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University of San Carlos

Mark Steven Geraga | Jordan Jorolan | Enrique Siarot | Chemuel Castillo | Allan Divino
Asynchronous Task
Passerelles Numériques
Nasipit Road, Talamban Cebu City
First Semester A.Y 2022-2023

Mr. Levy L. Lanaria

Full Professor
Dialogue Statements

Scriptures (you can cite a parable or a gospel story with brief description for as long as it
is relevant to the subject of dialogue)

○ “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with
our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the
Word of Life – for the life was made visible; we have seen it and testify to it
and proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was made
visible to us – what we have seen and heard, we proclaim now to you; so that
you too may have fellowship with us; for our fellowship is with the Father
and with His Son, Jesus Christ. We are writing this so that our joy may be
complete.” (1 John 1: 1-4) with this parable, it tells us that everything here in
the world is life and with these we can enjoy our life with happiness and
○ “God created all kinds of species of wild animals and cattle and reptiles. He
was pleased with his creation"(Genesis 1:25) informs us that God was
pleased that he created a lovely creature, and God saw that it was excellent.
○ “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through me”(John 14:6) in these parables say that Jesus Christ is the only
way for us to be part of heaven and with Jesus Christ we can avail eternal
life with the father in heaven.
○ The SVD 15th General Chapter explains that doing a mission is
fundamentally God’s work, which is a work of dialogue. This is so because
the deepest reality of God is dialogue. As a tripersonal community, there is a
constant dialogue going on among the three Divine Persons. The mystery of
the Divine Trinity means that God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit are constantly communicating with each other; however distinct
they are from one another, they are one God. with these gospel SVD
explains that what they are doing is a part of God's work.
Church Documents

○ Authentic dialogue: when the Christian conversation partner is free to share

his or her most profound convictions regarding the gracious love of God that
has come to our world in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Authentic
dialogue emphasizes the sharing of thoughts and feelings that could be a
testimony telling the goodness of the Almighty God.
○ Ecclesiological principle of the biblical origin of the church: The holy spirit
does not erase difference but renders difference non divisive. This principle
about the origin of church is implying that the holy spirit never erases
differences but rather renders non-divisive differences, that which the
church supports dialogue.
○ The dialogical vision of the church biblically and theologically founded on
the Trinitarian shape of both creation (there’s so much diversity in it) and
divine revelation (God reveals himself to other cultures). This reminds
people of the vision of the church wherein it says that religion is for all
○ Dialogue is not one event to be placed alongside the work of evangelization.
Both are properly pursued. This statement portrays the necessity of the
work of evangelization to not be held only by a single event and that it
should be a Dialogue as an event.
○ To solve conflicts (Art 15): “Catholic moral formation must be considered as
an essential component of Catholic formation with emphasis given to the
values of justice and charity, love of preference of the poor, and dialogue as a
way of resolving conflicts.” Stated at the church recommendation, the
catholic moral formation with the emphasis of the values of justice and
charity, love of preference of the poor and dialogue that serves as the way of
resolving conflicts. It is a necessary thing to mandate the said church
statement to maintain peace for the believers of Christ.
○ Between clergy and laity (Art 43): “Dialogue – one that is open to the
promptings of the Holy Spirit – should be encouraged between clergy and
laity.” When it talks about clergy or priests and laity, one should be
considered if he/she is open to the promptings of the holy spirit. In religious
organization, laity consists of all members of the organization that is not a
priest, in church, laity are lecturers, sacristan, nuns and many more. Those
laity should be open for the holy spirit’s prompting, so do clergy.
SVD Documents

○ One of the commitments of the SVD priests and brothers is education

apostolate, Objectives of SVD Education Apostolate:
■ “To promote integral human development and excellence in
instruction, research, and community extension;
■ To place our Catholic educational apostolate at the service of the
local Church by
■ forming students, teachers and employees to become effective
professionals open to dialogue and capable of assuming leadership
positions in society;
■ To integrate into curricular and co/extra-curricular activities the four
characteristics .

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