Detailed Genre Analysis

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Detailed Genre Analysis

Part One:

This poster/infographic was made to persuade people with nicotine addictions to quit using it,

because of the negative and harmful effects it can have on the brain. The audience for this poster

is most likely young adults and teenagers, who are either interested in vaping or are currently

using it on a consistent basis. We can assume this from the text that says “vaping when you are

young can change the way your brain develops”, meaning the purpose for this poster is to stop

vaping in younger generations before it develops into a full addiction, or causes permanent

damage to the brain. This poster uses pathos through the visual elements of the poster, with the

vapor from the vape completely covering the man’s face. This implies that vaping can strip

someone’s identity, and completely cloud their life with addiction. Seeing this evokes a sense of

fear in the audience, as they do not want their vape use or addiction to turn into this. Another

rhetorical device clearly used is logos, through the text in the poster. By stating that nicotine can

“put you at risk of developing addictions to substances… and mental illnesses”, the author uses

logic to state why vaping can only cause harm to the user, with no benefits. With this

combination of pathos in the image displayed and logos in the text, this poster successfully

frightens the audience while also using logic to persuade them against vaping.
Part Two:

My argument will be that continued and persistent social media can have very harmful effects on

people’s mental health, physical health, and social development, especially in adolescents and

teenagers. My first audience will be adolescents and young adults with access to a smartphone

who may be addicted to social media or heavily reliant on it for social interaction. To persuade

this audience, I plan on creating either a poster or online advertisement that will show the

harmful effects social media use can have on them, and how it can hurt them in the future. My

second audience will be parents of young adolescent children, who may give their children iPads

and access to smartphones very young to keep them entertained. To persuade this audience to

limit their children’s screen time for their fixture benefit, I plan on writing an article that would

presumably be found in a parenting/family magazine. For my last text, I plan on designing a

website with helpful activities for children to do instead of spending time on their screen, along
with side notes as to how these activities are beneficial for brain development. I will also add a

page on the website that explains how social media use in children can be harmful, and how

these alternative activities can be entertaining for their children while also beneficial to their

development. This website will be designed for parents to use as a guide to help limit their

children’s screen time and see how other activities can be very beneficial to their child’s

learning, as an alternative to social media.

Part 3:

I will persuade my first audience by stating that if they quit social media or at the very least limit

their use of it, then they will see many benefits in their health and social interactions. My second

audience will be persuaded that if they limit their child’s time on social media sites, then they

can have more beneficial learning and developmental experiences.

I want my first audience to feel a sense of fear and worry about how social media could be

negatively impacting them. I would then like them to logically think about solutions to this

problem, and how quitting social media can be a way to eliminate this problem. In my second

audience, I want them to feel the love they have for their children, and how they want the very

best for their health and development. I then want them to also feel worried about how giving

them devices with social media can be a detriment to this, and a sense of urgency to change it.

I will relate to my first audience by showing them that I want to help them be in their best state

of mind, and that I know if they are persuaded to my argument, they will be able to see a

numerous amount of benefits in their lives. With my second audience, I will relate to them by

explaining my knowledge of the love that they have for their child, and how they must only want

the best for them. I will then present my argument as a way of giving them an opportunity to
further solidify the health of their child, so that they believe my genuine concern and care for

their children and their wellbeing.

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