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5. Discuss and Explain effective teamwork strategies that promote inclusion?

What is Effective team work?

Effective teamwork in the workplace employees that work together to accomplish a common objective
and share tasks to help one another is exhibiting good collaboration.

Effective teamwork demonstrates coworker’s openness, trust, and respect for one discover
the advantages of cooperation in the workplace and the best ways to foster it.

Some strategy can be used in effective teamwork that promote inclusion,

Ensure everyone gets an equal chance to speak

We should be encourage people to speak up by actively asking their opinions because some people are
just louder and more self-assured by nature, whereas others are quieter and more reserved so the
quieter are very discourage and not inclusive. If we want our team to be inclusive, every team members
needs to have the opportunity to speak and have their voice heard. For example you may politely cut off
someone who is taking over the conversation by stating something along the lines of, "I'd want to give
the quieter individuals an opportunity to join in, so can we get back to that?"

Focus on diversity quotes

First the most important thing is creating diverse team rather than teams of all likeminded people. A
group of people with different background are more likely to bring diverse perspectives and ideas to the
discussion area. if each team member has unique opinions, beliefs, background, etc. they will likely
produce work that reflects more creativity and our team will be more effective, creative
and inclusive.

Use Inclusive Language

We discuss in the above strategies how to be more inclusive in the ways you communicate at work or
school. When teammates don't use inclusive language, even with the greatest of intentions, it's
simple for folks to feel excluded and othered. When addressing your entire team, for example,
you can use the word "everyone" rather than "you guys." You should also make sure that your
language is free of common expressions having offensive our team will more
inclusive due to this strategy.

Make it safe to speak up

If members of your team fear being interrupted, made fun of, or told they're wrong, they won't speak
out. A sense of safety and trust is mandatory in the team if we want things to be inclusive.we can
achieve it by making some rules in the team. For example, no interrupting someone who is talking,
no making fun of or dismissing someone’s ideas, and always speaking to one another with
empathy and respect. Your team will be dominated by those who hold the greatest power in the
scenario if speaking up is not safe. And that goes against we will speak up loudly
with this scenario.

Play to people strength’s

if we are expecting everyone good at the same thing, we cannot build an inclusive and effective
team. Everyone has different strength and weaknesses. Working in a team is wonderful
because you can utilize everyone's individual abilities. Remember that people can sometimes
be more modest about their strengths than is warranted. This is often particularly true amongst
groups who have been marginalised or discouraged from recognising and championing their
own strengths. So if you know your colleague is amazing at a particular thing and they’re not
speaking up, use your voice to advocate for them.

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