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Pre- Test
Directions. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.

1. Sedimentary rocks are formed because of volcanic eruptions. FALSE

2. Petrography is associated with the study of lithosphere. TRUE
3. Stones and Rocks are identical. TRUE
4. Mining is one of the activities to get mineral resources. TRUE
5. Lava is one type of igneous rocks. TRUE


Create a graphic organizer about rock formation and explain it to the class.

Molten Material


Igneous Rock

Weathering Metamorphism Metamorphic Rock



Sedimentary Rock

Mechanical Chemical Organic

Means Means Means
Rock Formation
Rocks can be found everywhere. Its formation undergoes different process, that
result to the diverse groups of rocks. Generally, all rocks are classified as: Igneous Rock,
Sedimentary Rock and Metamorphic Rock. Originally, these rock came from the molten material
such as magma. The latter molten rock can be found beneath the volcano, and when in came
out and reach the surface through “extrusion” or eruption, due to high pressure, it gradually
became lava which later turn on different rocks like basalt – an igneous rock.
When Igneous rock undergoes the process of “weathering”, it broken down into
smaller fragments and may combine with other materials to form sedimentary rock. “Sediments”
complement the structure of Sedimentary rock; to form rock into sediment, it undergo the
process called “sedimentation”. On the other hand, Sedimentary rock can also be form through
the process of “mechanical means”, “chemical means” and “organic means”, the several ways of
combining sediments or deposits. Wherein, mechanical means - the accumulation of particles
of something to form rock, e.g. sandstone – this came from the collection of silica or cemented
sand; chemical means - the fusion of other chemical to form rocks, e.g. salt – salt is form when
sodium chloride in solution is deposited when water evaporate; and organic means - rocks is
formed through the remains of plants or animals. Moreover, Sedimentary rock can also derived
from Metamorphic rock.
“Metamorphic rock” came from either igneous or sedimentary rock. Through the
process called “metamorphism”, the latter rock change into metamorphic form. Wherein, rocks
are subjected to heat and great pressure together with chemical action that gradually form
metamorphic rocks. For instance, limestone is turned into marble when subjected to extreme
heat and great pressure. In addition, Metamorphic rock can also evolve into sedimentary rock.
In short, rocks are derived from molten material, as their mother, becomes igneous
rocks, and when undergo the process of metamorphism, it become metamorphic rock, that can
be also turn into sedimentary rock. This sedimentary rock is also derived from igneous rock that
undergoes the process of weathering and sedimentation that makes sediments, which undergoes
several ways of combination process such as, mechanical means, chemical means and organic
means. Also, sedimentary rock when undergoes the process of metamorphism, it will result to
metamorphic, as shown in the diagram/graphic organizer above.

In short, sedimentary rocks also came from igneous or metamorphic rocks

` Evaluation
I. Post-test
Directions. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.

1. Sedimentary rocks are formed because of volcanic eruptions. TRUE (Stone is smaller than rock. To
easily sum it up, rock
2. Petrography is associated with the study of lithosphere. TRUE
is made out of stone and
3. Stones and Rocks are identical. FALSE mineral matter. The stone used
4. Mining is one of the activities to get mineral resources. TRUE to make your countertops was
Lava is one type of igneous rocks. TRU cut from rock. Rocks are
5. E typically found in the earth's
crust Difference Between Stone and
Rock: 2021 Guide | › articles › difference-
between-stone-and-rock (

I. Essay
Directions. Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Explain the rock cycle and make a conclusion regarding the scientific progress.

2. Explain the three different types of rocks.

➢ Rock can be found everywhere on Earth. In geology, rock defined as naturally occurring solid aggregate
of one or more minerals or mineraloids. Rocks vary in many forms, color and size depending on the process
it undergoes and mineral its possessed. Explicitly, rocks are classified into three: igneous rocks,
sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.

