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Daily Lesson Plan Format

Name: Trinity Roberts Date(s) of Lesson: 8/31/2022

Student Learning Objective(s) and Related Assessment(s): Students will analyze

“Contemporary American Poultry” from Community to become more familiar with alternative
story structures. This means they will be able to identify and apply external/internal changes,
story organization strategies, and storytelling techniques onto their own reading and writing in
the future.

Standard(s): Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a
text contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact. (CCSS: RL.11-

- Slides
- Copies of the short story
- Spiral Notebooks

Learning Activities:
Initiation: Book Talk, Story Circle Recap, Quick Write (15 Minutes)
- The teacher will give a book talk on Work Won’t Love You Back (3 Minutes)
- The teacher will then read aloud the top stories written from last class as a way to
celebrate student work before giving the notebooks/papers back (7 Minutes)
- Students will do a Quick Write in their spiral notebooks on summarizing (5
Lesson Development: Community Episode Analysis
- The teacher will give instructions on the activity students are expected to
complete during the Community Episode while watching the episode (5 minutes)
- Students will fill out their handout to be submitted at the end of class applying
Dan Harmon’s story circle to either Jeff or Abed’s perspective (30 Minutes)
- Students will then be expected to break off into pairs and find another student
who followed the same storyline. They will confer about how they filled out their
story circle and spend some time comparing their charts to see if they can add or
detract from their own assignment sheet based on what the other person analyzed
(5 Minutes)
- Pairs will then find another pair who did the opposite assignment sheet to create a
group of four. They will share their findings about their storylines with the other
pair and work to fill out the backside of their assignment sheet (15 Minutes)
Closure: Close-Out (7 Minutes)
- The teacher will give a brief “Life Hack” presentation on how to find books they
enjoy reading (5 Minutes)
- The teacher will then thank the class for their willingness to read, discuss, and
participate in class and (possibly) give shout outs for exemplary student work (2

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction:

Content Process Product Environment

Modifications Students are able

to confer with
other students on
their work before
they turn it in s
that they can fill
in any gaps or
information they

Extensions Students can

choose to answer
an extra credit
question which
will require them
to tap into prior
research new

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