Kien Thuc Trong Trong Va Bai Tap Bo Tro Tieng Anh 5

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KIEN THUC TRONG TAM & BAL TAP BO TRO TIENG ANH (Theo chuong trinh méi nhat cia BGD & BT) UNIT 1: WHAT'S YOUR ADDRESS? A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS Word stress Functions 1H61 YA Wh Uh vpn abe Ur qui gin boge cham pb nko Where are you from? Wan cin ti diva?) Kim from + (country/ety). (Minh dota} Where do you come from? (an dé tei?) Feome frown + (coumtryéety), (Minh din te.) Ht va tr Wit qué bwemp, ci gn 6 dy What is your hometown? —— (Ou bun cu?) W's + (country/cuy, (Qué minh.) Che mk ch chn phi ahi Where are you from? 1m from Viet Nam/t Where do you come from? 1 come from Viet Nan/ Hla Nok. What's your hometown? It's Ho Chi Minh City. HOi vA tri Wi bpe shag 6 diw Where do you tive? (Bon sing 6 du?) Hive in-+ (tavsireev/villagchown/‘clty). (Minh sing 0.) Hive on + (roadithe 1/2" floor), (Mink sng 6.) ive at (number) + (streccroad/ane). (Minh sémg 6) Hoi vA (7d Wh dja chi cain bpm ta gi What's your address? (Pra chi cina ban ta gi?) Hts My nddress ix + (address). (Né li Bya chi cta minh la.) ‘Che miu ciu cn ghi nbir Where do you live? 1 ive on Oxford Street. What's your address? IUMy address is 70 Oxford Street. Hoi va tra Wi ve miu té mot aja diém What's the/your + a tran, .ctia é ’ ion + cai ban nine thé It's + (adjective). (No...) (Cie miu cau cho ghi abe What's the city like? It's big and crowded. What's your hometown like? 1¢ B. LANGUAGE IN USE, READING busy and pretty. at i) a), ai es eS se re Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one exan Mo fe ldress ietand et village Aeghe 1's an area surrounded by water ‘sland 11s a tall building with many floors. 2.18s a long and narrow road, 3. Itisa small town ia the countryside: 4. Ittells you where a person lives. a ‘Task 2, Read and tick 2 True or False. There is one example (0)- Lee lives with his grandparents in Ha Noi, His address is 18, Hang Bai Strect, Hoan Kiem District. The family lives on the sixth floor of Blue Sky Tower. Their flat is big, with five rooms, Lee likes his place because its inthe city centre and near his school ‘True Fals 0. Lee lives with his grandparents ina village v 1. Blue Sky Tower i at 18 Hang Fai Steet, Hoan Kiem District. 2. Lee's Matis big with five rooms on the 6th floor. 3. Lee doesnt ike living in the city centre 4. Lee's school is near Blue Sky Tower umber the sentences im the correct order. The conversation A. Bob: | lived ina small and pretty town near London. B Miss Hien: And where do you live now in Ha Noi? Bob: Good moming. Miss Hien. I'm Bob from England. I'm your new Pupil. D_ Miss Hien: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you, Where did you live in England? E Bob: | live in a beautiful and quiet house near West Lake. ‘Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example oo. ity house mountains tower, = addressee Jack comes from Canada. He lived in a(0) house in the (1) in Quebec. Now, ine lives with his grandparents in HaNoi. His(2)___is 18 Hang Bai Street, Hoan ‘Kiem District. The family lives on the sixth floor of Blue Sky (3) - Their ‘lat is big with Five rooms. Jack likes his place because it’s in the city @) ‘and near his schoo. WRITING Task I. Look at the pictares. Read and writeeac werd forcach gap. 1. His address is 10 South 2 He lived im a howse in the 3. She lives on the second fooroftia Noi 4 Her 'S pretty and be Task 2. Order the words. 1. yous do / live / where 2. your / is / what / address 3. is/your/new /like /place/ wha 4 hometown / what /i5 / your /like : Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your friend. (0. What's his*her name? 1. What's hisher address? 2. What's his/her home like? 3. Who does he’she live with? 4. Does he‘she like hivvher hometown? Why. Why noe? 0. My friend is a L He/She lives ~ tra 7. hon etown,/your/Linda?/'s/W hat BHaNowt 9. hometown?ihisyWhat"s 10. America /My/hometown/is Task 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1. fs your hometown like? a. What Soiree 2. What's... city like? aa ae 3. What's the town like?-1ts pretty, b. good-looking 4. What's the... ike? a. island b. address 5. What's... hometown like? yours b. your 6. What's the village... a. like i. likes 7. What's your hometown like?- Its . big and busy b. quict and busy 8. What ... their hometown like? a is bare 9, What’... hometown like? a. Mai’s 10. What's your hometown a. likes ba like ‘Task 3. Read and select the best answer from the given choices, 1. Where does/do/ar Ey... you live, Mai? 2. I ive ontinf . Rose Village. 4, He lives ow/in/at. 5, Who/When/Where,......- 40 they tive? 6. What's your name/addressicity........? It's 22 Hoan Kiem Street. 7. Hive onfin/at........ Green Lane. ‘8, What's hers/her/she........- address” 9. Tom lives on the once/twiee/third......... floor of Ha Noi Tower. 10, Where/WhadWhen..... TP VOUr J i UNIT2: L ALWAYS GET UP EARLY. HOW ABO' A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS if Word stress ‘shears Uatays goe up early I “ural usualy have dinnar at homme. ‘fen often goto bed ary. I ‘fomeimes | ‘sometimes go swimming on Sundays. : Vocabulary Functions Sr oie = a om — Simei ny =— a | ‘Moi va tra loi vé thdv giam biéu hing ngiy 7 Wrist doldoes + 8+ doin + war ofthe day)? (Ail lim $i vdo lie) 'S + (adverb of frequency) + V (Ho...) (Cac miu ciiu cin What do you do in the morning? always do What does she do in the afternoon? She usually does her What does he do in the evening? How often do/does +8 + V2 Ho Pesoge S+V-+ (expression of frequency), ri Cie my cau cho phi How often do you go to the library? 1010 ear ence swap 6 j How offen does he study with his ¢ studies with his partner every partner? day. How often do the students de project They do project work twice a j work? month. p B. LANGUAGE IN U } READING a ‘Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. { & ro Se vy ASA study with a pariner getup moming, always dohomework Example: It's the first thing we do after sleeping. getup 1. It's the fiest part of the day. 2. You do something yery often. = 3. Your teacher gives it to you, and asks you to do it at home: 4. You and a classmate work to gether for a task. a ‘Task 2. Read and tick True or False. There is one example (0). Lucy lives with her family in the centre of Ha Noi. She gets up at 5.30 in the morning, She offem gocs jogging with her father. After breakfast, she takes a bus to school. After school, she plays basketball with her friends three times a week. In the evening, she does her homework. Then she watches TW or reads books. She always goes to bed early. True False 0, Liney lives with her family in the countryside, v 1. She always gets up carly. 