Firstly, igneous rock, is formed through molten material that found inside the Earth’s core. Magma is a
molten material and eventually came out through volcano’s mouth or vent due to high pressure. Magma will
turn into lava the moment its reach the surface of the Earth or when it comes out from the volcano’s vent
and gradually will cooldown and become basalt, one of the examples of igneous rock. Lava is one type of
igneous rock. Prior to the volcano extrusion, rock that are form from magma and not able to come out from
the volcano are called intrusive igneous rocks; while those rocks that reach Earth’s surface are classified as
extrusive igneous rocks. Furthermore, igneous rocks are also called primary rocks, the oldest types of rocks
and is considered as the mother of all rocks. Other types of rocks such as, sedimentary and metamorphic are
also igneous rock, but change due to fusion of minerals, pressure and chemical.

Secondly, sedimentary rocks, is the product or evolution of igneous rocks. Due to the process of
weathering, igneous rock was broken down into smaller fragments and may combine with other materials
to form sedimentary rocks. In addition, the word sedimentary means “settling”, this rock are composed of
sand layers, gravel, mud and other sediments. Prior to its process, particles that form a sedimentary rock are
called sediment that undergo the process of “sedimentation”. Moreover, there are also other ways in the
formation of sedimentary rock with the process: mechanical means (accumulation of particles of something
to form rock, e.g. sandstone – this came from the collection of silica or cemented sand), chemical means
(fusion of other chemical to form rocks, e.g. salt - formation of salt when sodium chloride in solution is
deposited when water evaporate) and organic means (rocks is formed through the remains of plants or
animals). In short, sedimentary rocks also came from igneous or metamorphic rocks and most of it also
contains fossils.
Thirdly, metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic means “has been changed”, and this rock came from either
igneous or sedimentary rock. Through the process called “metamorphism” the latter rock change into
metamorphic form. Wherein, rocks are subjected to heat and great pressure together with chemical action
and gradually form metamorphic rocks. For instance, limestone is turned into marble when subjected to
extreme heat and great pressure.

Indeed, studying rocks are beneficial not only for geologist and scientist concerned, but also to every
individual. Through its study, it enables human to understand the Earth's history – how it was formed and
how will it evolve. Rocks also help our ancestor to endure and survives life in the past, particularly during
stone age. Similarly, understanding the classification of rocks and considering how it form, is a huge help
to engineers and building in constructing building and infrastructure – it allows them to know what is the
appropriate material or types of rocks to be used on a particular structure.

3. How does rock formation happen? What is the meaning of rock formation?

Rock formation is the process on how rock is form. It is the method or procedure on how the
raw material (of rocks) like molten material. Prior to the formation of rock, it undergoes diverse of process and
chemical changes. Explicitly, rocks are classified into three: igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and
metamorphic rocks, and form this way. Originally, these rock came from the molten material such as magma.
The latter molten rock can be found beneath the volcano, and when in came out and reach the surface through
“extrusion” or eruption, due to high pressure, it gradually became lava which later turn on different rocks like
basalt – an igneous rock.

When Igneous rock undergoes the process of “weathering”, it broken down into smaller
fragments and may combine with other materials to form sedimentary rock. “Sediments” complement the
structure of Sedimentary rock; to form rock into sediment, it undergo the process called “sedimentation”. On
the other hand, Sedimentary rock can also be form through the process of “mechanical means”, “chemical
means” and “organic means”, the several ways of combining sediments or deposits. Wherein, mechanical
means - the accumulation of particles of something to form rock, e.g. sandstone – this came from the collection
of silica or cemented sand; chemical means - the fusion of other chemical to form rocks, e.g. salt – salt is form
when sodium chloride in solution is deposited when water evaporate; and organic means - rocks is formed
through the remains of plants or animals. Moreover, Sedimentary rock can also derived from Metamorphic
“Metamorphic rock” came from either igneous or sedimentary rock. Through the process called
“metamorphism”, the latter rock change into metamorphic form. Wherein, rocks are subjected to heat and great
pressure together with chemical action that gradually form metamorphic rocks. For instance, limestone is
turned into marble when subjected to extreme heat and great pressure. In addition, Metamorphic rock can also
evolve into sedimentary rock.

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