal efforts in being able to switch readily

between these two skills sets or modes of behavior. This study raises the possibility that

in some cases the full range of entrepreneurship skills may reside or can be developed

in one individual.

Nonetheless, earlier instruction capability and program of concentration

demonstrated noteworthy connections to enterprising tendencies. Dr. Rengamani, J. and

Dr. Ramachandran, (2015) realize the rationale behind inculcating Entrepreneurial Skills

among the graduates who belong to the science and technology category. However, not

everyone can become an entrepreneur, as numerous studies have revealed. There are

certain psychological traits; socio-cultural, demographic and economic factors,

perceptions about the external environment, etc. that impact the entrepreneurial intent

and entrepreneurial competence of an individual.

Furthermore, Martin (2015) stated that according to the OECD (2014)

annual report, three sets of skills were identified technical skills, business management

skills and personal entrepreneurial skills. The technical management includes written

and oral communication, technical implementation skills and organizing skills according

to Henry et al. (2005). Besides that, it provides environment monitoring, problem-solving

and interpersonal skills as of Martin (2015).

On the other hand, Maritz et al. (2015) define entrepreneurship education

programs as an educational program or process of education for entrepreneurial

manners and skills, which help in developing personal qualities. Entrepreneurship

education has been classified by Van Gelderen et al. (2015), as one of the most

important components of the entrepreneurship ecosystem to enhance intentionally and

business creation stability.

Additionally, just as water diviners identify the ground which will yield

water, there is a need to identify the potential candidate, who, when given the necessary

inputs and training is likely to become an entrepreneur. Relatively few studies have

examined the initial stages of Entrepreneurial intent prior to commencing the enterprise.

Few studies have sought to examine the competence inventory too soon- to- be

graduates, to identify whether they have the interest, and whether they have the

competence to take up entrepreneurship as a career choice.


Based on the study by Abarro (2016) there is a significant association

between the career track choices and profile of the students in terms of sex, average

family income, and occupation of the head of the family, school preference and average

scholastic rating in Grade 8. There is no significant association between the career track

choices and the highest educational attainment of the head of the family and person

influential in the choice of career track.

Therefore, according to Suárez-Ortega and Gálvez-García (2017) and

Velasco, et al. (2016), studies have shown that gender is an inevitable factor. It suggests

that the motives and decisions that drive female entrepreneurship are because of

obligation, since the limited supply and market access opportunities for paid

employment, rather than by vocation. Even if females tend to have high scores on

knowledge about entrepreneurship, their willingness to start their own business tend to

be lower than that of their male counterpart.

Santos, Roomi, and Liñán (2016) examined the relationship between

gender differences and entrepreneurial intentions in the social context in Europe. The

results yielded that entrepreneurial intentions formation is the same for men and women.

It was also identified that men exhibit more favorable intentions compared to women.

Several studies analyzed the relationship between demographic variables and the level

of the respondents’ entrepreneurial intentions

On the other hand, research on the Philippine entrepreneurial inclinations

and desires are minimal. From the literature review, Ramos (2014) found that

entrepreneurial intent is unaffected by the background of the students' family, family

income, and bachelor's degrees, and Mendoza and Lacap (2015) identified that

respondents' openness to experience, awareness, compatibility, and neuroticism have

significant relationships with entrepreneurial intentions.

Therefore, the Department of Education (DepEd) reiterated that the K to

12 program aims to provide students ample time to master concepts and skills, develop

life-long learners, and prepare Senior High School graduates for tertiary education,

middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Synthesis of Reviewed Literature and Study

This review shows the factors that can affect the Senior High School

students’ inclination towards entrepreneurship. Hattab (2014) discussed that through

attitude and cognition, this can improve the entrepreneurial intention through

entrepreneurship education. Students will have more knowledge through

entrepreneurship education, and they will be more inclined and more aware of

entrepreneurship. As mentioned by Piperopoulos and Dimov (2014), they pointed out

that entrepreneurial education is positively related to entrepreneurial attitudes and skills.

They also discussed that through entrepreneurial education, students will have more

intention towards entrepreneurship and their attitudes and skills will develop even more

through this type of education. On the other hand, As Lacap (2015) has mentioned,

through school membership, gender variation, differences for level, plan to pursue in

college and family business background have an effect to the inclination of the Senior

High School students. Furthermore, students are inclining towards entrepreneurship by

the psychological traits that Dr. Rengamani, J. and Dr. Ramachandran (2015) realized

which impact the Senior High School students’ inclination towards entrepreneurship.

Through that, the entrepreneurship program will enhance the entrepreneurial manners

and skills.



This research methodology and procedures utilized in this study discuss

the methods, the respondents, the instruments used, the procedures in gathering data

and the statistical tools used in the analysis of the gathered data.

Research Design

The research is a quantitative descriptive research design because it is

suitable for the study. The descriptive design is a quantitative research design for the

students to answer how they are inclined towards studying an entrepreneurship degree.

It measures how Senior High Students are inclined according to their age, a college

degree and their family program.

This research design distinguishes the factors and the characteristics of

Senior High School students in terms of being an entrepreneur or being inclined towards

entrepreneurship. Survey Research is a descriptive research method that researchers

will use. It is a method of a descriptive type of research wherein researchers use

surveys, questionnaires or polls. With this method, researchers will know why the

respondents are inclined towards entrepreneurship and what factors affect their


As of Gall and Borg (2007) stated that the goal of descriptive research is

to describe a situation and its characteristics. This research is more concerned with what

rather than how or why something has happened. The researchers tend to know more

and understand more about the Entrepreneurial Inclination of Senior High School

students of RCBN-ES. It also identifies any particular meaning with the use of selected

variables that can be used to reach the results through Survey Research.

This research aims to explain and discuss the study on how Senior High

School students of Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches – Educational System are

inclined towards entrepreneurship.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were randomly selected from the levels of

Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School Students under the Roman Catholic Bishop

of Novaliches - Educational System (RCBN-ES). These are Good Shepherd Cathedral

School, Colegio de San Bartolome of Novaliches, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School,

and Ina ng Buhay Catholic School who are enrolled for the School Year 2019-2020.




Girls - 1 1 2

Boys - 1 1 0




Girls - 1 5 -

Boys - 2 2 -




Girls 7 6 8 -

Boys 3 5 2 -



Girls 8 3 7 -

Boys 16 3 8 -




Girls 2 3 3 -

Boys 3 4 4 -



Girls 5 10 6 1

Boys 2 3 2 3

Sampling Procedures

The researchers used two types of probability sampling techniques. The

High School of RCBN-ES Diocesan Schools. Stratified random sampling will be chosen

respondents will be from Grades 11 and 12 ABM students from the Senior used in

selecting the respondents in this study. This sampling procedure is a probability

sampling technique where respondents are selected from larger groups where every

respondent has an equal probability to be chosen. This sampling technique will be a

representation of the unbiased selection of the population.

The results will be a basis for the second sampling technique, which is the

stratified sampling technique. In this technique, researchers will be choosing

respondents who will answer the questionnaire and interviewing respondents. Afterward,

the number of students needed to participate in this study will be divided into groups per

grade level and per section. The measurement would be through the Likert scale

questionnaire, which pertains to the desired characteristics of the respondents that will

examine their inclination towards entrepreneurship.

Instrument and Techniques

The research instrument used in this study is a Likert Scale Questionnaire. This

instrument will be used to measure the individual on how much they agree or disagree.

The questionnaire contained details about demographics and family background, future

career planning, entrepreneurial inclination, and role in promoting entrepreneurship. The

data for this study was collected through a Likert Scale Questionnaire, wherein the

questionnaire was designed to gather information from the respondents regarding their

inclination and factors that influence them towards entrepreneurship. A five-point Likert

Scale was used in this section and the respondents were required to answer the

questions that they agreed or disagreed with the statements in the questionnaire. Due to

time limitations, the sampling was based on convenience.

Originated from the study of Entrepreneurial Inclination of students at a private

university in Malaysia and which examines the factors affecting Entrepreneurial

Inclination towards Senior High School Students. The study will be conducted this year;

some questions were added to fit into target settings and respondents of this study.

Validation of the Instrument

The survey questionnaire was assessed for face validity by Ma. Charizze

A. Monsalud, RPM who (a) examined the purpose and objectives of the questionnaire

and the identified research variables; (b) determined how these questions are defined

and applied in this study; (c) ensured that the structure and structure of the

questionnaire are consistent with the objectives of the study; (d) examined the clarity of

the questions and the possibility that respondents can answer the questions in the

questionnaire, and (e) examined the factors or statements of the sequence and how

these factors influence the tendency to participate in the process.

Data Gathering Procedures


February 13-20, 2020 The respondents will be interviewed,

guided by the researcher’s


February 20, 2020 Obtained data were gathered, analyzed

and interpreted.

February 21, 2020 Interviews were done to validate the

respondents’ responses.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following tools and techniques were used to validate the respondents’

responses. In analyzed and interpreted data: frequency count and weighted mean.

Weighted Mean determines the average of respondents’ responses to each statement

in the survey. This is computed using the following formula:



WM= weighted mean

= summation of weighted multiplied by frequency

n= number of respondents



This part is where the result of the test conducted to obtain statistical-based data of the

students will be presented. The data was analyzed and interpreted with the use of

specific statistical treatment of the study, Weighted Mean

Problem No. 1 – The Level of Inclination of the Senior High School Students of

RCBN-ES towards becoming Entrepreneur

There are different levels of inclination of the Senior High School Students of

RCBN-ES based on the factors that were given. The table below shows the level of

entrepreneurial inclination of

(3.01 – 4.00) Fully Inclined 28

(2.01 – 3.00) Somewhat Inclined

(1.00 – 2.00) Not Inclined

different factors, also it showcases the weighted mean to support the level of Inclination.

These factors include experiences, family, education, and social media. The parameter

is based on the respondents' answers that can be from "Not Inclined" to "Fully Inclined"

Table 1.1

Entrepreneurial Inclination towards Experiences

EXPERIENCES Mean Description

My previous experiences in
engaging in business-related 3.01 FULLY INCLINED
activities motivate me to become
an entrepreneur in the future.
Exposure to social media
significantly affects my interest to 2.83 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
pursue a business.
The social and economic
environment in my locality is 2.80 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
highly supportive of
Participating in programs that
teach the basics of pursuing a 2.97 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
business inspires me to become
an entrepreneur.
Exposure in summer enrichment
seminars gives me the benefit of 2.97 SOMEWHAT INCLINED

deciding what to pursue in college.

Weighted Mean Response 2.92 SOMEWHAT INCLINED

Table 1.1 presents the experiences based on their activity participation. The

mean response of 3.01 signifies respondents' engagement in business-related

activities which resulted fully inclined. For the mean response ranging to 2.80-

2.83, it shows that respondents are somewhat inclined on being exposed in

social media and the socio-economic support for aspiring entrepreneurs to

venture business. On the other hand, exposure and participation on programs

and summer enrichment seminars resulted for respondents' to be somewhat

inclined with a mean response of 2.97.