2. She rides a bike to school. 3. She plays baskethall three times a week, 4. She often waiches TV or reads book before she docs her homework. ‘Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. | A. Mr Loc: Ob, really? Do you live far from the school? B Bilt: I go by bus. Ey) 0. C Bil: Good moming, Mr Loc. How are you? D_ Mr Loc: Hi, Bill. 'm fine. Thank you. How do you go to school every day? E_ Bil: Yes. ts about thirty minutes by bus. ‘Task 4, Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do uot nced. There is one example . ise homework bed up exercise morning (1)__—_— Hi, my name’s Joe. Every moming | get (0) up early. do moming ia tue tecekat uo den goto schoo Twice a week. igo tn eie sports eaten Pit? Q)_ ‘vith my fiends afer school. Inthe evening, 1 often do my L. Q_ ‘after dinner. Then | watch TV and go to (4)___— around 10 pm WRITING ‘Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for cach gap. There is one example. Ce) ot a ae ed Example He usually plays computer games atthe weekend. a a) 1. My mother pts up early inthe morning. BEG aie 9 2. Heofien_ a bike to school. eam st a Hon Ci 1 eo here: ‘Task 2. Order the words. . 1. you moming / do / exercise / do / often /how 2 2. you in / what /evening/do/ the /do 3. 87 goes /my / once / father / fishing J week ee 4. the / never /1/ night / internet Jat /surt eee ‘Task 3, Read the questions. Write about your best friend, — — _s ts i nd od a A eR eh en ve Be SD Dd ede od 0. What's his/her name? 1. What does he/she usual lly do before school in the morning? 2. What does he/she usually do after school” 3. What does he/she usually do with you? 4, What do you think of hinvher? 0. My best friend is 1. He/She usually 2. HelSbe often 3. He/She 4. [think/like KIEN THUC MO RONG Task 1. Reorder the sentences. |. Mary/the/often/aftemoon?/What/dofin/does 2. always/breaktast/with/has/and//milk /beead/Linda 3. onee/ week/ the! got library/ They/ a/ aftea/ to 4, work?/project/do/How/often/you/do 5. infevening?/do/TomPeter/and/the/do/ What 6. withistudy/often/How/partner?/sisteridoes/your/her 7. al/oficn/shopping/the/My/ weekend /goes/mothier 8. twice/month /a/My/father/fishing/goes Task 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1. What do you in the morning? a do does b. doing did 2. Lusually ....... morning exercise. a. cook ©. play b. do listen 3. What....... your sister do after school’? a do © is b. docs dare 4. She often: b. a ke ba © at b nider -) SOTHEY co ninyg ane anon & arn et ‘ on a every day: 7 What does coc doin the evening? a you O&O b they dhe S Heotten chess ater doing his homework, a do © plays: b. listens di. play Task 3 Read and tick ©) Truc or Balse, tn the moming, Mai often gets up carly and doos moming exercise, After ae me bnushes her teeth, washes her fice and gets dressed, Her mother always cS ni {od for her, After breakfast, she rides her bike to school, Her class finishes at 11,30. She often goes to the library with her fiends to do homework three times a week. She Hikes doing project work because she can search the information and Fearn a Tot from that. She usually her friends at the weekend and plays games with them. They often have a lot of tun together. Truc False 1. Mai often get up late in the moming, >. She makes breakfast for her mother. 3. She rides her bike to school after breaktast, | 4, She goes to the library three times a month. 5. She usually meets her friends at the weekend, | 4 ~ Ss gg 7 > ‘ r > ! > a ed ed UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS Word stress ‘motorbike Last summer, I went to the park by ‘motorbike. “underground "Last Sunday, he went to the countryside by ‘underground. ‘holiday She went on ‘holiday By coach __‘tmily Last weekend, | went to Da Nang with my ‘family. Vocabutary Functions Hoi va Ora Ii ai 46 aa di aghi ¢ dau iW er i od?) 2 avs a dine Sete tid + Sp go om nae ma ae Stwent to + placed abi ; went fo Ha Noi Noi. Cie miu ctu che Where did you go an holiday? PES Where diet he go last summer? Noi. spt They went to Ha Where dt hey go on hliay? Se Mate it a pare See teraa’s ee ae Sst went by + (mewn of transportation). (Ai db da dh bang.) ‘Che miu cfu chm phi nbd acai How da you ge here? Mow did he gto the sane? How did they get to your hometown? How did Mary & Tom get to Ha Noi? Usvemt by tex He wet by plane. The neat by es, We went by motorbike. B. LANGUAGE IN USE READING ‘Task |. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. = = ae train motorbike ip Plane Example: 114s tong and it can go.on the ground. train |. een fly in the sky. 2. Itcan g0 in the sea, 3. tis long. I can go under the ground = 4. You must wear a helmet when you ride it Lia Task 2. Read and tick 2) True or False, There is one example (0), Alex is my penftiend. He lives with his parents in Da Ny a Last he visited 1 iat A Places and meeting people. Last summer, he visited Hoi Ay Ae town in ceatral Viet Nam. Alex went there by ‘An Museum of History and Culture, and J many lapanese Bridge. He ate del swam in the sea, Alex had a good time there = 0. Alex lives in Du ‘Nang. 1. His hobby is travelling and meeting People. 2. He went to Hoi An last ‘summer, 3. He went there by train, 4. He enjoyed the trip. sk 3. Read and number the sentences bagi wisn tte Sarno tae ere gner conversation A- Anna: Yes, 1d, "went tothe seaside with my brother n a on gs os A FE ed pel Alex: | visited my grandparents in the countryside © Alex: How dil you get there? © D_ Alex: Did you have a nice holiday, Anna? E Anna: | went by plane. What about you? Where did you 20? ‘Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example @). plane bay underground coach swam city Kim comes from England. She lives with her sister in Ho Chi Minh (0) City. Last ‘weekend, they had a trip to Ha Long (1) “This is an amazing place in the north of Viet Nam. The sists went fo Ha Noi by @) een hey ‘went to the Quang Ninb by (3) At the bay, they had a boat cruise ‘around the istands and took a fot of photos. They (4)__in the sea and had delicious seafood. They had a wonderful weekend at the seaside WRITING ‘Task 1, Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for exch gap. |, Last year, we visited Hue Imperial Pee se Bas 3. We went to the countryside by = ai 4, They went to the railway station by 2. Order the words. ‘you /g0/ did / where / weekend / ast 2, went/t0/1/ hometown / my 3. you/thow / there / pet / did 4, ain / went /17 there/ by ‘Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your last holiday. 