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1. Make a chart showing the contributions of the dynasties of East Asia and the empire of North Asia.


East Asia Dynasties Empire of North
China Korea Japan Asia
Han (206 B.C.E.-220 Go`joseon (3000-300 Yamato and Nara The Hun and Xiongnu
B.C.E.) B.C.) Periods Empires.
• The government began • They established four • (300-720 C.E.) A set of • The Hun and Xiongnu
administering the first commandaries or reforms called the Taika empires were tribal states
civil service military outposts to rule reforms was instituted which dominated vast
examinations in history. over the northern aimed at consolidating territories in North Asia
In addition, the Han Korean region until 313 the power of emperor during the Neolithic
period was marked by CE. and building a period. Two groups are
great advancement in centralized government related tribes which
technology, medicine, Three Kingdoms 013 during 7th century. depended on pastoralism
art and writing of B.C.E.- 668 C.E.) and periodic agriculture.
history. • Goguryeo kings and Fujiwara or Hein period
• Simaqien, who is the warriors fought for (794-1185 C.E.) Mongol Empire (1206 1368
known as the "Great control of the northern • They were experts in the CE)
Historians of China, territories of Korea use of swords, bow and • The Mongols were
wrote several history against the Nomads of arrow, and horseback excellent warriors. Since
books which became North Asia. riding A part of the childhood they were
models for future practice of honorable trained to ride horses and
Chinese historians. It Unified Silla (665-935 suicide known as to the crossbow. They also
was also during the Han CE) seppuku or hara-kiri. utilized effective military
period that paper, • Conquered the tactics. The domination of
porcelain and territories of its two Minamoto or Mongols over North Asia
waterpowered mill were former neighbors and Kamakura ushered a period of peace
invented. assimilated its people Period (1185-1333 C.E.) and stability.
into silla society. • Kamakura was built to
Sui (S89-618 C.E.) become the center of the Invasions by Timur (1370-
• The Sui dynasty rebuilt Balhae (698-926 C.E.) military government. A 1405 CE)
the Great Wall of China. • The Balhae territory feudal system prevailed • He conquered vast area
Another big extended from northern wherein the elites of the that tended to Persia and
construction project Korea to Manchuria. society were the Mesopotamia in west Asia,
initiated by the dynasty aristocratic bushi and the Golden Horde in the
was the Great Canal samurai. Russia and part of
which connects the India. His success
Huang Ho and Yangtze Goryeo Kingdom Tokugawa Shogunate invasions depended on
Rivers. of strong military forces
and several spies who
gathered information on
the territories they
would invade.

Ottoman Empire 1299-

China. Goryeo created a unique (1600-1868 C.E.)
shiny blue-green
• They established
T’ang (618-907 C.E.) porcelain called
centralized feudal
• Agricultural production Celadon. In the field of
increased through the technology, woodblock
Ordered taxation on
introduction of new types printing was improved
farmers and
of grains and planting and printing was
techniques. Commerce invented.
Christianity in
and trade regained its Japan. Despite
vigor in the newly Joseon Kingdom (1392-
differences in
constructed canals and 1910 C.E.) status, majority of
roads. This is tum • They contributed much the Japanese were
facilitated faster in the field of able to read and
exchanges of products agriculture, write because of the
and ideas. contribution in Hangul. widespread use of
• Korea’s contribution katana and hiragana
Song or Sung (966-1278 was technology and writing systems.
CE) astronomy.
• Gunpowder was invented
and used in fireworks and
in weapons.
• The Chinese tradition of
foot binding started during
this period.

Ming (1368-16H CE.)

• During this time, the Great
Wall of China was
reconstructed, the civil
serviced exam was
reinstituted and the
Chinese bureaucracy was
strengthened. Maritime
trade expanded through
government -sponsored
2. With the help of the tree diagram below, give the significance of the founding of kingdoms,
empires, barangays and sultanates in Southeast Asia.

