Week 14 Chapter 14: Conditioning Program Arms Swing Neck Exercises Trunk Exercises Body Exercises

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1. Arm Swings 
A. Lateral and vertical arm swings. Repeat 8 times. 
B. Over-under horizontal arm swings. Repeat 8 times. 
2.Trunk exercises 
A. With your arms upwards and the feet in straddle position, do side bends left and right. Repeat 8 times. 
B. With your hands on the hips and the feet in the straddle position, rotate the trunk 8 times on each side.
1. Body Exercises 
Body wave with legs together. Swing the arms upward overhead and arch the body. Swing the arms back down and
round the back, bend at the knees, and finish the arm swing. Repeat 8 times. 
Static Exercises – these exercises are maintained in a certain position for a certain period of time. 

A. Finger and Wrist Exercises. 

1. Interlock the fingers; straighten the arms while turning the palms away from the body Stretch for 5 Seconds. 
2. Press the palms on each other and stretch the wrists. Hold for 5 seconds. 

B. Elbow Flex. 
1. Extend and bend each elbow. Hold for 5 seconds

C. Hamstring Exercise. 
1.Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you, bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot
alongside the knee of the right leg. Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground, bend forward keeping the back
straight. You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg. Repeat with the other leg.

D. Neck Exercises. 
1. Lay your head on the right shoulder. Hold for 5 Seconds. Then, do the same to the left for 15 seconds. 
2. Turn your chin on the right shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds. Then, do the same to the left for 5 seconds. 
3. Pull your head forward and put your chin on the chest. Hold for 5 seconds. Then, bring your head backwards for 5

E. Arm Exercises. 
1. Spread arms at the sides and make circling movements clockwise and counterclockwise. 
2. 8 counts Forward and 8 counts Backward.
f. Trunk Exercises. 
1.Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart. Turn the feet and face to the right. Bend the right
leg so that the right thigh is parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical. Gradually lower the body
keeping your back straight and use the arms to balance. You will feel the stretch along the front of the left thigh and
along the hamstrings of the right leg. Hold a comfortable stretch and repeat by turning and facing to the left
2. Legs/Back Exercises, Straddle Standing Position. 
- Reach and hold the right ankle with the right hand. Hold for 5 seconds. Then, do the same. 
3.Leg Bending 
Grab one leg and press it as close as possible to the chest. Hold position for 8 counts.
4.Ankles, Legs, Back and Sitting Position. 
E1. Tuck sit. Hold the feet and pull in the middle. Hold for 5 seconds. e with left ankle and hold for 5 seconds.
E2. Hurdler’s sit. Reach out at the right ankle with both hands. Hold for 5 seconds.
5.Leg Stretches 
F1. Sit on the floor on a long sitting position. Grab the feet with both hands and hold the position for 8 counts without
bending either legs.
F2. Open legs in stride sitting position. 
Bend sideward to the right and left. Perform the exercise for 8 counts.
6.Calf/Achilles Tendon Exercises. 
Stand on the Slant board, press the hands against the wall, and flex the ankles. Hold for 5 seconds. The exercises
can also be done without a slant board. Be sure the ankles are flexed. Repeat 5 times. 
7.Feet Exercise 
Stand in stride standing position with arms at the side. Point one foot and then flex after 4 counts. Flex for 4 counts
then point again. Repeat the Exercise for 8 counts.
Resistance Exercises - This type of flexibility exercises is performed against varying degrees of mild resistance
provided by a partner. Start with low resistance, and then increase gradually to higher level of resistance. Partners
should be equal in height, weight and strength.
A.Anterior Leg and Hip Stretch 
The performer lies in prone position. Hands by the side of the shoulder. The performer straightens her arms and
bends head to the back. Hold the position for 4 counts then go back to staring point

B. Quad Stretch 
The performer lies in prone position. Then partner presses each leg four times, starting mildly and progressing
harder. On the final press, the partner tries to touch the heel to the rear.
a. Shoulder and Arms, Straight- sit Position. 
Straight arms – the performer is in normal sitting position with the legs straight and feet together. The partner
standing at the back of the performer holds the arms in forward depressions and elevations, four lateral depressions
and elevations, four forward – horizontal presses and rearhorizontal presses.

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