1. Where do you live? 2. Where did you go to last holiday? 13 Le 3. How did you get there? 4 What was the tip lke? I. Hive 2. Last holiday, 1 3. went there by id ~ liked oes drink —> drank want — wanted have —» had work —*+ worked sing —» sang B. LANGUAGE IN US READING Task 1. Look and write the correct words. 1a ey i festival of flowers funfair picnic Bee: tt ad ee che cies Sea a ee 1. IU's.a party for you to celebrate your birthday. 2. It’s a film or television show made by a series of drawings. 3. It’s an event for you to sce various kinds of flowers at a place. 4_ It’s an outdoor event for you to take part in various kinds of games and entertainment. Task 2. Read and tick J True or False. Last summer, Linda and her friend John were on their holiday. They went to different places of interest. Linda went to the festival of flowers in Da Lat in Viet Nam. John joined The Medway Festival of Sport in England. They enjoyed their holiday very much. True False 0. Linda and John were on holiday last summer. v 1. They went to Viet Nam and England together. 2. Linda visited the festival of flowers in Da Lat. 3. John wanted Linda to join a festival of sport in Medway. 4. They liked their holiday a lot. ‘Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. ‘A. David: It sounds great! B Kate: Yes, I did, I went there with Bob. 0 C David: Did you go to Laura’s birthday party last Sunday? Kate: We gave her our birthday presents and took some photographs. Then we D had nice food and drink. In the end, we sang some English songs and played some games together. 7 E Davide What did you do at the : Task 4. Look and read, itl each gap with OME miber, There is one word the box. Write the word ‘There is ome example — —_— mms sss your friewd, There is sh &, Rene the questions, Write abe example (0), 0. Wha’s hisher rnine? When was his/her last bith’? 2. Wh dil vite to the party? 4. Hho Was the ty? 4 What did you dy there? 10, My fiend is 1 teyvas lefShe _ The party __ 4 We KIEN THUE MO RONG ‘Task 1. Read and answer for question. Linda. and her parents went to Nha Trang for holiday. It took them 2 hours ae m plane. While Linda and her father built sandcasties, her mother swam in the sea. Ling really enjoyed hher trip. 1. Did Linda go to Nha ‘Trang with her friends? 8: lasvi/bedn ight? yow/Did/govate 13 finish homework?/Didithey/their 14 he/avido“n00°7he/ Whatldid 15, cavthe/Whatimoming?dogdidthis 16. shelfiendsAhe/pary?ham lt ofDidiavite 17. yourimom/dinnee/ What aida lor 18. Englishafieraid/Whavclass?/sheldo 19, Hoa/tonthe/iasvand/Tony/e0' Friday? feIDid 20. yourrhomework/ yesterday feachevDidigivelyou 20 UNIT 5: WHERE WILL YOU BE THIS WEEKEND? if A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS | Word stress Po “They'l be ac the ‘seaside on Sunday. She'l-vsie the islands on Monday “The boys. wil be in che ‘countryside next month ‘de dnb trong tung fai Where will you be + (time in the future)? (Ban s8 ddu..?) I think I'l be + in/on/atlby + (place). (Minh nghi minh sé.) Che miu ctu cin ghi hi Where will you be this weekend? I think I'll be in the countryside. ‘Where will you be next Sunday think be on the Benet, Hai va tri Wi ai G6 sé lam gi tyi mOt thoi diém xée djnh trong twong tai What will yoi do (loeation) + (time)? (Bam sf lam gid...) (Minh nght minh s8..) don’t know. I may + (V). (Minh chuea biét. Cé.1é minh sé...) ‘Che min ciu clin ghi abi What wall you doin Da Nang this weekend? I think I'l swim and play volleyball on the beach, 1 don't know. I may walk along Han River, (Ai dé dén du bing gi?) B. LANGUAGE IN USE. READING. ‘Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. 25 +» & ve 2 ee ee oa se sandcastle < Example: is ery large and has a1 OE, — 1. Is outside cities and towns, with Fi 0 0 . 2 Avery high il often with rocks neat HEP ag on a eae = E 3. Itis of sand to took like a castle, usually bul under the ground. — 4 A large hole in the side of a hill, mountain OF ‘example (0)- , Task 1d tick true or False. There is Ome Nahe An by train. We will (yamec’ Veh The ese take the family iy. Ie willbe amazing. 10 veri ee han ale abt Une Ho and Bs TY Visit Uncle Fo’s hometown. Lam so happy because #7 can learn from a trip. ‘True Fake v ©. Vinh’s family will go to Nehe Aa. 1. They will get thereby bus 2. They will know about Uncle Ho and his family. 3. Nghe An is Uncle Ho’s hometown. 4. It's Vinb’s first history lesson at school. = ‘Task 3. Read and number the seatences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. .2 2 A Bob: That sounds interesting. Can I come with you? B Mai: Sure, then we'll visit the painting gallery, too. o Bob: Where will you go this weekend, Mai? 1p Mai: T'll visit the city library near my house. There are a lot of new books there, you know. E Bob: Great! Thanks a lot. ‘Task 4. Look and read, Filleach gap with one word from the box. we ret Achar Shea eer toni Wee wor Next (0) weekend, " tropical (I) plants, animate ill in the nursing 2), Wsa plc i spa il ear aan 8 sal fat and swimvin hey mls WE Wil ake wonderful summer camp, ——— I think we witt have a WRITING 2 a it Sitio) 3 en) Sins Jt eb tnd SS. r — rv 5 ar if 7 pA mY x Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read andl write one word for each gap. |L. She thinks she'll explore the 2. We'll swim in the 3. We'll fly akkite on the _ 4. Our schoo! will have a picnic inthe of Bia Vi this Sunday ‘Task 2. Order the words. 1. sports / my / the / play / family / beach / will /on gal a 2. you /next/ will /be / where / year 3. they / will / the / what / next / do / month / countryside / in 4. parents / our / summer /have / with /a/ we'll holiday ‘Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your holiday. ‘0. When will your holiday be? 1, Where will you go? 2. Who will you be with? 3. What will you do? 4, What will your holiday be like? Why” 0, My holiday will be next week. 1. will 21 31 ; 4,1 think | ‘because __ a, KIEN THUC MG RONG ‘Task tick Q True or False. ‘m Minh, My family will go to Da Nang next weekend. 