BA100 Case Analysis Number 1

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Case Analysis Number 1

Alfred is a regular employee who earned three times the monthly minimum wage. He works as a
clerk of HR Office in a company who is engaged in manufacturing cameras and other materials used by
broadcasting companies. His company has strong financial status for the last twenty-five years as it
dominates the market for cameras and has a strong partnership with media giants. However, the
company is struggling for this year as their clients demanded for something that can provide an amazing
aerial view without incurring additional cost for a helicopter and a cameraman. One day, Alfred realizes
something that can change the media industry by envisioning for a product that can perform the job of a
cameraman as well as giving their clients an amazing aerial coverage especially during olympics and
other international sports competitions. He presented it to the Chief Operating Officer Mr. Johnson. Mr.
Johnson, realizing the importance of Alfred's idea, immediately took the risk and immediately agree to
Alfred's presentation. After the presentation, Mr. Johnson instructed Alfred to develop a blueprint for
his idea and to organize a team to make the idea into a successful product.

Two years had passed, there is still no product created.


1. What do you think why the product did not come into existence?

Because it’s risky and expensive

2. State three (3) possible mistakes of Mr. Johnson. Explain each mistake

Rational - he is being rational of the idea of Mr. Alfred.

Trust – because he is so
confident with Mr. Alfred idea
and because he think
Mr. Alfred have importance of
the company.
Trust - because he is so confident with Mr. Alfred idea and because he thinks Mr. Alfred have
importance of the company.
Greedy- he’s being greedy
about the idea he thought that
the idea will be
created successfully.
Greedy- he’s being greedy
about the idea he thought that
the idea will be
created successfully.
Greedy - he’s being greedy about the idea he thought that the idea will be created successfully.

3. State three (3) possible mistakes of Alfred. Explain each mistake

Plan- He has plan but there

something wrong of his plan.
Meeting – they should do a
brainstorming with the other
Lack of understanding- it is lack
of basic market understanding.
Plan - He has plan but there something wrong of his plan.

Meeting - they should do a brainstorming with the other shareholders.

Lack of understanding - it is lack of basic market understanding.

4. If you are the COO of the said company will you do what Mr. Johnson did to Alfred? Why?

No, because we can't afford to lose so much money while we're facing financial difficulties.

5. What is the relationship of management principles to the given case? Explain comprehensively.

Esprit de Corps - Organizations ought to endeavor to advance solidarity and solidarity.

Centralization - This guideline alludes to how close workers are to the dynamic cycle. It is critical to
focus on a suitable parity.

6. Do you think Alfred is right when he referred his idea to Mr. Johnson? Why?

No, they can't afford that one since their firm is struggling, and it's too risky.

7. For 300 words, continue the case and give it a "happy ending"

They have fresh strategies and processes that are designed to work in a changing business
environment. During the downturn and its ramifications, they had the opportunity to develop and
implement these strategies. Advisors are important since they require others to bounce ideas off of
them, appraise what they're doing, and push them to greater accomplishments, and they hold you
accountable for what they're resolving to do. Always keep an eye on their statement and complete their
tasks, even if it's difficult or challenging. This isn't about them; it's about the company's bottom line.
They make an effort to avoid removing items by accident and to remain emotionally unaffected. They
delegate and then monitor progress, trying not to allow their sense of self take control. As a result, they
will not be a controlled crack. Maintain the level of business affiliation. They will exhibit evidence of
improvement sooner than they expect if they delegate well. Have a well-written preparation and
direction plan in place so that their representatives are aware of what is expected of them. Use a
motivator-based prize system, and maintain a no-nonsense attitude toward challenges that arise.
They're making a plan, and they've written down why the product wasn't a success before: they didn't
have enough money to provide what they needed, so after a year, there's an investor willing to invest in
making that product a success, and after Mr. Johnson agrees to the investor's demands, they brainstorm
with his employees to make the product a success. In addition, the company's financial position is

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