According to the results in table 2.1 above, the overall weighted mean

is 2.92 which signifies that it will result students of being somewhat inclined

entrepreneurially. It is mainly due to a fact that students are more motivated and

would aspire to be an entrepreneur, such as being exposed to activities or

seminars and support of environment that they have, because the respondents

have somewhat experience with their existing family businesses, school activities

and personal business.

This was agreed upon by an interviewed student-respondent, Student C, stating


“I don’t have (experience/s) but our family has a sari-sari store. So sometimes I

am the “bantay” in our sari-sari store.”- Student B

Other similar responses included:

“Hmm a little? Before, my grandmother was selling food like tuyo. That is why I’d

experienced business but not that much.” - Student A

“Uhm, just helping the business of my family and my tita as well.” -Student D

“I don’t have much past experience in business. But I was just a watchman at my

aunt’s store.” – Student F

Other Senior High School students’ response to the statement of having an

influence with their experience in school’s extracurricular activities in influencing

them to be inclined:

“I have a past experience in business but it’s not family business, it’s more like

having a business in school especially our foundation day. We were able to do it

since Grade 9. Now that I am Grade 11, we also have business before and

during third quarter before the day of the foundation day.” – Student C

“Yes, I have experienced such as the annual school fair. We are tasked to sell

food.” – Student B

“Yes, because here in school, we have a lot of extra-curricular activities to do in

our major subjects like entrepreneurship and applied economics.” -Student A

“Yes, because in my major subjects in ABM we were exposed in putting up a

business and the purpose of being an ABM student, you will become a

businessman so that’s why I experienced it in my strand.” – Student E

But as of the Interviewee D, agreed with the statement of having a personal

business out of the purpose of being monotonous influencing them to be


“Before, my sister and I had nothing to do so we thought about selling one-peso

chips.” – Student D

With the interpretation above, these supports that students are more inclined in

Entrepreneurship with experiences on continuing their existing family business,

out of monotonous purpose and extracurricular activities.

Table 1.2

Entrepreneurial Inclination towards Family Background


If my parents want me to become
an entrepreneur, I will most likely 2.59 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
listen and follow them.
If my family is into business, I will
most likely get into the same line. 2.85 SOMEWHAT INCLINED

Being involved in the family

business will help motivate me to 3.09 FULLY INCLINED
become an entrepreneur.
Continuing the family business of
my parents 3.05 FULLY INCLINED

I should certainly follow my parents

if they need me to become a 2.66 SOMEWHAT INCLINED

Weighted Mean Response 2.85 SOMEWHAT INCLINED

Table 1.2 presents the level of how entrepreneurially inclined the respondents are

regarding their family background. Some respondents want to pursue business because

their parents wanted to and to follow their parents path, but most of the respondents

wanted to enter entrepreneurship because they have family business and some

respondents said that they want to continue business because of their existing business

and also they want to open up a business they want to continue their hobbies.

The abovementioned finding was supported by Interviewee’s answer

when asked if he prefer to have your own business. If so, what is it?

“I think yes, I prefer to have my own business after studying. I think it's a milk tea store

because I love milk tea so much and I think if I have a milk tea business. It will be my

motivation to have a better day every day.” – Interviewee C

“I prefer to have my own business and it will be a comic café because I like to do

drawings.” – Interviewee E

“Yes. I will continue my family business which is selling fish, vegetables like that.” –

Interviewee D

“Maybe I will push what my mother’s suggestion or my mother thought about having a

dormitory around in our area. Because, the population here in Fairview is increasing and

there is a rumor that they will build school institutions here in Fairview.” – Interviewee A

The mean level of the respondents on how their parents want their child to become an

entrepreneur is 2.82 which signifies somewhat inclined since they don’t have a family

business and their parents don’t support them to enter in a business, they also don’t talk

about entering in a business.

The Interviewee’s were asking if their parents want them to put up a business someday.

” For my family, it's a no. My mom just wants me to graduate.” – Interviewee A

“They do not have any plans.” – Interviewee B

“Not really, no. They support any kind of profession for me to practice, as long as they

know that it makes me happy and keeps me sustained.” – Interviewee E

“Not really.” – Interviewee B

“They do not have any plans.” – Interviewee B

This resulted in the weighted mean 2.85, and signifies somewhat inclined

towards their family background.

Table 1.3

Entrepreneurial Inclination towards Education

EDUCATION Mean Description

Planning for a business was, or is,
perhaps an essential part of my 2.87 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
senior high school.
I will not mind dropping out of my
studies if some good business 2.27 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
opportunity comes my way.
I will finish my studies for me to
become a successful entrepreneur 3.22 FULLY INCLINED

It will give me the advantage to
venture business in the future if I 3.03 FULLY INCLINED
take a business course in college.
The business-related subjects that
I have taken, or I am currently 2.86 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
taking right now contribute to my
desire to engage in business in the

Weighted Mean Response 2.85 SOMEWHAT INCLINED

As per the result in Table 3, it clearly represents a division of decision-

based on priorities. It clearly indicated a subjective outcome. While some Senior High

School students would give high priority over their studies first prior to jumping into

business, others would eagerly jump into the opportunity of going into the business prior

to finishing their studies.

According to the data presented above, the majority of the Senior High

School students were somewhat affected by education towards their entrepreneurial

inclination. But some of the Senior High School students would rather finish their studies

for them to become successful entrepreneurs, with a mean of 3.22. In addition, having a

mean of 2.27, some Senior High School students will not mind dropping out of their

studies if some good business opportunity comes their way. On the other hand, resulting

in a mean of 3.03, the respondents agreed that it gives them advantages if they take a

business course in college. Also, the business-related subjects that they have taken or

they are taking right now contribute to their desire to engage in business.

Some of the Senior High School students that the researchers interviewed which

pertains to the statement that the Senior High School Students wouldn't mind dropping

out of their schools if there isare any opportunities that comes into their way. It stated


“When I finish school of course you will not immediately get your own investment, so my

thought is that I will work for the company first and after you invest more, I will start a

business not immediately a big business small business first.” – Interviewee D

“Hmm. I feel that it’s better to do trial and error because most businesses are developed

and have grown from the start. Other developed businesses in today’s time are all

stemming out practicing trial and error. Some who work didn’t graduate from college or

even high school but they have successful business ventures, that’s why it’s trial and

error.” – Interviewee A

But as of Interviewee J, agreed with the statement of entering business after their

studies and mind dropping out of their schools:

“Yes, because what is the purpose of studying that is why I have planned to have an

own business in the future because I do not want to be an employee forever.”

Other Senior High School student’s response to the statement of having a business-

related subject in influencing them to become Entrepreneurial Inclined:

“Subjects? Uhm, we have Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics and Business Math like

that. My strand has a big help for me.” – Interviewee A

“Yes, it really does influence us especially Entrepreneurship. It helps us on how to do

the step-by-step procedures when it comes to business.”

“yes, because our major teacher also always says that we should aim to be a

businessman not an imaging employee for life so I feel that our subjects are now really

helpful for the mindset to become a businessman someday.” – Interviewee J

With the interpretation above, these supports that the business-related subjects really

influenced them to be more inclined towards Entrepreneurship

But Interviewee E, doesn’t have any business-related subject in their school:

“We don’t have a business subject.”

Table 1.4

Entrepreneurial Inclination towards Social Media

SOCIAL MEDIA Mean Description

Making video blogs on promoting
entrepreneurship for school
purposes will gain recognition to 3.41 FULLY INCLINED
students and aspiring entrepreneurs
to venture a business in the future.
Watching video blogs from
influencers/entrepreneurs will 3.24 FULLY INCLINED
motivate students to become an
Creating an online website for
aspiring entrepreneurs and
advertising it on social platforms 3.27 FULLY INCLINED
such as Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram will gain the interest of
students to expand their knowledge
for entrepreneurship.
The social and economic
environment in my vicinity is highly 2.80 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
supportive of entrepreneurs.
Exposure to Social Media
significantly affects my interest to 2.93 SOMEWHAT INCLINED
pursue a business.

Weighted Mean Response 3.13 FULLY INCLINED

In table 1.6, the result of the data gathered by the researcher’s shows that the senior

high school students of RCBN-ES are inclined towards entrepreneurship in terms of

using social media partnered in education to exercise the skills or improve the

knowledge of students as early as possible by promoting entrepreneurship using social


In the table above, the social media has a huge part on being entrepreneurially inclined

of students. With the mean of 3.41, the students agreed that making video blogs on

promoting school influence students to be more inclined in entrepreneurship. On the

other hand, with the mean of 3.24 the students also agree that watching video blogs of

entrepreneur’s influence students to be more inclined in entrepreneurship. In addition,

with the mean of 3.27 the students also agreed that creating a website and advertising it

on any social media platforms will gain the interest of a student to expand their

knowledge on entrepreneurship. Also, with the mean of 2.80, some students somewhat

agree that their social and economic environment in their vicinity is highly supported by

entrepreneurs. Therefore, with the mean of 2.93, the students somewhat agree that

exposure to social media significantly affects the interest to pursue a business. To sum it

up, social media helps students to be more inclined, gumptious and improve their

knowledge to have a large potential of being an entrepreneur.

The senior high school students are fully inclined and influenced when it

comes to entrepreneurship using social media with that, it is supported by interviewee.

Interviewee stated that:

“The YouTube influencers who have a business.” – Interviewee A

With that, Interviewee A also stated that:

“Yes, because it is trending nowadays.” – Interviewee A

There are students who have similar responses to interviewee A:

“Yes, sometimes I am being influenced by social media because many earn a lot even


“Yes, it influenced me by the famous Social Medias like Shopee, Lazada. Many people

earn money here. So, that is why many people are in to social media.”

With the interpretation above, these supports that social media is helpful

for students to be more inclined in entrepreneurship because they can be influence by

famous entrepreneur to be one of the successful entrepreneurs someday.

Problem No. 2 – The factors that contribute to their inclination towards

becoming an entrepreneur

There are several factors that contribute the Senior High School Students of

RCBN-ES to be Entrepreneurial Inclined. These factors include experiences, family,

education, and social media. The table below shows the most factors that contribute or

affect the Senior High School Students to their inclination towards becoming an


Factors Mean Response Description





Overall Mean Response 3.54 FULLY INCLINED

The table 2.1 shows the factors that affect the Entrepreneurial Inclination of the Senior

High School students of RCBN-ES. The Senior High School students consist one

hundred forty-one (141) respondents. The table above implied an outcome in what

factors that can affect them to be inclined towards Entrepreneurship. The respondents

can be inclined because of their Experiences, Family, Education, and Social Media.

According to the table above, there are different factors that affect their Entrepreneurial

Inclination. Through their experiences, they were somewhat inclined in a mean of 2.92.

Senior High School students were influenced by the experiences they have encountered

along the way through the programs and their experiences in business. Most of the

Senior High School Students were influenced because of their family, mean = 2.85.

Some of the Senior High School students enter the business world because their

parents say so. In addition, the respondents have a family business background that's

why they continue to run their business and some are the business runs into their blood.