1 think it will be an interesting trip, {think my parents will swim in the sea. My brother and | will play football, And my litte sister will build a sandcastle on the beach. We will have lots of ‘seafood. All of us love seafood! The next day, we will spend onc day in Hoi An Ancient “Town. We will ride the bikes around the town to visit Ki houses and enjoy the quiet ‘and peacetal life here. I ean"t wait to start my trip. I'm so excited. Truc False 1. Minh and his family will go to Da Nang next weekend. 2, His parents will tke a boat trip. 3, Minh and his brother will build sandcastles on the beach, 4, They all love seafood 2 y — slowly ick > quit B. LANGUAGE IN USE READING Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. 42 MM Mg MM ME Rech cRcRCRCR® — re Ga crocodiles ee Sage kangaroos Example: They live in rivers and eat people and animals in the water. crocodiles 1. They have two long and two short legs. = 2. They live in the Polar regions. 3. They have a long trunk and two tusks ——— 4. These birds have Jong and colourful tails. Task 2. Read and tick True or False. There is one example (0)- Saturday's Shows Start Tickets Early birds 1s ‘They swim, fly and la a run to have their ‘ms breakfast. ( . ‘They jump and 11:30 Children <3 years: ‘swim in their new FREE Pool. Children (3-15 years): £17 Adults: £25 Snew Sumatran 12:00 tigers True F 0, There are 4 shows on Saturday. 1. Early birds show is at 1 2. Children under 15 are ticket free for all shows. 3. Tiger show is before Penguin show. 4. Adults must pay for all the shows. Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. Miss Ann: Let’s go to sec the monkeys and tigers. Then we will see a peacock show. I hope you will enjoy our penguin show in the end. B_ Children: Yes, we do. oo000 oooon? A 43 0 © Miss Ann: Good morning, children. I'm Ann Green from the city 200. Welcome to our zoo. p Miss Ana: There are hundreds of wild animals here. Do you want to see the monkeys and tigers first? E Children: Hi, Miss Green. Nice to meet you. ‘Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do mot need. There is onc example (0). eo ED EE OS com ea Saas animals sprayed monkeys —_ pythons roared _crocodiles Last Sunday, my class went to the 200, It was a sunny day. We sawalot of wild (0) animals. Big tigers (1), loudly. A baby elephant (2)__ water with its trunk. It looked happy. Three @) were so noisy on the tree. The (4) moved so quietly. In the end, we had a lot of fun at the penguin show. It was a great trip to the zoo. WRITING ‘Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example. 2 Example: We visited London Zoo last week. LA danced beautifully. SD ae oe 3. Two roared loudly. 4. [took photos of some for my Science project. aa Task 2. Order the words. 1. you /did/ see / where / kangaroos / the a 44 ret Mem oo ow a a a ol oC a, aS Need ed Nad “a SSS a 2. do/ what / saw / monkeys / you / the / did / them / when 3. are /your/ animals / 200 / what / favourite » /z00 / to 4. @0/.who / did /you/ the / Task 3. Read the questions, Write about your friend, , What is your friend’s name? |. When did he/she go to the 200 with you? 2. What animals did you see? 3. What shows did you see? 4. What did your friend like the best at the zoo? Why? 0. is my best friend. 1. We went 2. We 3. We c 4, My friend because KIEN THUC MG RONG ‘Task 1. Read and tick J Truc or False. Mai went to the zoo with her classmates last Sunday. First, she saw the monkeys and the pandas. Then she saw the kangaroos. The monkeys were noisy. They jumped up and down quickly. The pandas looked cute. They ate bamboos slowly. The kangaroos were fast, True False 1. Mai saw the monkeys and the pandas. 2. She didn't see any kangaroos. 3. The monkeys were quiet. 4. The monkeys jumped up and down quickly. 5. The pandas ate fruits and vegetables. Task 2. Read and answer for question. Nam went to the 200 with his parents last weekend, First, he saw the monkeys. They jumped quickly. Then Nam saw the tigers. They were scary. They roared loudly. In the end, Nam saw the pandas. They were cute and did ‘everything slowly. 1. What did Nam see at the 200? 2. Did Nam see any peacocks? === 3. What did the monkeys do when Nam was there? avn 4. What did the tigers do when Nam was there? 3h What did the pandas do when Nam was there? —————— 45 UNIT 10: WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS Sentence stress “What are you going to 'do on Sports ‘Day? [fin going to play Yootb Vocabulary take part Hoi va tra live thoi gian va dja diém mét sy kign digm ra When will + (event) + be? (Khi nao sw kign dién ra?) It'll be + (fisture time). (N6 sé dién ra vao...) Where will + (event) + be? (Sue kién sé dién ra & déu?) AW In/On/Near + (location). (Né dién rac...) Cae mau cau cin ghi ahe When will Sports Day be? It'll be this weekend. When will the singing contest be? Iv be on Monday. Where will the competition be? ‘On the playground. 16 ban djah Lam gi vao mot sy kiga mio dé v6i cach tra lei What are you going to do on Sports Day? cera fam gi vao ngéy hoi thé I'm going to + (V) (Th s8..) Phan bigt “Be going to” voi “Will”: Be going to: ndi vé diéu da durye Ip Kd hogeh hay c6 ¥ djuh truée, Will: ndi vé digu xiy ra ma khOng c6 ké hogeh hay ¥ dink gi, 47 ‘What are you going to do on Sports Day? are you B. LANGUAGE IN USE READING ‘Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one © ® Be if ihe = Ind Sports Day ae Teachers’ Day Children’s Day Music Festival = I'm going to play table tennis. Boing to do on Sports Day, John? I'll play volleyball. Example: There are no classes at school and children compete in sports Sports Day events. 1. A special day at school when children give their teachers flowers to honor 2. A special day at school when children compete in some music events. 3. A special day for children in June. 4. A national day in September to celebrate the independence of the country. True or False. There is one example (0). ‘There are some events in Tim’s school every year. He is going to take part in the school music festival next month. Tim and his classmates are practising hard for this event. He’s going to play the violin. Lisa and Linda are going to play the pianos. Bill is going to play the drums. Some girls and boys are going to sing English songs. The school music festival is really an interesting event. True False 0. Tim is going to join a school music event. v 1. The music festival will be next month. 2. Tim is going to play the violin in the event. 3. Two girls are going to play the drums. 