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Requirements to complete the IPMA Philippines OJT

1. Complete all group assignments

2. Submit screenshots of passed quizzes as per attached sample quiz summary
3. Pass the written examination provided to your OJT Adviser
4. Submit individual Reflective Learning Report (RLR) to your OJT adviser (cc: Sample attached
• RLR is an individual Report describing what you have learned on each session
and how it will be applied in your current status and future career.
• Typically, it is composed of the following:
o Introduction
§ Discuss briefly about the OJT program
o Session 1
§ Concepts learned
§ Personal reflection on the concept learned
o Session 2
§ Concepts learned
§ Personal reflection on the concept learned
o Session 3
§ Concepts learned
§ Personal reflection on the concept learned
o Session ……..
o Other Activities
§ Quizzes
§ others
o Conclusion
§ Summary of the OJT
§ Personal application of the OJT Learnings
o Attachments (if any)
Name Cierlden L. Mago Date Sept 29, 2022
Email OJT Adviser Ar. Anthony C. Yan, UAP
Course BS Architecture Year/Section 4-4

Quiz 1 of 13 – Project Integration Management

Quiz 2 of 13 – Project Scope Management

Quiz 3 of 13 – Project Schedule Management

Please submit this report to your OJT Adviser 1

Quiz 4of 13 – Project Cost Management

Quiz 5 of 13 – Project Quality Management

Quiz 6 of 13 – Project Communication Management

Please submit this report to your OJT Adviser 2

Quiz 7 of 13 – Project Resource Management

Quiz 8 of 13 – Project Risk Management

Quiz 9 of 13 – Project Procurement Management

Please submit this report to your OJT Adviser 3

Quiz 10 of 13 – Project Stakeholder Management

Quiz 11 of 13 - Resources Management Part 1

Quiz 12 of 13 -Resources Management Part 2

Please submit this report to your OJT Adviser 4

Quiz 13 of 13 -LEED GA Mock Exam

Please submit this report to your OJT Adviser 5

Introduction to Construction Management

Submitted to:

Prof. Mariano Roque S. Senga, Jr.

Submitted by:

Joy S. Magalona


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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I. Introduction

II. Reflection on Introduction to Construction Management

III. Reflection on Topic No.1 “The Law of the Lid” from the 21 Irrefutable Laws of

IV.Reflection on Topic No.2 “The Law of Influence” from the 21 Irrefutable Laws of

V. Conclusion


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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As the only architect in a civil engineer dominated class, in this report, I aim to impart
my learning from what I have absorbed and imbibed from the past discussions we have had.I
hope to convey from an architectural point of view my reflections about this course module. The
topics from this course mostly about the fundamentals of the construction industry. From the
definition of terminologies we will encounter; the nature and importance of the construction
industry; the professionals involved and their relationships with each other; the hierarchy in
management ; the components in management of construction project; the factors for achieving
success and facing challenges and failures, were all tackled and given enough time to discuss
and digest under this module which are useful and essential for us to apply and utilize in our
future projects and professional endeavors.


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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From the past discussion the topic start about over viewing of the Construction Industry.
Construction Industry is one of the most booming industries in the whole world. This industry is
mainly an urban based one which is concerned with preparation as well as construction of real
estate properties. Construction involving heavy and civil engineering. The construction of large
projects such as bridge, road, etc comes under this category. The construction works that
involve building of real estate ones such as residential or commercial real estate assets, etc.

In general, construction Industry is fragmented Industry where each involved parties has
vested interest. Like owners, they want to be delivered asap in low cost but operates well.
General Contractors they want high profit, quick payment and no hassles. Designer/Engineers
they want to operate well with a high fees with no referred work .Contractors They want high
profit ,quick payment and more work. In this topic help me to realize and accept the nature in
fragmented Industry.

Construction professionals like Architect, Engineers and Contractors has the ability to
interpret plans and specifications and prepared cost estimates and time schedule to meet the
requirements of the owners. And can determine and implement the best to construction
practices, means and methods to satisfy the owner's requirements for time, cost, and quality. As
a professional he or she can oversee and manage all of the construction operations into a
single, safe and coordinate effort. In this topic I have come to realized the role of aspiring
Construction professional is not easy, it is broad and heavy in terms of responsibility.


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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The four major components in management of construction projects are 1.Construction
Engineering, 2.Management of Construction Process, 3.Human Resource Management and
4.Financial Management. With these four elements that being discussed for me this is a
challenging activity in the management and execution of construction projects. It involves the
choice of technology, the definition of work tasks, the estimation of the required resources and
durations for individual tasks, and the identification of any interactions among the different work


The Law of the Lid, says " Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness"

Johns' Law of the Lid tells us that the leader's lid, his or her maximum ability to lead will
determine the potential of his team. Let's say the leader is (on a scale of 1 to 10) a 4 as a
leader. The team's potential will never be more than a 3. However if that same as leader can
increase his leadership ability to an 8 or a 9, the potential of the team will raise to a 7 or an 8.

By self- assessment and self-evaluation are the best way to reach the conclusion that
your lid is too low. Other less desirable methods of determining the position of your lid include,
being fired, being demoted.

John's says that leadership can be learned , Yes I agree, for now, that leadership is influence.
The ability to influence people is the result of adding value to them. Anyone can learn to
intentionally add value to others by working our skills as a leader, read books by great leaders,
join leadership group, seeking out exemplary leader around us and ask advice. Leadership is
influence, influence comes from adding value to people, influence is leadership, being a strong
leader is less about taking control and more about generosity and empowerment.


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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In this topic gives me full understanding on how to increase leadership potential. By self
realization, adding value to other people and improving our skills is such a key to be able to
raise the level of leadership.


True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, assigned or mandated, it comes only

from influence. The best way to test our influence as a leader is to lead a voluntary team,
because followers in voluntary organization cannot be forced to get on board.

To find a best leader in an organization, just ask the candidates to lead a volunteer and
see how they lead without position or incentives given.

To increase our influence as a leader we just make our self in good character for being
reputable person as well, because true leadership beings in our own. In our inner person that
we had and that the good relationship build with the right people. We cannot hate somebody
and lead them at the same time as a leader. We must have the “power” for being an efficient
and be able to grasp facts, data and information.

Our experiences teach us a lot of things, although past performance does not guarantee as our
future result, our knowledge and experiences, it encourage people for giving a chance to extend
our self to others. Give them such reasons to believe us and trust as a good person as well as a
good leader. Leaders with no followers are not leading.

In this topic I learned how to find the strength, knowledge of a leader. Experiences teach
a lot of things to increase the influence as a leader for being good character.


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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Having the privilege to study, this module is immensely helpful in improving my

knowledge and skills relating to construction industry which I can utilize in my profession.
Through this, I can serve exceptionally and offer services of high standard needed in a globally
competitive industry that prioritizes and values competence and excellence.


Joy S. Magalona - October 25, 2018

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