On the other hand, resulting in a mean of 2.85 that has a parameter of somewhat

inclined, education can be the reason why Senior High School are inclined towards

entrepreneurship because of the business-related subjects that the students are taking

right now or have taken. With that, knowledge of Senior High School students regarding

the business-related subjects will increase more. Also, it will be an advantage to them

because of the education that they are taking right now and some of the Senior High

School students were influenced by education. Most of the Senior High School Students

were influenced because of Social media with a mean 3.13, which is interpreted as “fully

inclined”, were implies that respondents have a high level of entrepreneurial inclination.

Since social media is so prevalent in today's generation many people are using the

platform to find and engage with customers.

Problem No. 3 – Ways on enhancing the existing senior high school curriculum of

RCBN-ES to be more inclined towards entrepreneurship.

We would connect it into an existing program which is the Performance Task. The

intermediate level. We will make a clothing line with different colors. While at junior high.

They will practice marketing and will think of an innovative way of having a product that

can sell. Also, for the Senior High School students, they will include the statement of

financial position to monitor cash flows and expense. They will also practice general

business ethics maintaining great reputation, avoiding financial and environmental

issues and ultimately benefit the society.



1. Performing entrepreneurial
practice. In order to prove the
positive effect of a successful
entrepreneur, it is normal for them
to do it themselves. Using the basic
entrepreneurial knowledge and
giving themselves the courage to
try it will lead to unlocking the
possible outcome and using it as a

proof that being an entrepreneur
really is their stepping stone to
success. That being said, a student
that has a proof will never stop
trying to become a successful
entrepreneur someday.

2. Turning negative experiences to

become their motivation. Majority of
the Filipinos are only earning
enough for 3 times a day meal, and
sometimes not enough. Even
though these are unfortunate
EXPERIENCES experiences, most successful
entrepreneurs came from this
setup. They used their negative
experiences as a motivation for
reaching their goal to become a
successful entrepreneur, hence if
they can be inspired by an
unfortunate event, it is also
possible to everyone which can
greatly affect entrepreneurial
inclination of the students.

3. Experiencing the fruit of success of

being an entrepreneur. Even minor
entrepreneur success as long as
they worked hard for it and gave
them happiness, it can be a boost
for a young entrepreneur to
become more inclined with it and to
strive hard in achieving more by
being a successful entrepreneur.

4. Appreciating the effect of a

successful business. If a student
was able to taste the success of a
successful entrepreneur and they
tend to love it, they will crave for
more, leading them to become
more inclined in entrepreneurship.

5. Attending seminars about

successful entrepreneur. Seminars
are held for better understanding of
a certain topic. By attending this
kind of events, it might inspire
students about becoming a
successful entrepreneur someday
which will lead to having them more

inclined in entrepreneurship.

1. Parents should inspire their

children by showing their examples
of being an entrepreneur, which will
serve as a motivation that a student
can grab through their journey to
become like them someday.

2. In order to achieve a certain goal,

support should be around. Young
entrepreneurs will be needing a
foundation that will support them to
achieve their dream. And family
should be their strongest

3. Acceptance for failures whenever a

trial is being done is also an
important practice which should be
first be visible in their family. This is
a powerful weapon that young
entrepreneurs can use for their trial
and error battle someday.

4. Love for business. Business

minded families tend to get their
love for business into their genes.
And that's an advance practice in
order for a goal to be achieved.
Because if you love what you're
doing, you'll do it more natural and
you will bring the best out of you.
Hence, a student can be more
inclined when it comes with

5. The eagerness to be successful.

Wanting the best life for
themselves is also a key for having
a student to be more inclined with
entrepreneurship. This practice will
of course start in the family.
Especially if the reason for the
eagerness to be successful is to
support, sustain and lift their own
family in the future.

1. Basic knowledge about the cause

and effect of a successful business
will serve as a motivation for young


2. Learning entrepreneurship further

will open the ideas of how it can
help them achieve their goals
someday which will of course
trigger the eagerness of a student
to become an entrepreneur in the
3. Inspiring teachers. Teachers are a
students' second parent. So just
like parents motivating their child, a
teacher can also do the same.
Having a teacher that teaches them
and motivates them at the same
time for reaching their dream to
become a successful entrepreneur
someday will of course get them
into loving the thought of becoming
an entrepreneur someday.

4. Reading articles and stories about

a successful entrepreneur. It is a
normal human nature to use other
person's experience as a guide for
not committing the same mistakes
or even for making their life at least
similar to the one that they have
read. So, by reading inspiring
stories about successful
entrepreneurs, it will of course help
them get more inclined with

5. Being in a school that focuses on

entrepreneurship. Of course, we all
know that if a certain field is an
expert of something, they will be
really effective on relaying it to
others. So that being said, learning
further the nature of business is
best to do in a school that is an
expert about entrepreneurship. By
that, student can effectively
understand its nature and will be
more inclined to it.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations offered based on the presented problems in the first chapter of this


Summary of Findings

1. The Level of Inclination of Senior High School students towards


The 141 Senior High School students of RCBN-ES are somewhat

inclined. The data’s revealed the results on what level of Entrepreneurial Inclination of

the Senior High School students. With the results, the data proves that the factors such

as experiences, family, education, and social media are the reasons why Senior High

School students are inclined towards entrepreneurship. The respondents are somewhat

inclined by their experiences, mean = 2.92. When it comes to family, the Senior High

School students are somewhat inclined to have a mean of 2.85. Through education, the

respondents are somewhat inclined because the mean of education is 2.85, they were

fully inclined because of the social media, mean = 3.13.

2. The Factors that contribute to their inclination towards becoming an


Based on the data in table 2.1, only the age and the social media have a

large mean that pertains to fully inclined compared to their experiences, family, and

education because these factors had a parameter of somewhat inclined. To sum up the

table 2.1, most of the Senior High School were entrepreneurial inclined because of their

age and through social media.

3. Ways on enhancing the existing senior high school curriculum of RCBN-ES

to be more inclined towards entrepreneurship.

They will practice marketing and will think of an innovative way of having

a product that can sell. Also, for Senior High School students, they will include the

statement of financial position to monitor cash flows and expenses. They will also

practice general business ethics maintaining a great reputation, avoiding financial and

environmental issues and ultimately benefit society.


Therefore, this study finalizes the following conclusions based on their findings:

1. The computed weighted mean of the six factors such as experiences, family

background, education, age, gender and social media effectively determined that

the Senior High School students of Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches–

Educational System learners are fully inclined in age and social media.

2. The factors that contribute to the Senior High School students of RCBN-ES to

become an entrepreneurial inclined are age and social media. These factors had

a parameter of "fully inclined" compared to the other factors which are

experiences, family, education, and gender. This results to the factors that help

them more and that influence them more to become inclined towards

entrepreneurs. The respondents were influenced by the age because of these

days that even at the young age, they can create their own business plan. On the

other hand, Social Media can influence the respondents because people these

days are into gadgets or some are addicted to the Medias.

3. Based on the results of the research conducted, the researchers found that

students were somewhat inclined to Experiences, Family Background, and

Education, meaning that we will propose some strategies to enhance the

curricular engagement on each factor to help the learners to improve their

inclination towards entrepreneurship.


The researchers propose the following recommendations to future studies for the

improvement of the study:

1. The measured response of student’s inclination towards entrepreneurship

can help the school to develop trainings and other programs or strategies

aimed at increasing the inclination of the learners towards


2. Explore the existing factors affecting the inclination of students towards

entrepreneurship. For future studies, this would be strengthened by

improving the proposed enhanced curricular program in addition with

allotted activities for Junior High School and Senior High School students.

For example, Young Entrepreneurs Club should be open for the junior

high school and to the other strands of senior high school like STEM and

HUMSS. Also, to have a Business Plan in the subject TLE for Junior High

School learners.

3. Since there is a significant effect of the following factors such as

experiences, family background, education, and social media to the

Senior High School students of RCBN-ES inclination towards

entrepreneurship, the school should add other related subjects related to

entrepreneur such as Business Ethics, and Organization Management for

strands STEM and HUMSS.

4. The school should find ways to develop their education about

entrepreneurship by giving them utmost guidance and experience for their

future. With the enhancement of education towards entrepreneurship, the

learners can be more entrepreneurially inclined by having general

knowledge to be a successful entrepreneur and possibly venture a


5. Replicating this study should implement more activities for the learners to

know about entrepreneurship, in addition to promote their product and to

learn how to make profit.

6. Future researchers focused who are interested in continuing this study

should focus on finding more factors that influence the learners of how

inclined there are towards the school context of entrepreneurship. For

example, additional research is needed to explore what influences the

students to be inclined. The results of such a study may be used to

propose an enhanced curricular.


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Survey Questionnaire on the Entrepreneurial Inclination


1. My previous experiences in
engaging in business-
related activities motivate
me to become an
entrepreneur in the future.
2. Exposure to social media
greatly affects my interest
to pursue a business.
3. The social and economic
environment in my locality
is highly supportive of
4. Participating in programs
that teach the basics of
pursuing a business
inspires me to become an
5. Exposure in summer
enrichment seminars give
me the benefit of deciding
what to pursue in college.

6. If my parents want me to
become an entrepreneur, I
will most likely listen and
follow them.
7. If my family is into
business, I will most likely
get into the same line.
8. Being involved in the family
business will help motivate
me to become an
9. Continuing the family
business of my parents

10. I should certainly simply

follow my parents if they
need me to become a

11. Planning for a business

was, or is, perhaps an
important part of my senior
high school.

12. I will not mind dropping out

of my studies if some good
business opportunity
comes my way.
13. I will finish my studies for
me to become a successful
entrepreneur someday.

14. It will give me an

advantage to venture
business in the future if I
take a business course in

15. The business-related

subjects that I have taken,
or I am currently taking
right now contribute to my
desire to engage in
business in the future.

16. The present economic

conditions in our country
are not favorable for young
and aspiring
17. There are only a few
entrepreneurial or
business opportunities in
my locality for young
18. Ages 15 years old and
above has a lower rate of
19. At your age, you can
create your own business
20. Senior Citizens can still run
a business.

21. Men run a business more

efficiently than women do.

22. Women are usually

employed more than men.

23. Women and men are treated
with respect in their
interactions with a business.
24. Women's rights must be
equivalent to men's rights
when carrying on a
25. Neither the woman nor a
man has greater power
than one another in the
running of a company.
26. Making video blogs on
entrepreneurship for
school purposes will gain
recognition for students
and aspiring entrepreneurs
to venture business in the

27. Watching video blogs from

will motivate students to
become an entrepreneur

28. Creating an online website

for aspiring entrepreneurs
and advertising it on social
platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram will gain the
interest of students to
expand their knowledge for

29. The social and economic

environment in my vicinity
is highly supportive of
30. Exposure to Social Media
greatly affects my interest
to pursue a business.


Interview Guide

1. When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes into your mind and


2. Would it be effective if you enter business after you complete your studies

or is it better to do the trial and error while studying?