Human as prescribed by Aristotle, are born intrinsically born as political animals. They are
great thinkers and possessed with complex mindset. This only means that human is capable of
speaking, thinking, listening, and even has the capacity to become rationale, as part of its nature.
Consequently, human is classified as ‘higher thinking animals’ and due to it, they made their
intelligence to established government that is composed of leader and its subordinates.
Historically, early civilization in Asia, human already established government and create distinct
position that possess corresponding power and authority, to govern or administer the people in the
community. The emergence of different government such as kingdom, empire, barangay and
sultanates are indeed significant in human lives in the past, particular in Southeast Asia.
Different societies are governed with different leaders. Ruler or leader is the one who
possess great power and authority, within its jurisdiction, they are capable of commanding and
imposing diverse of norms and laws to its subordinate and territory, that aims to uphold the
progress, protection and wealth of its people and nation. Explicitly, the significance of the founding
of kingdoms, empires, barangay and sultanates in Southeast Asia are still can be seen nowadays,
and is the foundation in the creation of modern government across the globe. The kingdom is ruled
by king and queen, who possessed power towards its authority, that have has a major contribution
the Southeast Asian country through raising the standard of living the Asian people, economic
progress; and the protection, shelter, as well as, the wealth of the nation and its people. The
emergence of empires, on the other hand, influence the features of Asian countries in the aspect of
military forces, economic growth and development, and even culture, as it was ruled by the
emperor. Moreover, the barangay in Southeast Asia has also provide its salient contribution, that
is still recognized and applied up to these days. Contribution such as the execution of laws,
regulation and government policies, that serves as a disciplinary method that control people; plans,
program and projects that foster the progression of the society. Likewise, Sultanates also influence
the lives of Asian nowadays, sultan as its leader, is responsible in upholding the power and pride
of Southeast Asian nation. Therefore, the emergence of the latter government indeed influence and
impact the lives and form of governance nowadays. The government in the pasts serves as the basis
of how Asian leader on how perceive politics and how to administer the people in the country.
3. Interview your grandmothers and mother. Ask them about the way they were treated
when they were your age. Compare this with your experiences (if female) of the
experiences of your sister/s or female cousins (if male).

Having a conversation with my mother is indeed a great opportunity to discover the

past significant events that complement their traits and characteristic today, as well as,
the reason and factor that influence and honed them, the way they are as of now.
Interrogating my mother made her reflect and reopen its past in order to tell a story for
me. According to her, the generation of today is truly different during her time,
specifically, when she is at the same age as of mine. Explicitly, the treatment she
experienced is great far from the treatment that was experience and enjoy by today’s
generation. During her age (as of mine), her parents are truly strict and they treat them
somewhat harshly. Punishment are done in physical or in the means of object like they
were beat using belt, knee-bend in salt or mongo and hit physically, that made them jump
over the window. Despite those experience, she was still grateful, for she know that, it
was the means of disciplining them; although it is inhuman in today’s society. She was
thankful to have such wisdom which greatly and impact her behavior, characteristic and
identity as a whole. As a result of those experience, she was able to perceive life
holistically, and obtain the courage to fight every challenges that hinder life’s pleasure.
Moreover, in term of seeking job, they also treated unequal, based on her narration, boys
are somewhat given most of the opportunities, but not to the extent. However, although
the society was set in such manner, still women were admire by man. As per her, she got
myriad of suitor that she forgot already the number of man that courted her. She was
treated nice and almost provide the things she and her family wanted to have, as a part of
the courtship. In terms of education, she said, that somehow there is no discrimination.
Maltreatment will only occur when you are not eager to study and thus, you will left
On today’s generation, on the other hand, if I will based the experienced of my mother
to my cousin’s experience (since I don’t have sister) somehow they are still similar
particularly in terms of disciplinary actions, I think this is due to what their parents
emulated from their parents (our grandparents). Based on my observation, my cousin’s
also experienced the things that was through by my mother. They still discipline by the
use of physical means and object related, but not to the extent and incomparable to what
my mother’s experienced. However, today’s generation possessed diverse of privileges
and rights, as laws emerge and impose by the government. Freedom is much stress and
oppression or inequality is somehow dissolved. My cousin’s are capable of traveling
anywhere they want, but with the permission of their parents. However, most of the time
they travel silently without their parents consent. Moreover, in terms of seeking job, my
cousins were able to have it easily, as they are qualified enough for a certain job. Job
todays, somehow disregard the background or physical feature you have, what matter is
the skills, qualification and knowledge you possessed towards the job. Education is for
all and equality on it is serves to anyone. Furthermore, women nowadays, especially the
young ones (not all), already experience love and worst sex, as the one of the advantages
of today’s generation. The advent of technologies and social media, play significant
influence in the behavior, traits and personality of the women in the society. Nevertheless,
it is not about time we were born, rather it is all about the philosophy in life and the
integrity we have, on how we should portray our self in the context of society; in which
judgement is carried out easily.

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