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1. Des an interesting neighbor

Who? How you know them? What you do together? Why they are interesting?

I would like to admit that I am fortunate enough to live in an area that is surrounded by helpful
and wonderful people. A person who immediately pops into my head is mr. minh, who lived just right
next to our family. y. In terms of his appearance, he is a tall man with dark hair and deep brown eyes.
He is an ex-soldier /ˈsoʊl.dʒɚ/ who moved in with his wife 2 years ago. Tho’ he is not usually around but
my encounters with him were indeed very interesting

We came to know each other when his family invited me to their house warming party. Initially, we
didn’t talk much as I am an introvert. Then I found out we have so much in common from music to
books, and we began talking more abt ourselves

Because he is already retired, he has a lot of time on his hands. Observing his behavior, I would usually
see the old couple travel very frequently. They will buy souvenirs for their neighbor and talk about their
journey for hours. Moreover, they sometimes buy sweets for the children playing in the park and they
are always willing to help other citizens whenever they need

Mr. Minh is a very interesting man as he is a great story-teller. His story from when he was still working
as a soldier is always full of wonders. I can say that I can stay still for hours just to listen to his vivid and
practical stories

2. Des a friend you want to talk with

Who? What u like to talk abt? Why?

A person who immediately pops into my head is rio. I first met het in 2 nd grade when I was a new student
and she was already in school for a yr. I was paired up with her for a class activity by my teacher and
both of us took a liking to each other. We bonded over the same love we share for novels, cartoons and
drawing. Since then, we’ve never let go of each other and we always enjoy each other’s company

We visit each other’s home frequently and then talk abt the things that are happening in our lives. We
talk for hours on end and sometimes grumble abut whatever issues we would be saddled with (ganh
chiu). For eg, we sometimes complain about how strict the teachers are, or just how challenging the
exams we perform are,. Maybe we will consult each other for sound advice to deal with the problem in
the best way possible

The main reason why I like to talk with rio is because she is very understanding towards my many plights
in life. Whenever I have problems regarding studying or socializing she would always be there to
comfort and advise me on what I should do which is sth all friends should do. she is just a supportive
presence in my life


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