3. Do you have any past experience in business?

4. Do you prefer to have your own business? If yes what is it?

5. What can be your interests and motivation in starting your own business?

6. Are you planning to start your own business after your studies? If yes,

why? If no, why not?

7. Do your parents want you to put up a business someday?

8. Do you have any existing family business?

9. Are you influenced by social media to start up an online business?

10. As a student, are you capable to start a business?

11. Does the business-related subject you have taken or taking right now

influence you to have a business in the future??

12. Do you think being an entrepreneur can be your key success? Why or

why not?



Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview Park, Quezon City


This is to certify that the manuscript of the thesis proposal entitled, “THE
submitted by the following students:



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the courses Inquiries, Investigations and
Immersion and Capstone Project has been proofread by the undersigned and has been
returned to the researchers on February, 2020.

The following issues were corrected from the manuscript submitted: grammar, spelling,
punctuation, sentence structure, and phrasing.

Mr. Emmanuel H. De Guzman, LPT


Transcript of Interview

Colegio De San Bartolome

Interviewer: When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes into your mind

and why?

Interviewee A: For me, an entrepreneur is the one who manages the business. The

difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman is that a businessman is the

one who owns the business while an entrepreneur is the one who decides on how he or

she runs a business and what is the right way to do things.

Interviewee B: Business. It is all about business. How you handle and how to improve

your business skills siguro.

Interviewee C: Our teacher taught us about that topic, it is more about the business. So

that when I hear the word entrepreneur, it will insinuate me that it is also one of the ways

on how to run a business.

Interviewee D: Business, starting up a business.

Interviewee E: When I first hear the word entrepreneur, the first thing that comes into
my mind is that businessman or the one that deals with business and they are the ones
that deals with business on their own.

Interviewer: Would it be effective if you enter business after you complete your

studies or is it better to do the trial and error while studying?

Interviewee A: What is that, after I graduate, I can start already? I am starting to have a

business but maybe I will work first and then if I have enough money, when I earn, I can

be able to have my own business.

Interviewee B: Uh entrepreneur is more effective.

Interviewee C: It is better to do trial and error for you to know that if you failed, of course

you need to change for you to do the right way.

Interviewee D: It is better to do trial and error while studying.

Interviewee E: For me, it will be effective if I enter the business and if I complete my
studies well if I complete my studies it’s going to be easy for me to do the thing, I do the

Interviewer: Do you have any past experience in business?

Interviewee A: Hmm a little? Before, my grandmother was selling food like tuyo. That is

why I’d experienced business but not that much.

Interviewee B: Before, my sister and I had nothing to do so we thought about selling

one-peso chips.

Interviewee C: Not yet, sorry I haven’t experienced it yet.

Interviewee D: Yeah, we have a business here in the back of Jollibee. So, the business
there, it is owned by my family, in other words, the business runs into our blood.

Interviewee E: Not really but all I do in my house is my chores

Interviewer: Do you prefer to have your own business? If so, what is it Interviewee

A: Yes, uh I’m planning to have a food service Uhm I will manufacture my own product, I

plan cafes.

Interviewee B: Yes, uhm business about sportswear.

Interviewee C: For me, yes, I have a plan. I want a restaurant like that. I want to run a

restaurant because that’s my preference in business.

Interviewee D: Yes, I have a plan but it is slightly complicated because it's more of
shifting, so from rural to urban and urban to rural.

Interviewee E: Yes, I prefer to have my own business and it will be a comic café
because I like to do drawings.

Interviewer: What can be your interests and motivation in starting your own


Interviewee A: Of course, the motivation is not that easy. There are times that you will

fail. Perhaps, we should keep on going or don’t give up.

Interviewee B: Wait, that’s hard. Motivation? Maybe the people who surround us so it

can help.

Interviewee C: Motivate? What do you mean by motivation? Is that how you can run a

business? Uhm, how? I don’t like the fact that there is a business that runs the business

in a way that they do such bad things. So, it seems that if you run a business, it should

be unique. If I want it in a legal way, I will follow the rules like the laws. I don’t feel like

cheating just to run my own business because in business we don’t always gain,

sometimes we lose, so it’s on us on how to think of any strategy. That’s my motivation, I,

myself will do it. I would prefer what I really want to make a business better.

Interviewee D: Well actually, I have a plan to invest instead to start my own business
but if that so, I should go with the flow. Possibly, self-motivation.

Interviewee E: Uhm my interest and motivation isare for the people to like reading
books again because many people do more on their phone other than their books.

Interviewer: Are you planning to start your own business after your studies? If so,

why? If not, why not?

Interviewee A: Hmm after my studies? I have a plan but I will work first.

Interviewee B: Not yet. I want to experience that I am an employee and also, to save

more money for business.

Interviewee C: For me, not yet. Because I felt that I cannot handle it yet. So, I need to

learn more first and then I’ll think of it later on, on how to run a business.

Interviewee D: I don’t want to because I should help my family first when it comes to

Interviewee E: YesYes, I am planning to start my business after my studies because I

want to redo it slowly until it becomes a big business.

Interviewer: Do your parents want you to put up a business someday?

Interviewee A: Yes, my mother wants to and I want it also.

Interviewee B: Yes.

Interviewee C: Hmm no.

Interviewee D: Yes, my mother has a plan.

Interviewee E: Yes, because they want me to achieve their dreams.

Interviewer: Do you have any existing family business?

Interviewee A: Hmm before, but now my aunt owns a laundry shop.

Interviewee B: Before it was existing, we had a canteen.

Interviewee C: None.

Interviewee D: Yeah, the pasalubungan that my family owns.

Interviewee E: Not really.

Interviewer: Are you influenced by social media to start up an online business?

Interviewee A: Online? Online never influenced me.

Interviewee B: Online business? I was not influenced by social media.

Interviewee C: Not really.

Interviewee D: Actually, yes but the problem is the supplier.

Interviewee E: Yes, I sometimes do.

Interviewer: As a student, are you capable of starting a business?

Interviewee A: Uhm if I am really determined, I also want to start a business but of

course I will study well.

Interviewee B: Hmm as a student? I am not yet capable of starting a business.

Interviewee C: Yes, for me to help my own needs.

Interviewee D: Yes.

Interviewee E: For me, I think yes.

Interviewer: Does the business-related subjects you have taken or taking right

now influence you to have a business in the future?

Interviewee A: Subjects? Uhm we have entrepreneurship, business ethics and business

math like that. My strand has a big help for me.

Interviewee B: Yes.

Interviewee C: Yes, it really does influence us especially Entrepreneurship. It helps us

on how to do the step-by-step procedures when it comes to business.

Interviewee D: Yes, our Entrepreneurship subject.

Interviewee E: Yes, it gives me more support and gives me ideas and gives me

encouragement to do business in the future.

Interviewer: Do you think being an entrepreneur can be your key success? Why or

why not?

Interviewee A: Key to my success? Uhm possibly yes, I’ve never been in that mindset

but for me, yes.

Interviewee B: Yes, because for me that is the starting point in doing business.

Interviewee C: Key success? For me, yes because entrepreneurs will help us in

knowing the rules or the correct way on how to run a business and the dos and don'ts.

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School

Interviewer: When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes into your mind
and why?

Interviewee A: Business.

Interviewee B: Business din.

Interviewee C: The first thing that comes to my mind are businesses such as those
businessmen who run their own business.

Interviewee D: Ah, they are the people who are always busy and have errands every

Interviewee E: Ah for me uhm when someone says the word entrepreneur, business is
the first thing that comes to my mind. Because of course on the past study or lesson we
had, when you say entrepreneur, business is always first in mind.

Interviewee F: Same goes, business. For us it showcases a deeper meaning that's why
when you say the word entrepreneur it's always about business.

Interviewer: Would it be effective if you enter business after you complete your
studies or is it better to do the trial and error while studying?

Interviewee A: Hmm. I feel that it's better to do trial and error because most businesses
are developed and have grown from the start. Other developed businesses in today's
time are all stemming out practicing trial and error. Some who work didn't graduate from
college or even high school but they have successful business ventures, that's why it's
trial and error.

Interviewee B: Also, for me, I would say trial and error because there are businesses
that are established such as clothing lines. But not all businesses are a hit or others
would say a one-time big-time that is why trial and error is a need.

Interviewee C: Uhm for me it’s better to practice trial and error while you’re studying for
students to be ready when they graduate. Even when you graduate, it should be also

Interviewee D: Same goes, trial and error.

Interviewee E: For me, of course, trial and error are much better before putting up and
venturing business. Uhm of course you should first try if you are effective or capable to
be a businessman or entrepreneur.

Interviewee F: Uhm trial and error. Effectiveness should not be the first thing we should
take care of when doing business, it's not about it. It needs to have enough experience
to be able to choose your preferred course to take.

Interviewer: Do you have any past experience in business?

Interviewee A: Yes, I have experienced such as the annual school fair. We are tasked
to sell food.

Interviewee B: For me, no.

Interviewee C: Uhm, just helping the business of my family and my tita as well.

Interviewee D: I don’t have an existing business.

Interviewee E: Yes. It is from last summer I have with my sister a clothing business that
is online.

Interviewee F: I don’t have an existing business.

Interviewer: Do you prefer to have your own business? If so, what is it?

Interviewee A: Yes. I want to have my own clothing line.

Interviewee B: Uh I want to have a restaurant.

Interviewee C: Uhm. For me, I wish to build my restaurant.

Interviewee D: Uh for me I want to have my own water station.

Interviewee E: Uhm, I will continue our own online clothing business.

Interviewee F: I don't have anything in mind to put up a business.

Interviewer: What can be your interests and motivation in starting your own

Interviewee A: Hmm money.

Interviewee B: Uhm my dreams and future that I will achieve when I i have a business
with my own interests.

Interviewee C: Ah motivation for me when I grow up, I want to be able to have a stable
job and income as well.

Interviewee D: Ah stable income to have or achieve a better life.

Interviewee E: For me, I think yes because clothing lines are a trend just like the brand

Interviewee F: I can’t think of anything.

Interviewer: Are you planning to start your own business after your studies? If so,
why? If not, why not?

Interviewee A: Yes. I think I have established a career to get started a sideline

business to earn extra income.

Interviewee B: I think yes because it is favorable to be working and have an existing

business that you can earn a lot of money with.

Interviewee C: Not yet for the meantime. I plan to start saving money then after, Ifif
have enough savings that are when the timetime, I would start to run a business.

Interviewee D: I would also save money before I put up a business.

Interviewee E: I think it depends because of course; you can earn money to start a

Interviewee F: I also agree that it depends on what would happen for me and my
mother. It should start within myself if I am capable already to start a business.

Interviewer: Do your parents want you to put up a business someday?

Interviewee A: No.

Interviewee B: My answer also is no.

Interviewee C: No also. My parents don't want to.

Interviewee D: My parents want me to work.

Interviewee E: For me yes, of course because we had a business last summer. My

parents wanted to pursue a business.

Interviewee F: For my family, it's a no. My mom just wants me to graduate.

Interviewer: Do you have any existing family business?

Interviewee A: We don’t have one.

Interviewee B: We also don’t have one.

