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My name is Princess Teodora R.

Metro a grade 12STEM02A-

Health 1 student at Phinma UPang College Urdaneta. My portfolio is a

representation of all that I’ve learned and accomplished in our SPX

008 Culminating Activity in Health subject. A culminating activity are

usually designed to give students the opportunity to synthesize

knowledge and skills they have gained over time. Culminating projects

or tasks offers students to acquire high-level intellectual skills which

may help them in their chosen courses to take in College.

The purpose of this portfolio is to document what we’ve

learned from our culminating activities. Due to inevitable

problems, we’re not able to have our work immersion at Red

Cross. Instead of having work immersion, we are assigned to

have a seminar about different topics such as Mental Health

Awareness, Vape, The Skeletal and Endocrine System

The STEM Health Seminar that our group conducted was located at the room 303, third

floor building of Phinma UPang College Urdaneta, Inc., Mc Arthur Highway, Nancayasan,

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan last 8th and 21st of January.

The skeletal system is comprised of bone, which is a hard
material that provides protection and support to the bodies’ soft
tissue.  New tissue is constantly forming in your body as old bone
tissue breaks down.  Bones are living parts of the body and are made
up of cells.  As the body grows and goes through changes the bones do
as well.  Bones provide structure for muscles to attach so that our
bodies are able to move.  Exercise promotes good bone health by
making them stronger and enhances their ability to produce blood
cells and more minerals,

Mental illness cannot be treated by simple desire, treatment is

necessary. Awareness also eliminates stigma for these people.  If we
are aware of their limitations and strengths, stigma may disappear. In
addition, there is a great misconception for the mentally ill. Many
think these people are lazy or just making it up.  There is also the
attitude that these people are either crazy, possessed by demons,
violent, out of control and unsafe.  These are negative labels that have
been attached due to the lack of awareness.  Raising awareness can
reduce misconceptions.
Some believe that vaping could help millions of adults quit
tobacco cigarettes, while advocates argue that vaping normalizes the
habit and lures children into smoking. Many people assume that e-
cigarettes and vaping are safe alternatives to smoking. But that is not
the case. Even though some scientists believe they are less dangerous
than traditional cigarettes, they are still not a healthy, or safe
alternative. What's more, vaping is attracting teens and young adults
who would not otherwise smoke. So, an entirely new generation of
people are becoming addicted to nicotine.
My name is Princess Teodora R. Metro. I was born on 29 October, 2001 in
Station District, Rosales, Pangasinan, where I lived until today. I’m the third child
and the only girl in a family of five. My father, Mr. Adriano O. Metro Sr. was a
driver before. My mother, Ms. Sally Rosino is a housewife.

Growing up around two brothers was not easy, considering the fact that I
am a girl. With all the masculinity in the house, there was a lot of competition and
rivalry. I had to be tough as my brothers or I would have been toppled by their
naturally aggressive nature. Not that we were a dysfunctional family, it was just
normal sibling rivalry and it turned to be of benefit to me. But all the boyish
things disappears as time went by.

The endocrine system is unique because its organs are

I am certain that my chosen course to take in College will become my ticket not anatomically related. Hormones are produced in a
to a better tomorrow. I want to become a cardiologist. I have come to believe wide variety of locations and can have wide-reaching
that two main factors determine success. First of all is a person’s own
effects throughout the entire organism. The endocrine
determination and will to succeed. Today, I am a student at a Phinma Upang
system allows for integration and execution of the
College Urdaneta taking the STEM Health strand, and I feel very happy about it.
homeostatic parameters that are necessary to ensure
proper functioning of the body as a whole. For example,
we learned that calcium is maintained within a narrow
concentration range in the plasma by the antagonistic
actions of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone (and
vitamin D). Each hormone manipulates the steady state
of the organism. As you continue your study of the
human body, you will find that the endocrine system
participates in every system of the body by regulating
fuel metabolism, blood flow, growth, and development.
Professional Readings Related to Strand
Certificate of Completion
Portfolio in Culminating Activity in Health

Submitted by : Princess Teodora R. Metro

Submitted to: Ms. Marjorie Nova M. Pal 12 STEM 02A

5. Apply and get into medical school

4. Graduate from college

1. Graduate from Senior High School 6. Become a licensed doctor by

passing your boards
I learnt lots of things during our culminating activities. Our every lessons with ma’am

Marjorie was always fun and exciting. During our seminars, we learnt to be hardworking and

helped one another. Truly, no man is an island. Those activities were not possible without my

group mates. Some things that I have learnt in this activity is that I have to be patient,

never give up easily and to persevere. I am very appreciative of my friends who were al

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