4. Some of the girls and boys are going to dance. Task3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. A Mum Really? Where will it be, Minh? B_ Mink: I'm going to play table tennis. I'm practising hard for it now. C_ Mum: What are you going to do in the event? 0D Mink: Mum. It’s only a week until my school Sports Day. E. Minh: Ill be in a sports centre, near my school. Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0). 48 Yo IE I I IRR AR ae ee i, “Hee a) teand tiated needa lied edad ddd added meer. ee 2h Mi school badminton football swim F estival Tove all of the events at my (0) school, but I like (1) ______Day the best. It will be next weekend at the school sports centre. The pupils in my class are going to take part in this event. I like swimming so I’m going to(2)__—=—=— | Nam and Hung are going play in a (3) match. Hoa and Mai are going to play @)_______. We are practising hard for the sports event. And we hope that ‘we'll win the competitions. WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example. Example: Sports Day is going to be next Saturday. 20 | Il be on Monday, the twentieth of November. 2 2.Maiisgoingto____the violin in the school music ~Bzl 3. It’s only two weeks until 4. Tomorrow is our national holiday. Task 2. Order the words. 1. will / be / when / Children's / day 2. there / music / be / weekend / next /a / festival / will 3. you / what/ day / going / sports / to / do / are /on 4, event/ going / the / to / she / table / play / in /is /tennis Task 3. Read the questions. Write about one of your school events in the future. 0, What's your name? 1, Which school event are you going to talk about? 2. When will it be? 49 CE E-_ (3. What are you oing to do for it? 4 Do you like this event? Why? / Why not? 0. My name is y L ee e 5 ae Se a lot of events at my school, but I like the best. 3.1m going to : for the event. KIEN THUC MG RONG Task 1. Reorder the sentences. 1. Children’s Day/Hoa?/be /will/When 2. Day/will/be/this weekend /Independence ee eee 3. be?/Where/will/dancing/contest 4. al/Sports Day/School./be/will/Nguyen Trai 6. in/the/the singing contest/school yard?/Will/be 7. going to do/Children’s Day /are/Peter?/you/What/on ‘8 on/take part in/Teachers” Day /Im/the/dancing/going to/contest 9. practicing/We/hard/the football match /are/for 10. music/win/competition /Mary/will/the 11. Sports Day/month /school/next/Our/be/will Task 2. Read and tick Z True or False. Sports Day is only one week to come, | think it will be a great day. Everyone in my class loves Sports Day. All of us are going to take part in this event. Some boys are going to play football. Some girls are going to play volicyball. Tony, my best classmate is going to swim. I am going to play chess. | am practicing hard and | hope I will win the competition. Please come and join our school event. True False 1. Sports Day will be next week 2. Some people in the class love Sports Day. ’ 3. Some boys are going to play volleyball on Sports Day. 30 a te aS Ge ee ee at ed on 4 e a) 4. Tony and | are going to swim on Sports Day. 5.1 am practicing hard for Sports Day. ‘Task 3. Read and select the best answer from the givem choices. 1. - Hi, John. Where/What/When.......... are you now? Nick. I'm in/avon, the gym. = What're you doing/being/going. . there? - I practise/am going to practise/am practising. for my school Sports Day ~ Wow. What are you will do/do/going to do. ‘on that day? ~ I'm going to play table tennis. 2. = Are you going to take part on/at/in............ our school Sports Day? - Yes, 1am. | love Sports Day. - What are you going to do on that school/date/day. ? - I'm going to play/go/do.......... badminton. What about you? going to play football. My class will play/played/play... ~T hope you will join/win/practise........ the football match. SI Pa DE ON TAP KIEM TRA Cl i ae A UOI HQC Kit Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. il fee island tower village address -= ‘<< <"er & 4 = Example: It’s an area surrounded hy water. islane 1. Its. tall building with many floors. —— 2. It’s along andn row road. = 3. Itis a small town in the countryside mii 4, Ittells you where a person lives are Task 2. Read and tick (V) True or False. There is one example (0)- Wy likes English very much. At school, she has English four times @ week- ‘She often speaks English with her classmates. Sometimes, she talks with her foreign friend, Amy. They are happy because they can understand each other. Vy usually reads English comic books in her free time. At home, she practises listening by watching cartoons on TV. Vy wants to learn English well. She thinks English is necessary for her future. True False 0. Vy’s favourite subject is English, 1. She has English every day. 2. Amy can understand Vy’s English. OG 3. Vy usually reads comic books to practise listening © 4, English is necessary for Vy's future. oOo Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. Binh: Of course, | do. I'll go to the zoo again next weekend. oe Oo 000 Huong: | went to the 200 with my cousins. 5 7 1 v. 1 v. 1 ¥ h] 7 a) 7 J ra Jt tq Binh; | didn’t see you last Saturday. Where were you? Huong: Well, a lot of animals such as pythons, crocodiles and gonilas, Do you like zoo animals?” Binh: Oh, really? What animals did you see there? ‘Task 4, Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example 2 ° cae? 4 a enh summer reading university home books bookshop Hi Joe, Are you enjoying your (0) summer holiday? This summer I’m staying at a). rm ( a lot of story books. I didn’t have ‘cnough time to read them during the school year. Yesterday I went to the GB). and bought a lot of story books. The characters in these books great people. [like them very much. I'll write more about my (4) _ in the next letter. Write and tell me about your summer. Hoa TL. WRITING ‘Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example, Example: Last month, Thad a holiday in the mountains 1, Last year, we visited Hue Imperial as eens en Ses ee ee ad tad & 1 2. Last holiday, she went to Hoi An Ancicnt : ae) Bae ” : 1 3. We went to the countryside by : "% wv ' : 1 4. They went to the railway station by 7 ‘Task 2. Order the words. 1 1. do/ you / how / lear / vocabutary wv 2 ————————— J 2. how / speaking / you / practise /do 5 r 3. do/you/ reading / practise / how 4 sh /Tearn / do/ why / you - ? ‘Task 3. Read the questions, Write about you. There is one example (0), 33 | sd at et ct 0. What do you usually do every day? 