Interviewee C: My family has a swimming pool business.

Interviewee D: We don’t have one.

Interviewee E: We don’t have one.

Interviewee F: We also don’t have one.

Interviewer: Are you influenced by social media to start up an online business?

Interviewee A: The YouTube influencers who have a business.

Interviewee B: For me, no.

Interviewee C: Yes, because I see others being successful.

Interviewee D: I would say no because I’m not into business.

Interviewee E: I would say bloggers but I’m more inclined to fashion and photography.

Interviewee F: I’m not influenced.

Interviewer: As a student, are you capable of starting a business?

Interviewee A: I slightly can. There are aspiring entrepreneurs in today’s youth who are
putting up their own business.

Interviewee B: Depends if my parents support me with the business.

Interviewee C: I would say I’m not capable because I have little experience in business.

Interviewee D: For me I don’t have enough experience to have an actual business on

my own.

Interviewee E: I would say yes, just like what I said I’m more into photography and
fashion that’s why I’m confident to start a business just like clothing lines.

Interviewee F: I would say no.

Interviewer: Does the business-related subjects you have taken or taking right
now influence you to have a business in the future?

Interviewee A: Not really.

Interviewee B: It depends.

Interviewee C: We don’t have one.

Interviewee D: -----------

Interviewee E: We don’t have business subjects.

Interviewee F: We don’t have business subjects.

Interviewer: Do you think being an entrepreneur can be your key success? Why or
why not?

Interviewee A: Yes, because you can earn a lot of money.

Interviewee B: I would say yes because you can receive a lot of money if you have a

Interviewee C: For me, yes. The income I’ll be earning would be higher than what I can
get when I have an initiative.

Interviewee D: For me, no because I’m not into business.

Interviewee E: Yes, of course. It depends if the business grows or not

Interviewee F: Possible. Once you try, maybe it will grow.

Good Shepherd Cathedral School


Interviewer: When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes into your mind
and why?

Interviewee A: Business-minded because when you are an entrepreneur you

should know certain tactics for your business to be successful.

Interviewee B: A person who operates a business.

Interviewee C: The first word that comes into my mind is business, because I think it’s
about business and it is a big part in business.

Interviewee D: The businessman or the owner of the business.

Interviewee E: Maybe, the word influence because I usually see them influences others
to have a business through social media.

Interviewer: Would it be effective if you enter business after you complete your
studies or is it better to do the trial and error while studying?

Interviewee A: It would be effective if you complete your studies first, so that you
will be able to have enough knowledge and will be able to execute such
techniques to help and set you on the right track.

Interviewee B: I think yes. It will connect them to the business even more because of
the strand that you chose.

Interviewee C: I think it’s better to enter business after you complete your studies
because you know the, we know that we know in our country nowadays that people who
are successful are the one who have a business.

Interviewee D: If I didn’t pass engineering, I am thinking about building my own


Interviewee E: Perhaps trial and error because I can still change my interest.

Interviewer: Do you have any past experience in business?

Interviewee A: Yes, when I was in 3rd grade, I was able to sell some of my
preloved pencils.

Interviewee B: I don't have any past experience but I am currently working today.

Interviewee C: I don’t have but our family has a sari-sari store so sometimes I am
the “bantay” in our sari-sari store.

Interviewee D: Yes.

Interviewee E: Yes. I have.

Interviewer: Do you prefer to have your own business? If so, what is it?

Interviewee A: Yes, hopefully a law firm.

Interviewee B: Yes, because I can earn money every day.

Interviewee C: I think yes, I prefer to have my own business after studying. I think it's a
milk tea store because I love milk tea so much and I think if Ii have a milk tea business.
It will be my motivation to have a better day every day.

Interviewee D: Yes. I will continue my family business which is selling fish, vegetables
like that.

Interviewee E: Perhaps, café.

Interviewer: What can be your interests and motivation in starting your own

Interviewee A: My interests and motivation in starting my own business is my will to

exhibit certain talents and the contentment and satisfaction I will have.

Interviewee B: My interest to start a business of course to be rich especially today, as

long as I am young enough to start a business.

Interviewee C: I think uhm, as what I have said earlier it is my favorite and I think the
motivation is my family and friends to start a business.

Interviewee D: My family.

Interviewee E: Maybe, my family.

Interviewer: Are you planning to start your own business after your studies? If so,
why? If not, why not?

Interviewee A: Yes, but after I have enough experience in being an employee. A step-
by-step process will do.

Interviewee B: Yes, it's because i want my money to increase more and I will probably
do my work and my business at the same time.

Interviewee C: Yes, because I have said earlier again if you have a business it has a
possibility, higher chance to be rich.

Interviewee D: Maybe.

Interviewee E: I planned it before because I want to see if I can handle it.

Interviewer: Do your parents want you to put up a business someday?

Interviewee A: No, but they want me to be successful and happy.

Interviewee B: They do not have any plans.

Interviewee C: We don’t talk about it but I think yes.

Interviewee D: Yes.

Interviewee E: Yes, actually they are pushing me to take an ABM strand.

Interviewer: Do you have any existing family business?

Interviewee A: Yes

Interviewee B: None

Interviewee C: The sari-sari store and the computer shop.

Interviewee D: Yes, selling vegetables.

Interviewee E: As of now, none.

Interviewer: Are you influenced by social media to start up an online business?

Interviewee A: To be honest, no. Because what influenced me in starting a business is

the problems in the society, that is continuously affecting one's lives.

Interviewee B: Yes.

Interviewee C: No.

Interviewee D: No.

Interviewee E: Yes.

Interviewer: As a student, are you capable of starting a business?

Interviewee A: Yes

Interviewee B: Yes

Interviewee C: I think no, because as a student athlete and if you have a business it
needs a lot of time management it needs to have a very good time management
because, being a student-athlete playing volleyball and while studying is very hard. What
if, if you have a business.

Interviewee D: Yes.

Interviewee E: Yes.

Interviewer: Does the business-related subjects you have taken or taking right
now influence you to have a business in the future?

Interviewee A: Yes, because it teaches me the basics and it guides me and allows me
to motivate myself.

Interviewee B: Yes

Interviewee C: Yes, I think it is the starting point to influence me in the future.

Interviewee D: None.

Interviewee E: No

Interviewer: Do you think being an entrepreneur can be your key success? Why or
why not?

Interviewee A: I don't think so, because the career I wanted to pursue is being a CPA

Interviewee B: Yes, because it is possible to reach millions of money especially when

you have the highest income.

Interviewee C: Yes, because the stereotyping here in the Philippines if you are rich it
means you are successful so I think yes.

Interviewee D: Yes, the business is developing especially if it becomes famous and

everybody is choosing it.

Interviewee E: Yes, I think it will be able and as well as it will lead toward success.

Grade 12 students

Interviewer: When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes into your mind
and why?

Interviewee A: Based on the studies that we have learned; Entrepreneur is the one who
invents new and innovative businesses and an entrepreneur is based on what the
people need and what the people want.

Interviewee B: Business man. Entrepreneur is someone who creates a business for

profit or for helping others.

Interviewee C: The first thing that comes into my mind when I hear entrepreneurs, uhm,
money, business like that. They have different branches of businesses for example,
someone has a business for themselves and his/her other business is to lower other

Interviewee D: I think innovations because from there they can show us how innovative
they are as well as on how they can help others instead of having a business for

Interviewee E: For me, I always associate it with success. Because entrepreneurs

always reap all the rewards when calculating the risks.

Interviewer: Would it be effective if you enter business after you complete your
studies or is it better to do the trial and error while studying?

Interviewee A: Probably, trial and error, that’s for when you succeed in your first try, at
least you have...for instance you have a foundation then after your studies, of course
you have enough knowledge and you may be able to continue whatever you have

Interviewee B: It depends on the factors. If you have plenty of course if you have more
capital, you may be able to try as soon as possible but if you haven’t because you’re still

a student and you do not have any income or money like that. Well, after your studies
nalang for you to save more money.

Interviewee C: I think I should study first before I enter the business world because uhm
in studying you will be equipped; your knowledge and skill will be equipped for your
business in the future. Instead of doing trial and error, for example, if you do trial and
error, yes, you will make prior mistakes but more on spending money like that.

Interviewee D: Because of my father. Yes, I want to be an economist but my father said

that he wants me to build a business at least a flight agency will do and for me to help
my family.

Interviewee E: I don't think I'm necessarily the type of individual who can balance
studying with running a business, so the answer to that is no

Interviewer: Do you have any past experience in business?

Interviewee A: No.

Interviewee B: Yes.

Interviewee C: Yes. Uhm, in our club and also in our booth during the school fair.
Before, we sold ice candies also.

Interviewee D: Well, I went to the convention one time in SM. It is like a convention on
how you can save money and also about business strategy.

Interviewee E: Not really, no

Interviewer: Do you prefer to have your own business? If yes, what is it?

Interviewee A: Maybe I will push what my mother’s suggestion or my mother thought

about having a dormitory around in our area. Because, the population here in Fairview is
increasing and there is a rumor that they will build school institutions here in Fairview.

Interviewee B: Yes. It depends on the trends in the market or depends on the niche that
I am in.

Interviewee C: Of course, yes. I want to have my own restaurant aspiring chef.

Interviewee D: Yes, like what I said earlier, at least a flight agency will do because it is a
sure win to the people nowadays especially for the tourists who are visiting from other

Interviewee E: As of now no, because I'm not entirely sure of what kind of business I
would like to run.

Interviewer: What can be your interests and motivation in starting your own

Interviewee A: To profit. Because it is the only reason why people want and why they
are entering the business world.

Interviewee B: If possible, I will start through my hobbies, I want to do this business to

be part of my hobbies. Because I am happy when I am earning income and from there, I
am motivated.

Interviewee C: Maybe my passion for building a business because since then I want to
cook and then maybe the profit will help my family and also to myself.

Interviewee D: My motivation is those wise words that came from my father’s mouth
saying, “Son, do this for you to help our family.”

Interviewee E: My motivation would be the opportunities that would be made available,

for example if there was an opportunity to open a business in an area that is yet to have
that particular kind of business.

Interviewer: Are you planning to start your own business after your studies? If so,
why? If not, why not?

Interviewee A: No because I do not have any interest when it comes to business unless
if my mother will run a business, I will help her.

Interviewee B: Yes, because if you have your own business, your goal is not just to
earn income but to help other people. You are not just earning income; you are helping
others also.

Interviewee C: Of course. After studies, not just business immediately but you need to
explore new things first. Like for example, you need to acquire new knowledge in case
you will build a business someday, you know what to do when it comes to business and
for the business to be stronger and successful.

Interviewee D: Not now because we don’t have any money yet for the capital but
someday, in the future, it will come true.

Interviewee E: Not really, because my plan is to practice a different kind of profession

that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with running my own business.

Interviewer: Do your parents want you to put up a business someday?

Interviewee A: Actually, yes because they said that it is for me not to worry about but
business is not my thing. I want to work and travel the world someday.

Interviewee B: Not really.

Interviewee C: Actually, I don’t know because my parents. Mainly, the office is where
they are working. They do not want to have a business because they are thinking about
how the business will run if they come into the point of retirement.

Interviewee D: Yes, like I said earlier at least a flight agency will do for me to help my
family. But for me, I also want the concept of a flight agency.

Interviewee E: Not really, no. They support any kind of profession for me to practice, as
long as they know that it makes me happy and keeps me sustained.

Interviewer: Do you have any existing family business?

Interviewee A: No.

Interviewee B: None.

Interviewee C: None.

Interviewee D: For now, none.

Interviewee E: Based on my prior knowledge, no. I don't think so.

Interviewer: Are you influenced by social media to start up an online business?

Interviewee A: Yes, because it is trending nowadays.

Interviewee B: Yes.

Interviewee C: No, I am too lazy to do such things.

Interviewee D: Yes, because the strategy that they are showing is effective enough.

Interviewee E: Not exactly, while social media has its occurrences to give me ideas on
what could make a good business, it doesn't necessarily make me want to open a
business. If there is a thing that somewhat motivates me to a certain point to want to
open a business, it would be the lessons that I am currently learning regarding the world
of business.

Interviewer: As a student, are you capable of starting a business?

Interviewee A: No.

Interviewee B: Yes.

Interviewee C: Yes, I have enough skills for me to do what business I really want but for
now I think it should be a small-time business first.

Interviewee D: For me, I think I will start first in buy-and-sell.

Interviewee E: In my case, specifically being an ABM student, with the background

knowledge taught to me such as the 5 functions of a business, 4p's of marketing and etc.
I think I am capable enough to start a business

Interviewer: Does the business-related subjects you have taken or taking right
now influence you to have a business in the future?

Interviewee A: No.

Interviewee B: Kind of. Because it can help us learn other information that the internet
doesn’t have.

Interviewee C: Ahh yes, the subjects we are taking right now gives me new knowledge
about dealing business and how to manage a business.

Interviewee D: Yes, our accounting subject. I have learned something in our accounting

Interviewee E: Yes, it does, the more that I learn about business the more that I get
motivated to start one.

Interviewer: Do you think being an entrepreneur can be your key success? Why or
why not?

Interviewee A: Not usually because if I want to work and if I am determined to work, I

may be able to save enough to support myself and also my family.

Interviewee B: It depends on the person because some people are risk takers while
some want only to have a stable income.

Interviewee C: Uhm yes because if ever it is all about the money. if you have plenty of
business, you will earn money and you will become successful in life someday.

Interviewee D: Yes, because aside from money, here is when I learn more along the
way as time goes by.

Interviewee E: It can definitely be a key to success, because being an entrepreneur

means all the rewards are there for you to enjoy as long as you've done your job right.
Being a successful entrepreneur is also being one of the most successful people in the


Interviewer: When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes into your mind
and why?
Interviewee A: When I hear the word entrepreneur it sounds like those who want to
start a business.
Interviewee B: When I hear the word entrepreneur, they are the people who started the
business, they are the executors, innovators, and the ones who want to do business.
Interviewee C: When I heard that word entrepreneur first that comes to my mind is a
man who sees an opportunity that he seized opportunity so that he could grow his
Interviewee D:.When I hear the word entrepreneur first come to my mind is take risk as
if they are people who even though they are not sure if they will succeed or have the
opportunity to do that then they will try to get the success they want.
Interviewee E: For me to hear the word entrepreneur, it is someone who wants to do
Interviewee F: People who want to enter a business and own a business.
Interviewee G: For me, as soon as I heard the word entrepreneur, it came to my mind
immediately about business.
Interviewee H: They are the entrepreneurs who are responsible for building a business
and are also contributing to the economy of our country.
Interviewee I: When I hear the word that entrepreneurs first come to my mind, they are
the ones who set up the business and the ones helping our economy.
Interviewee J: What comes to my mind when I hear the word entrepreneur, are those
who plan to start their own business and why is it that entrepreneurship is not planning
or starting up a business, so when they are entrepreneurs, they are planning to have a

Interviewer: Would it be effective if you enter business after you complete your
studies or is it better to do trial and error while studying?
Interviewee A: Maybe for me it's more effective to get into the business after finishing
school because it will not be difficult because if you study while having a business, it
might be complicated.
Interviewee B: I think that it is more effective to complete your studies before starting a
business because in studies especially when you are ABM, you will have the opportunity
to gain knowledge about business and how you will put up something.
Interviewee C: it's just that it's better when you study when you're already in business, it
does not mean when it says business, it needs to be big even at small business and at
least you know how to manage your time yourself how to do it when you are dealing with
your customers because it is better then you have first-hand experience because not
everything in the world you will get in the book.
Interviewee D: You can start a business while you are studying or just because it is
better to finish your studies before you start a business because the more you know the
more you learn more about the business you are pursuing.
Interviewee E: For me it’s better to study and try business at the same time.
Interviewee F: It’s better to finish your studies before having a job, because in studying
you’ll get strategies or steps in starting or having a successful business.
Interviewee G: Perhaps it’s better to graduate from school before venturing a business.
Interviewee H: Yes, because as a student you need to do trial and error in everything to
consider things that have no assurance of anything.
Interviewee I: It's better if you will do trial and error while you’re studying.
Interviewee J: I think yes because I would be knowledgeable and prepared on things
that must be considered when putting up a business also because when you do trial and
error there is a tendency of having no assurance and a hundred percent chance for the
business to be that successful
Interviewer: Do you have any experience in business?
Interviewee A: I don’t have any past experience when it comes to business, maybe
selling food can be an experience.
Interviewee B: I don’t have any experience in starting a business, but before we were
tasked to make a business proposal about having a business, but only inside the school.
It’s not that big and not a good opportunity for us to have an experience, a good
experience in having a business.
Interviewee C: I have a past experience in business but it’s not family business, it’s
more like having a business in school especially our foundation day. We were able to do
it since Grade 9. Now that I am Grade 11, we also have business before during third
quarter before having our foundation day.

Interviewee D: I don’t have much past experience in business. But I was just a
watchman at my aunt’s store.
Interviewee E: I have experience in my family business.
Interviewee F: I don’t have any past experience.
Interviewee G: Yes, I have experienced just last week when I merchandised at my
Interviewee H: Yes, because here in school, we have a lot of extra-curricular activities
to do in our major subjects like entrepreneurship and applied economics.
Interviewee I: Yes, my family owns a meat shop.
Interviewee J: Yes, because in my major subjects in abm we were exposed in putting
up a business and the purpose of being an abm student, you will become a
businessman so that's why I experience it in my strand.
Interviewer: Do you prefer to have your own business? If so, what is it?
Interviewee A: If I was given an opportunity to have my own business, maybe it would
be selling Milk Tea. Because it is a trend now especially for teenagers.
Interviewee B: I prefer to have my own business but not now maybe someday, maybe if
I have not thought about it now if what it is called, maybe food business but am not sure
of it.
Interviewee C: I would prefer to have a business owned because i would like to use my
creativity in handling a business, and of course i would like to earn because my goal is
having a business and giving a good service to my customers too.
Interviewee D: Yes, I would love to have a business because if you have a business, it
is up to you on how to run it and also what time it will open.
Interviewee E: Yes, I would try to make a business about making furniture.
Interviewee F: No sorry.
Interviewee G For now no, I will finish my studies first before starting a business.
Interviewee H: Hopefully yes, someday I would own a business because it is the best
way to earn income and money and at the same time, it could grow and also it could be
Interviewee I: Yes, because I would like to experience making my own business and to
sell something to others.
Interviewee J: Yes, I mean we would like to become a manager and not become an
employee of a company. Because they say that if we start a business, it should be the
one you desire. I like the school supplies because I buy it very often. I mean many
students buy anywhere so anyone can buy at you store even the office workers they
need the supplies for their office so anyone can buy in that business.

Interviewer: What can be your interest and motivation in starting your own
Interviewee A: Maybe motivation to earn income and of course money.
Interviewee B: My Interest and motivation in starting my own business, maybe it is just
me and what I want to happen, that I want to help someday maybe my family and also
myself on how to sustain myself someday.
Interviewee C: For me my interest is being an employee because I want that I am giving
a job and also its business because you care the one who cares about my time if you
don’t want to work now or to sell now, then stop so that it will be more flexible in time
mop and to business because it is not restricted in being a employed.
Interviewee D: My interest and motivation to start a business is now our subject of
marketing and I would like to start a business because he is happy even though he has
a lot of problems because he is very involved in business.
Interviewee E: My motivation is the business that my father built.
Interviewee F: My motivation is my family. They are my inspiration in finishing my
Interviewee G: Maybe my motivation in starting a business is my family.
Interviewee H: I think that one of my interests is since I love having Milk tea, Ii thought
of having a Milk tea Shop. It will become my motivation is being a top priority store for
the people.
Interviewee I: My motivation to put up my business is you will start their first so that if
you establish your business, it will be stable.

Interviewee J: Of course, my motivation is to be rich and also to achieve my dream to

be successful business. And lastly, my business would be well known like national
bookstores and other famous school supplies shops in our country.

Interviewer: Are you planning to start your own business after your studies if yes,
why? If not, why not?
Interviewee A: It depends, I would not because I like to find a job first before putting up
a business.
Interviewee B: My plan is to have a small business after studying because, I think it
would help me and like I said before, it would sustain and can help somehow.

Interviewee C: I plan to start my business, a small skill business and I thought of it
becoming a produce business like food, it is still favored at markets.
Interviewee D: when I finish school of course you will not immediately get your own
investment so my thought is that I will work for the company first and after you invest
more, I will start a business not immediately a big business small business first
Interviewee E: yes, I plan to start my own business for the future of my family
Interviewee F: No, maybe I'll take a break first after finishing my graduation.
Interviewee G: Yes, I have been planning to start a business when I am studying.
Interviewee H: Yes, because for me to have background in having a business and at
the same time to help others to put up a business in the near future.
Interviewee I: Yes, because I would like to experience selling and serving my
Interviewee J: Yes, because what is the purpose of studying that is why I have planned
to have an own business in the future because iI do not want to be aan employee

Interviewer: Do your parents want you to put up a business someday?

Interviewee A: If you ask my parents, they for me are to have their own business
Interviewee B: my parents of course want me to have my own business because it can
help him not only temporarily, but also permanently you can pass it on to others after
your generation. When I had a business someday of course my parents were happy
because I could manage to have my own life.
Interviewee C: to my parents, they didn't even say that we were going to start a
business but I also wanted to do my business so that they would know if they were not
doing their business to help me.
Interviewee D: I am not being pressured by my parents to have a business someday.
Interviewee E: Yes, my parents want me to start up a business so that i would have
own capability to start a business
Interviewee F: Yes, maybe it is fast to earn income if we establish a business
Interviewee G: No, they are not forcing me.
Interviewee H: Of course, yes since we do not have a business for now, why not that I
would start a business that they were dreaming about.
Interviewee I: They did not say anything to me about starting a business, depends on
me if I would like to start in the future

Interviewee J: maybe because my mother also wants her really based on her
experience of 30 years she has been working so hard but when you really run your
business so I am her child I saw that when he was poor I would not throughout my life I
would also just want to work for someone else and I would give someone else a job.