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 2, What are you going to do next weekend? 0. L get up early and go to school every day. 1 Tomorrow, | 2. Next weekend, I KIEN THUC MG RONG ‘Task I, Reorder the sentences. 1. like?/main/character/What'/sthe 2. you/How/do/have?/copybooks/many 3. Vietnamese?/How/you/often/do/have 4, White/and/Dwarfs/Snow/the/SevenTm/reading 5. elassmates/Day/Sports/dovto/are/your/going/on/What 6, want/to/Mearn/talk/IAo/because/foreign/friends /English ‘8, Day /Tommy/are/Sports/Alex/play/basketbal /on/andito/going 9, erocodiles/I/and/z00 /kangaroos/the/saw/peacocks at ‘10. the/What/pandas/were/you/did/there?/do/when Task 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. _ do you have today? €. subject d. English 2. - How often do you have English? - I have aweek, a two ©. twice b. three d. one 3. do you leam English? - Because I want to sing English songs. a. What ©. Why b. When d. How 4, = How do you....... reading? = | read English comic books. a. practise c. practises d. practised 2 - I'm reading The Fox and the Crow. a. listening c. writing 34 GT AAD mm a ar ea ee b. reading id watching 6.~ What's the main character........? - She's kind. a like cc. looks like b. likes: d. look like 7. ~ What did you see at the 200? - I saw a. tiger c. zebra b. tigers d. panda ‘8. What did the gorillas do when you ....... there? a& were c. is b. was 4. are 9.- When will Sports Day be? - It'll be ...... Saturday a in cat b. on ds by 10. What are you ....... o do on Sports Day? a go goes b. going d. togo 35 a le UNIT 11: WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU? E A. LANGUAGE IN Focus Intonation 1. What's the mateer with you? Ww ' have a headache, “wv - 2. What's the matter with you? “w i Ihave a toothache. “ y 3. What's the matter with you? “w Ihave a stomach ache.“ r Vocabulary . , , a, ag ” i stmmaiaiaa Functions 56 wed ered meet | ped reed et Se ee _ _ ae, — - a “ “ J Hoi va tra Wi ve vane dé site khoe cia ban the matter with you? (Ban bj tam sao vay?) ave an/a + (health problem) (Minh bi) Hi va tra Wei ve vain de sive Kkhde eita ai 6 . What's the matter with + O? (Al 6 bj liam sao vay?) ‘St have/has an/a + (health problem) (At db bi) hs Cée miu cin cin ghi Thave # toothache. the matter with him? He has a backache. Cach khayén ban nén lam gi va dap Igi ‘You should + V (Ban nén._) Yes, Iwill, Thanks/Thank you. —(U minh sé lam vay. Cam on ban.) Cach khuyén ban khéng nén Him gi va dap Iai You shouldn't +¥ (Ban nén..) Yes, I won't. Thanks Thank you. (C/ minh sé théng nine thé. Cam om bar.) ‘You should cat more vegetables. ‘Yes, L will, Thanks. You shouldn't carry heavy things Ok, I won"t. Thank you. B. LANGUAGE IN USE READING Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example m B ap § Example ree Face 1. Your eyes become red. 2. It's # high temperature. 3. You go to sce him/her when you have a bad tooth. 4, You have a pain in your head, 5. You have a toothache, You shouldn't eat them. Task 2. Read and tick J True or False, There is one example (0). 0 My Shing Pat four years old. She likes eating candy inthe evening. She does nt like ‘eanbie er tecth before going to bed. Yesterday she could not sleep because she had a dentist prey het tooth. In the moming, Mum took her to the hospital to see the sass, Lhe dentist said that Mary should brush her teeth after meals. She shoud sat en Sweet things in the evening. True False 0. My sister is 4 years old. 0 |. She likes eating sweet things in the evening. 2. She had a toothache yesterday. O @ 3. She went to the hospital with her father, 4. The dentist said that she should brush her teeth every Boa morning. 5. May shouldn't eat sweet things in the evening. oO Task 3, Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. Jack: Poor Jill! Let’s go to see her in the afternoon. Jane: She's at home. A B 0 C Jack: | can’t see Jill today, Where’s she? D Jane: She has a fever. EB Jack: What’s the matter with her? F Jane: OK. See you this afternoon then. Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There és one word that you do not need. There is one example Ox drink yy and hot yesterday. In the afternoon, my little brother Sam played (1) i Oe Ha Giana, an the playground. Later at night, Sam had a (2) This moming, my mum took him to the (3)__. The doctor — 58 AT i oh aN ae ae re a said that he should take a rest and eat a lot of (4) like bananas, apples and grapes. He should not (5) ccold water and eat ice-cream, WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example. Example: She has a stomach ache. 1. He has a 2.Shehasa_— throat, «= : 3. He should see the 4. She shouldn’t cat a lot of i : 5. She shouldn’t Tv. Task 2. Order the words. 1. you / the / what's / with / matter 2. have /a/1/ throat / sore 3. should / see / you / doctor / the 4, shouldn't /carry / you/ things / heavy 5a/1/ bad /have / cough 59 eae . Read the questions. Write about Your friend’s health problem and give 0. What’s her name? 1. How old is he/she? 2. What's the ‘Matter with him/her? 3. Where's he/she now? 4. What should he/she do? Why? $. What should he/she not do? Why not? 0. My friend is__ 1. He/She is 2. He/She has 3. He's/She’s 4. He/She should because 5. He/She shouldn't Task 1. Reorder the sentences. 1, you,//with/the/What's/Tony?/matter 2. earache. /Vhave/an 3. Mary?/vith/ Whats/matterithe 4, So/tofgo/ean'Vfever /schioolshelhas/Lindala 5. have/Why/toothache?/you/did/a 6. much/oothache/I/beeause/a/chocolate haved atefioo 7. does/cough/a/he/lot?/Why 8. a/afhas/eold sore throavand/ie 9. with/cousin?/your/matter/the/What's 10, he/earried/He/things /a/backache/heavy/becausclhas 11. the/with/What's/her?/matter 12, she!She/ieavy/has//thingsPbackachelcaried because 13. in/My/pain/eacher/her/bas/leg /a 14. catfice creams./sweeis/Yowand/shouldn'/too/many 60 ehahyt 7 EE AE AE GAT AT A AE nd 7 —t tel edd _ a __ A ee ae 15. should/healthy./to/you/do/exercise/You/keep/regularly 16, teeth/a/didn'VHeMas/orush/twice hoothache/he/day Mais /a /because 17. should/every day jespecially/sports-/take/shower/a/after/You /playing ao Bee 8 om be, ee» 18. a/too./sore throat/often/have/When/Vhave/a/Va/and/cold/cough 19. Ifs/noveyes./too/long,/Y ou/for/for/watchishouldn'Ugood /TV/your 20. yout/matter/brothers?