Interviewer: Do you have any existing family business?

Interviewee A: Before we had a business, a small store
Interviewee B: we have an existing family business but he is not that big. Maybe my
mom just had another partner then they started their own business, small business.
Interviewee C: we do not have any existing business
Interviewee D: we have, my tita’s side
Interviewee E: we have a family business
Interviewee F: we have a family business
Interviewee G: Don’t have
Interviewee H: Don’t have for now, hopefully someday we will have
Interviewee I: Yes, we have babuyan, isadaan, and gulayan (talipapa)
Interviewee J: We do not have like Ii said before, my mother works only so we don’t
have a business

Interviewer: Are you influenced by social media to start up an online business?

Interviewee A: Yes, sometimes I am being influenced by social media because many
earn a lot even online.
Interviewee B: By looking in social media, yes but online business is for me is not that
effective because you know the trust of the customer. It should be the customers who
come first should be managed.

Interviewee C: I been influenced by social media to start online business, yes, they
have influence me specially that now Lazada is now featured online
Interviewee D: No, it is not a big factor for me is social media, because we are not sure
if money is from there so it is better to be sure of it.
Interviewee E: No, I am not influence by social media
Interviewee F: Yes, it influenced me by the famous social Medias like Shopee, Lazada.
many earn money here so that is why many people are there at the social media

Interviewee G: as well as providing social media to the people I see in business such as
online shops I have developed a business because I also want to make money and help
the family
Interviewee H: Because many online sellers or online shops now like Lazada and
Shopee are earning even though they are not doing anything
Interviewee I: It depends on the product that I saw online, sometimes it is better that I
look online because it is more attractive.
Interviewee J: Yes, especially since it was our business last year in grade 11 it has
been so successful that it has never been easier to get your market online because it is
now more accessible because larger people can access your business even when you

Interviewer: As a student, are you capable of starting up an online business?

Interviewee A: As a student it is better that you are young you are starting your own
business up to you become old, the business is still running.
Interviewee B: As a student, not yet because I lack knowledge and also not that expert
when it comes to business. I know some but it is not enough
Interviewee C: As a student yes, I am capable of starting up my business but not that
big. it would still be a business even though you are selling candy outside.
Interviewee D: Yes, because it can be the best experience to me and the income that I
will earn will be the big help to my school financial
Interviewee E: Yes, I want to start a business so that it will still run
Interviewee F: No.
Interviewee G: Yes, as a student I can start a business
Interviewee H: I think yes because since we were students, we were taught that
manage time, money making and business start up
Interviewee I: Yes, because I have a background experience and knowledge to start a
Interviewee J: For now, yes because we have business subjects that can help us but
for our age now, we do not have enough money so start a big business so we will start
at having a small one.

Interviewer: Does the business-related subject you have taken or taking right now
influence you to have a business in the future?
Interviewee A: the ones I take up on this subject seem to help me come up with a future

Interviewee B: so, my business-related subjects now of course they are very helpful
because they add knowledge to me about business and how I can plan, how I can
execute and also how I make a profit.
Interviewee C: Yes, I'm overwhelmed by what my business-related subjects are in
pursuing a business on my own because they are too busy persuading us to attack or do
business instead of being employed.
Interviewee D: Yes, it has been influential in my subjects so that I could pursue to have
a business someday
Interviewee E: Yes, the subject has really help me for my future
Interviewee F: Yes, because it is my strand ABM is like I really want to learn about
Interviewee G: Yes, because the subject we are taking now is marketing
Interviewee H: Yes, because our majors teach us how to handle money and how to put
up a business so I think that will help us to build our own business someday.
Interviewee I: Yes.
Interviewee J: As I said earlier yes because our major teacher also always says that we
should aim to be a businessman not an imaging employee for life so I feel that our
subjects are now really helpful for the mindset to become a businessman someday.

Interviewer: Do you think being an entrepreneur can be your key success why or
why not?
Interviewee A: For me it has become really helpful to become successful someday
when my business grows.
Interviewee B: So being an entrepreneur for me, it feels good, engaging and innovating
at the same time maybe I think he will be the key to success for the first time when you
become a profitable business that you plan well, your execution will be successful ' if you
succeed in your business you will succeed in the first place but if you get good results,
you will also benefit and you will eventually be sustainable. I mean entrepreneurs like
you are open to everything you see or if you see an opportunity to take that opportunity
so much of the opportunity around the world seems to be the key to success in life.
Interviewee C: Yes for me being a big factor in being successful is because as I said
entrepreneur like you are open to everything you see or if you see an opportunity to take
that so it seems like the amount of opportunity worldwide seems to be the key to be
successful in life.
Interviewee D: Yes, the entrepreneurial morning is key to being successful as not all
are going through success immediately you have to go through a lot of trials.
Interviewee E: Yes, being an entrepreneur can be your key to success.
Interviewee F: Yes, because they are one of my motivations.

Interviewee G: Yes, the business is the key of being successful someday
Interviewee H: Yes, being an entrepreneur takes a lot of opportunities and experiences
so why not being an entrepreneur is key to our success someday as a student
Interviewee I: Yes, especially when the business you build in the future will be
successful, you will be more successful in life
Interviewee J: Yes, as long as you like what you do you like the business you have
because you never feel tired because you like what you do so long as you like what you
do you will be very successful because you are happy to earn more .

Appendix E

Computation of Raw Data



1.     My previous experiences in engaging in

business-related activities motivate me to 1 4 1 0
become an entrepreneur in the future.

2.     Exposure to social media greatly affects

3 0 3 0
my interest to pursue a business.

3.     The social and economic environment in

my locality is highly supportive of 0 6 0 0

4.     Participating in programs that teach the

basics of pursuing a business inspires me to 2 2 1 1
become an entrepreneur.

5.     Exposure in summer enrichment

seminars give me the benefit of deciding what 1 4 1 0
to pursue in college.

6.     If my parents want me to become an

entrepreneur, I will most likely listen and 1 3 2 0
follow them.

7.     If my family is into business, I will most

2 2 1 1
likely get into the same line.

8.     Being involved in the family business will

2 4 0 0
help motivate me to become an entrepreneur.

9.     Continuing the family business of my

3 3 0 0

10.  I should certainly simply follow my parents

1 3 2 0
if they need me to become a businessman.

11.  Planning for a business was, or is,

perhaps an important part of my senior high 1 3 2 0

12.  I will not mind dropping out of my studies

if some good business opportunity comes my 2 1 2 1

13.  I will finish my studies for me to become a
2 3 0 1
successful entrepreneur someday.

14.  It will give me an advantage to venture

business in the future if I take a business 2 2 2 0
course in college.
15.  The business-related subjects that I have
taken, or I am currently taking right now
1 4 1 0
contribute to my desire to engage in business
in the future.

16.  The present economic conditions in our

country are not favorable for young and 1 3 2 0
aspiring entrepreneurs.

17.  There are only a few entrepreneurial or

business opportunities in my locality for young 1 5 0 0

18.  Ages 15 years old and above has a lower

1 3 1 1
rate of unemployment

19.  At your age, you can create your own

2 3 1 0
business plan.

20.  Senior Citizens can still run a business. 2 4 0 0

21.  Men run a business more efficiently than

1 4 1 0
women do.

22.  Women are usually employed more than

0 6 0 0

23.  Women and men are treated with respect in

1 2 3 0
their interactions with a business.

24.  Women's rights must be equivalent to

2 3 0 1
men's rights when carrying on a company

25.  Neither the woman nor a man has greater
power than one another in the running of a 1 3 1 1
26.  Making video blogs on promoting
entrepreneurship for school purposes will gain
recognition for students and aspiring 3 2 1 0
entrepreneurs to venture business in the
27.  Watching video blogs from
influencers/entrepreneurs will motivate 3 3 0 0
students to become an entrepreneur

28. Creating an online website for aspiring

entrepreneurs and advertising it on social
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and 2 3 1 0
Instagram will gain the interest of students to
expand their knowledge for entrepreneurship.

29.  The social and economic environment in

my vicinity is highly supportive of 1 3 2 0

30. Exposure to Social Media greatly affects

3 2 1 0
my interest to pursue a business.



1.     My previous experiences in engaging in

business-related activities motivate me to 2 8 0 0
become an entrepreneur in the future.

2.     Exposure to social media greatly affects

0 6 4 0
my interest to pursue a business.

3.     The social and economic environment in
my locality is highly supportive of 2 3 5 0

4.     Participating in programs that teach the

basics of pursuing a business inspires me to 4 4 2 0
become an entrepreneur.

5.     Exposure in summer enrichment

seminars give me the benefit of deciding what 0 7 3 0
to pursue in college.

6.     If my parents want me to become an

entrepreneur, I will most likely listen and 1 5 4 0
follow them.

7.     If my family is into business, I will most

2 5 3 0
likely get into the same line.

8.     Being involved in the family business will

1 8 0 1
help motivate me to become an entrepreneur.

9.     Continuing the family business of my

2 6 1 1

10.  I should certainly simply follow my parents

0 8 1 1
if they need me to become a businessman.

11.  Planning for a business was, or is,

perhaps an important part of my senior high 3 4 3 0

12.  I will not mind dropping out of my studies

if some good business opportunity comes my 0 6 2 2

13.  I will finish my studies for me to become a

7 3 0 0
successful entrepreneur someday.

14.  It will give me an advantage to venture

business in the future if I take a business 3 7 0 0
course in college.

15.  The business-related subjects that I have
taken, or I am currently taking right now
3 6 1 0
contribute to my desire to engage in business
in the future.

16.  The present economic conditions in our

country are not favorable for young and 2 4 4 0
aspiring entrepreneurs.

17.  There are only a few entrepreneurial or

business opportunities in my locality for young 2 7 1 0

18.  Ages 15 years old and above has a lower

2 5 3 0
rate of unemployment

19.  At your age, you can create your own

1 7 1 1
business plan.

20.  Senior Citizens can still run a business. 2 6 2 0

21.  Men run a business more efficiently than

0 3 5 2
women do.

22.  Women are usually employed more than

0 4 4 2

23.  Women and men are treated with respect in

5 5 0 0
their interactions with a business.

24.  Women's rights must be equivalent to

7 2 1 0
men's rights when carrying on a company

25.  Neither the woman nor a man has greater

power than one another in the running of a 1 4 4 1
26.  Making video blogs on promoting
entrepreneurship for school purposes will gain
recognition for students and aspiring 5 4 1 0
entrepreneurs to venture business in the

27.  Watching video blogs from
influencers/entrepreneurs will motivate 3 7 0 0
students to become an entrepreneur

28. Creating an online website for aspiring

entrepreneurs and advertising it on social
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and 1 8 1 1
Instagram will gain the interest of students to
expand their knowledge for entrepreneurship.

29.  The social and economic environment in

my vicinity is highly supportive of 1 6 1 2

30. Exposure to Social Media greatly affects

0 7 3 0
my interest to pursue a business.



1.     My previous experiences in engaging in

business-related activities motivate me to 13 50 10 1
become an entrepreneur in the future.

2.     Exposure to social media greatly affects

15 38 20 1
my interest to pursue a business.

3.     The social and economic environment in

my locality is highly supportive of 8 45 23 0

4.     Participating in programs that teach the

basics of pursuing a business inspires me to 16 22 18 1
become an entrepreneur.

5.     Exposure in summer enrichment

seminars give me the benefit of deciding what 14 28 23 9
to pursue in college.

6.     If my parents want me to become an

entrepreneur, I will most likely listen and 15 35 17 7
follow them.

7.     If my family is into business, I will most
21 31 18 8
likely get into the same line.

8.     Being involved in the family business will

22 39 10 2
help motivate me to become an entrepreneur.

9.     Continuing the family business of my

22 36 13 3

10.  I should certainly simply follow my parents

14 27 27 8
if they need me to become a businessman.

11.  Planning for a business was, or is,

perhaps an important part of my senior high 12 42 17 3

12.  I will not mind dropping out of my studies

if some good business opportunity comes my 12 14 29 19

13.  I will finish my studies for me to become a

24 37 12 24
successful entrepreneur someday.

14.  It will give me an advantage to venture

business in the future if I take a business 12 46 13 3
course in college.
15.  The business-related subjects that I have
taken, or I am currently taking right now
10 39 21 4
contribute to my desire to engage in business
in the future.

16.  The present economic conditions in our

country are not favorable for young and 12 33 28 1
aspiring entrepreneurs.

17.  There are only a few entrepreneurial or

business opportunities in my locality for young 15 33 15 1

18.  Ages 15 years old and above has a lower

17 32 21 4
rate of unemployment

19.  At your age, you can create your own
20 44 9 1
business plan.

20.  Senior Citizens can still run a business. 22 31 3 1

21.  Men run a business more efficiently than

5 12 30 27
women do.

22.  Women are usually employed more than

6 22 35 11

23.  Women and men are treated with respect in

29 35 9 1
their interactions with a business.

24.  Women's rights must be equivalent to

51 19 3 1
men's rights when carrying on a company

25.  Neither the woman nor a man has greater

power than one another in the running of a 35 31 5 3
26.  Making video blogs on promoting
entrepreneurship for school purposes will gain
recognition for students and aspiring 36 34 4 0
entrepreneurs to venture business in the
27.  Watching video blogs from
influencers/entrepreneurs will motivate 23 25 7 0
students to become an entrepreneur

28. Creating an online website for aspiring

entrepreneurs and advertising it on social
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and 27 40 7 0
Instagram will gain the interest of students to
expand their knowledge for entrepreneurship.

29.  The social and economic environment in

my vicinity is highly supportive of 9 48 17 0

30. Exposure to Social Media greatly affects

14 42 16 2
my interest to pursue a business.


1.     My previous experiences in engaging in

business-related activities motivate me to 9 33 8 1
become an entrepreneur in the future.

2.     Exposure to social media greatly affects

5 29 17 0
my interest to pursue a business.

3.     The social and economic environment in

my locality is highly supportive of 3 35 13 0

4.     Participating in programs that teach the

basics of pursuing a business inspires me to 12 26 11 2
become an entrepreneur.

5.     Exposure in summer enrichment

seminars give me the benefit of deciding what 16 22 13 0
to pursue in college.

6.     If my parents want me to become an

entrepreneur, I will most likely listen and 6 21 20 4
follow them.

7.     If my family is into business, I will most

11 18 20 2
likely get into the same line.

8.     Being involved in the family business will

13 28 9 1
help motivate me to become an entrepreneur.

9.     Continuing the family business of my

12 29 9 1

10.  I should certainly simply follow my parents

4 30 17 0
if they need me to become a businessman.

11.  Planning for a business was, or is,
perhaps an important part of my senior high 6 33 12 0

12.  I will not mind dropping out of my studies

if some good business opportunity comes my 8 6 26 11

13.  I will finish my studies for me to become a

23 20 7 1
successful entrepreneur someday.

14.  It will give me an advantage to venture

business in the future if I take a business 15 32 4 0
course in college.

15.  The business-related subjects that I have

taken, or I am currently taking right now
contribute to my desire to engage in business
8 34 9 0
in the future.

16.  The present economic conditions in our

country are not favorable for young and 8 27 16 0
aspiring entrepreneurs.

17.  There are only a few entrepreneurial or

business opportunities in my locality for young 9 38 3 1

18.  Ages 15 years old and above has a lower

8 19 17 7
rate of unemployment

19.  At your age, you can create your own

16 34 1 0
business plan.

20.  Senior Citizens can still run a business. 21 27 3 0

21.  Men run a business more efficiently than

5 19 21 6
women do.

22.  Women are usually employed more than

10 21 17 3

23.  Women and men are treated with respect in
21 25 5 0
their interactions with a business.

24.  Women's rights must be equivalent to

29 18 4 0
men's rights when carrying on a company

25.  Neither the woman nor a man has greater

power than one another in the running of a 25 20 5 1
26.  Making video blogs on promoting
entrepreneurship for school purposes will gain
recognition for students and aspiring 22 28 1 0
entrepreneurs to venture business in the
27.  Watching video blogs from
influencers/entrepreneurs will motivate 14 36 1 0
students to become an entrepreneur

28. Creating an online website for aspiring

entrepreneurs and advertising it on social
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and 18 31 2 0
Instagram will gain the interest of students to
expand their knowledge for entrepreneurship.

29.  The social and economic environment in

my vicinity is highly supportive of 3 32 15 1

30. Exposure to Social Media greatly affects

8 33 9 1
my interest to pursue a business.


Certificate of Statistician’



Certificate of Face Validation


Permission Letter to Conduct the Study



Data Gathering at Good Shepherd Cathedral School

Conducting Interview with the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Good Shepherd

Cathedral School

Data Gathering at Colegio de San Bartolome of Novaliches

Conducting Interview with the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Colegio de San

Bartolome of Novaliches

Data Gathering at Ina ng Buhay Catholic School

Conducting Interview with the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Ina ng Buhay

Catholic School

Data Gathering at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School

Conducting Interview with the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Blessed

Sacrament Catholic School



Lot 12 Block Ernestito Street Don Jose Heights Commonwealth

Brgy Fairview, Quezon City


Contact Nos.: 09982282069



Nickname: Ej Date of Birth: September 4, 2001

Place of Birth: Quezon City Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single



SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2018 – 2020)


JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 22 Dahlia Ave, Novaliches, Quezon City, 1118 Metro Manila
(2013 - 2017)


GRADE SCHOOL Novaliches, Quezon City Metro Manila

(2008 - 2013)


Novaliches, Quezon City Metro Manila



● 2007,2009,2010: BRONZE MEDALIST IN KUMON



put your 2x2 picture

DEAUNA, Nicole De Guzman
27 Treasury Street SSS North Fairview Homes, Commonwealth Use white background
Ave., Quezon City
UNIFORM in the
Email: picture

Contact Nos.: 09564186862



Nickname: Nicole Date of Birth: April 16, 2001

Place of Birth: Quezon City Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single



SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2018 - 2020)


JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Block 46 Lot 34 Atherton, Novaliches, Quezon City, 1121 Metro
(2014 - 2018)


GRADE SCHOOL Block 46 Lot 34 Atherton, Novaliches, Quezon City, 1121 Metro
(2012 - 2014)


900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila



● With Honors, 1st to 4th Quarter - School Year 2015-2016

● With Honors, 1st to 4th Quarter - School Year 2016-2017
● Class Treasurer, Grade 9 Ipil-ipil – School Year 2016-2017
● Class Treasurer, Grade 10 Molave – School Year 2017-2018
● Class Treasurer, Grade 12 Justice – School Year 2019-2020
● Athlete of the Year 2017-2018


put your 2x2 picture

DOMINO, Maynard Fernandez
Lot 1 Block 2, Makawili 1 Phase 5 Llano Caloocan City Use white background
Email: UNIFORM in the
Contact Nos.: 097747556897



Nickname: MD Date of Birth: October 14, 2001

Place of Birth: Novaliches Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single



SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2018 - 2020)


JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Jordan Heights Subdivision, Damong Maliit, Novaliches

(2014 - 2018)


GRADE SCHOOL Jordan Heights Subdivision, Damong Maliit, Novaliches

(2008 - 2014)


● Mythical Six - School Year 2017-2018
● Most Valuable Player - School Year 2017-2018
● Most Humble - School Year 2018-2019
● Perfect Attendance - School Year 2018-2019
● Class Secretary, Grade 12 Justice - School Year 2019-2020


KAWASUMI, Sho Leynes put your 2x2 picture

1 Don Primitivo ext. Brgy. Holy Spirit Q.C Use white background
UNIFORM in the
Contact Nos.: 09204211897 picture



Nickname: Sho Date of Birth: July 18, 2002

Place of Birth: Quezon City Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single



SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City
(2018 - 2020)


21 Army Road, Veterans Village, Diliman Quezon City
#47 Veterans Ave. Brgy. Holy Spirit Diliman Q.C


GRADE SCHOOL (2007-2013)

#22 Dona Isidora St. Brgy. Holy Spirit Q.C


AWARDS / RECOGNITIONS / affiliations & other merits

● Most Valueable Player/ Men’s Volleyball (2017-2018)

● Most Amiable and Most Respectful (2018-2019)
● Most Amiable (2019-2020)


put your 2x2 picture

PULVINAR, Alliah Anne Asuncion
12 Dollar St., CB Town Homes, Brgy. Pasong Tamo, Quezon City Use white background
Email: UNIFORM in the
Contact Nos.: 09672565525



Nickname: Alliah Date of Birth: April 14, 2002

Place of Birth: Quezon City Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single



SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2018 - 2020)


JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2014 - 2018)


GRADE SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City



● Most Behave Award- School Year 2012-2013

● Grand Winners, Poster Making Contest- School Year 2015-2016
● 2nd Runner Up, Field Demonstration- School Year 2015-2016
● Volleyball Champions, Intramurals- School Year 2018-2019

● Tug of War Champions, Intramurals- School Year 2018-2019


put your 2x2 picture

RAYMUNDO, Zhaina Santos
10C Jade St. East Fairview Park Subd. Fairview, Quezon City Use white background
Email: UNIFORM in the
Contact Nos.: 09752306788



Nickname: Zha Date of Birth: June 01, 2002

Place of Birth: Manila Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single



SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2018 - 2020)


JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview, Quezon City

(2014 - 2018)


GRADE SCHOOL 629 Nepomuceno St, Quiapo, Manila, 1001 Metro Manila

(2009 - 2014)


● Perfect Attendance, 1st to 4th Quarter - School Year 2017-2018

● Best Female Swimmer - 2010
● 3rd Place, Declamation Contest - Buwan ng Wika 2011

● Most Exuberant - School Year 2018-2019
● Vice President, Grade 11 Hope- School Year 2018-2019


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