/with/the/ What's ‘Task 2. Read and select the best answer from the given choices. . ~ When/Where/What is the matter with you? ~I had/havesha: ~» @ headache. ~ You should/would/could ... . ~ Yes, | will/do/am. Thanks/Thank/Thanks you. 2. - What's the matter with you? - [have a toothache. do you have a toothache/headache/cold.... - You shouldn’t/should/must. - OK, I won’t/don’t/wil 61 UNIT 12: DON’T RIDE YOUR BIKE TOO FAST. A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS Intonation 1. Don't play with the knife! OK, | won't. “™ 2 Don't play with matches. OK, | won't. “© 3. Why shouldn't | play with the knife? “w Because you may cut yourself, 4, Why shouldn't l play with the stove? “¥ Because you may get a burn Vocabulary >| 1 , 1 y 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 ] ] 1 ; Canb bio vé tai man c6 thé xay ra va cach dap Iai Don't+ V (Dime...) Ok, 1 won't. (Buege réi, minh sé khong lam dat) Hi va tra Ii ly do ai dé khdng nén Lam gi Why shouldat +S+V? Because + $+ may+V. Don’t touch the stove. Ok, I won't, Why shouldn't he ride his bike too Because he may fall and break his fast? arm. B. LANGUAGE IN USE READING ‘Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. & ) climb run down Example: You go up a tree or the stairs with your feet and hands. 1. You hurt yourself with a knife, 2. You drop yourself from something like a bike or a tree. 3. You hurt yourself by touching very hot things like fire, 4. You go down very fast. 5. You fall off a bed or a sofa Task 2. Read and tick true or False, There is one example (0)- ar sy Miks was bored, He was in the living room when his mother oe the kitchen, Suddenly, his mother smelled Something burned. She went into the living room and said, ‘Mike, stop it. Don’t play with those matches or you may Seta bum’. Mike answered, ‘OK, I won't do that again, I'll put them oe True 0. One day, Mike was happy. 1. He was in the living room, 2. From the kitchen, his mother could see him playing with matches, 3. She asked Mike to stop playing with them 4, Mike got a bum 5. He did not want to put away the matches. : Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order: The conversation begins with 0. A. Mum: OK, but you shouldn't run down the stairs. 0B Mum: Hey, Mike. Don’t take your baby sister out on the balcony. Mike: OK, Mum, I won't do that again. What about walking her in the ic > garden? D Mum: Because she may fall down. E Mike: Why shouldn’t | take her there? F Mike: OK, Mum. ‘Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0. 000000 000 00) knives matches bum Summer is coming, here are some tips to keep your children safe. First don’t let them (0) play alone near water like a lake or a swimming pool They may (1), into the water. Second, never let them (2) trees. They may fall down and @) their arms or legs. Third, don’t Tet them play with dangerone things like (@), natches, They may cut themselves or geta(S) Oo I Ce ad emt mer WRITING ‘Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one ‘example. Example: Don’t touch the stove. ml, 1. Don"t____ the stairs. Ur 7 2. You shouldn't play with & 3. Young babies are easy to 4, The knife is very sharp, you may 5. The stove is very hot, you may get a £8 ~ Task 2. Order the words. 1. too / I / ride / shouldn"t / why / fast 2. you / the / what / doing / stove /are / with 3. do/1/ that / won't / ok / again 4, shouldn't / why /1/ touch / knife /the 5. with / the / play / don’t / cat ‘Task 3. Read the questions, Write safety tips for children. 0. Why shouldn't children climb trees? 1. Why shouldn’t children play with a knife? 2. Why shouldn't children play with matches? 3. Why shouldn’t children ride their bike too fast? 4, Why shouldn’t children go out alone? 5. Why shouldn’t children play on the balcony? 6S 0. 1. They shouldn't play with a knife because == 2. They shouldn’t play with matches because 3. They shouldn’t ride their bike too fast because 4. They shouldn’t go out alone because $. They shouldn't play on the balcony See KIEN THUC MO RONG Task 1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1. Don’t ..... the stove! You may get a burn, a. play c. bite b. touch 4. scratch 2. Don’t run down the ...! You may fall. a. sofa c. bed b. helmet stairs 3... shouldn’'t he ride his bike too fast? a. What c. Where b. Why d. How 4. He shouldn’t ride his bike too fast because he may fall and. a, hold c. break b. touch d. cut 5. Don’t touch the animals on the street because they may a. play c. scratch 4. run the kids play with matches? c. shouldn't b. may d. may not 7. The kids shouldn’t play with matches ....... they may start a fire, a, because why b. when d so 8. You should wear a ....... when you ride your bike. a. hat © cap b. shirt 4d. helmet: 9. We should be careful to ....... possible accidents. a. rundown . hold b. roll off d. avoid 10. Remember to call for...... when an accident happens, a. brother ©. teacher b. help d. friend Task 2. Read and tick Z) True or False. Accidents may happened at any more careful to avoid these accidents, - Don’t play with knives or scissors because you may cut yourself. 66 sc ms mt ed ed edd ted tee ee ail cause you may get a burn or even start - Don’t touch the stove and play with matches a fire. = Don’t run down the stairs: climb the tree, wall or balcony because you may fall and break your arm. - Don’t touch the strange dogs or cats because they may bife and scratch you. ‘These are the simple and easy things you can do fo avoid accidents. One more time, be always careful and remember to call for help if necessary. True False 1. You shouldn’t play with sharp tools because you may cut yourself 2. You may start a fire when you ride your bike 3. You may fall when you run down the stairs too fast. 4. You should touch strange animals and bring them home. 5. When an accident happens, you should call for help. 67 UNIT 13: WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? A. LANGUAGE IN Focus Intonation 1. What do you do in your free time? ~y | surf the Internet. “w 2. What does he do in his free time? “y He listens to music. ay 3. What does she do in her free time? —w She goes shopping. —w ‘4. What do they do in their free time? ~w They go camping. “~w Vocabulary Funetions Hoi va tra loi vé cae hogt d6ng trong thoi gian rah roi What + do/does +S + do im one’s free time? (Ai dé lm gi liic rim 61?) S+V (Ho...) Liu § khi sir dyng d6ng tir “Play, Do, Go”: Play + ccic trd choi vin bing, bin cd, cdc ré choi déi Khing Vi dy: football, chess, badminton. Do + cde trd chot Khong ding bong. khing chor theo dpi. Vi dy: karate, puzzle Go + ede hogt dong ket tic bang dudt “ing. (Céc miu cau cin phi oho ‘What do you do in your free time? I watch animal programs, What does your father doin his free time? He goes jogging in the park, What do your sisters do in their free time? They play with their dolls. J often play tennis in my free time? My sister does karate in her free time, 68 ks fe, a, ef ‘ i ——_ i a as dl (hah ll — et ah My father goes fishing in his free time. B, LANGUAGE IN USE READING . Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. GC ey, exh id é sth at skating fishing Example: The sport of moving on ice (/the ground) on skates. _ skating 1. You use hands and feet as weapons in fighting. 2. You live in a tent on holiday. 3. The sport or business of catching fish. 4. You go to stores and buy things. 5. You go to this building to watch films. Task 2. Read and tick A) True or False. There is one example (0). My dad and I have the same hobby. We both like fishing very much because it is a quict sport. There are a lot of big tees around quiet ponds and rivers in our neighbourhood. We often go fishing there. Dad and | can sit for hours to wait for the fish. We offen talk about my study or our relatives. TN Fale 0. My father and I like different sports, 1, Fishing is a quiet sport. 2. We often go fishing in the forest. 3. My father and J often talk to cach other while fishing. 4, We can't sit long when we go fishing. 5. We have friendly chats while fishing. ‘Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct begins with 0, 0 A. Jane; What are you looking for on the Internet? B_ Dick: Shopping is fun, right? #000000 ooocos 7 ‘conversation © Jane: Oh, really? Great! Who are you going with? D_ Dick: 1 want to find some good camping sites. E Jane: \like going shopping. F Dick: My family. What do you like doing in your free time? ‘Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the mere next to the number, There is one word that you do not need. There is ome exa ie, Es PA school fishing. parents swimming food Summer holiday is great. We do not go to (0) school and we can do a lot of things. I like (1) - | go to the swimming pool three times a week. My brother Nick can’t swim but he can (2) very well. He often goes skating with his friends in their free: time, When our (3) are free at the weekend, we often go (4) in the neighbourhood. Mom prepares a lot of delicious (5) - We can fish and enjoy our meal outdoors. WRITING ‘Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap, There is one example. Example: | like swimming. ~ 1. We often go ose siege ® 3. My brother goes every Sunday. © In the end, King Hung let An Tiem and his family go back home. a ss i lane ens me eh te fens ams Ma Pan Ww a rh aol ens ns aes B Hoi va ké ye céc sy kign trong mgt ciu chuygn ‘What happened in the story? (Diéu gi daxay ra trong edu chuyén?) First, S + V-ed/V-ir (Bau tién..) ‘Then/Next, S + V-ed/V-ir (Sau dé/Tiép theo...) In the end, S + V-ed/V-ir (Va cudi cing...) ” COP PF FF KF Fe ~ Met sé dong ti & dang nguyén thé (infinitive) va qua khir don (past simple Infinitive | Past simple | Vietnamese meaning drop dropped or exchange exchanged trao d6i order ordered ralnhy yéu cdu walk waked 1d5 | find found tim thay getmamed | gotmamed —_| két han. hear heard nghe thay let let ccho phép lose lost tam mat shake shook \Bc/tung Cac miu ciu can ghi mh ‘What happened in the story? (Diéu gi da xay ra trong cu chuy§n?) First, the crow was on the roof of a house with a piece of meat in his beak. The fox saw the crow’s meat. Then, the fox said to the crow: “Can you dance?”. The crow shook his head. Next, the fox asked: “Can you sing?”. The crow opened his beak to say: “Yes” and dropped the meat. In the end, the fox picked up the meat and said: “Ha ha. Thanks for the meat”. Hi y kién cia ai dé vé mot oban vat va ciel tra Wi What do you think of + book/character? (Ban nghi gi ve?) I think + he’s/she’s/it’s + adjective. (Minh ng...) Cae miu ciu cin ghi abo ‘What do you think of Cinderella? 1 think she’s gentle. ‘What do you think of Alex? I think he’s clever. ‘What do you think of my doll? 1 think it’s beautiful. B, LANGUAGE IN USE READING ‘Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is ome example. SS We * ald starfiruit beak 15 Example: This fruit has a star shape. _Starfruit 1. The surface of the earth, not sea, 2. A yellow precious metal used to make coins or jewelry. 3. The hard pointed outer part of a bird's mouth 4. The top of a building or a house. 5. A piece of land surrounded by water. = ‘Task 2. Read and tick @ True or False. There is one example (0). A Iong time ago, the father of two brothers died. The elder brother got most of the land and the younger brother got only one starfruit tree. One day, a big bird came and ate the starfruit. Then it carried the younger brother to an island to get gold. His brother knew about this. He waited for the bird. And the bird also brought him to the island to get | gold. He was greedy and got a lot of gold. The bag was very heavy and he fell off the bird, into the sea_ True False 0. The elder brother got more land than his brother. YM Oo 1. The younger brother had only one starfruit tree. @ | i | 2. A big bird ate the starfruit and paid gold for the elder brother. 3. The bird also carried the elder brother to the island to getzold. © 4. The younger brother got a lot of gold and carried the bird home, () 0 5. The greedy elder brother fell into the sea because of the heavy 3 Z gold. ‘Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0, ‘A. Jim: Oh boy! How did the story end? Mai: First, a crow had a piece of meat in his beak. Then a fox came and B asked it for the meat. The crow shook its head. Next, the fox asked it to sing, It opened his beak and dropped its meat. C. Jim: Wow, the fox is very wis 16 CE ae D Mai: In the end, the fox got the meat and ran away. 0 E Jim: What happened in the story The Fox and the Crow? Mai: That’s right. | love the story very much because it gave me a good F Jesson in life. nd i Write the word Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. next to the number. There is one word that you do not aeed. There is one example (0). ae ony animals hie Me fe fo. race winner line One day, there was a (0) race between a hare and a tortoise, First, the (1) ran very fast and soon passed the tortoise. Then he stopped and fell (2) under a tree.The tortoise walked and walked very slowly. And he passed the sleeping hare. In the end, he passed the finish (3) . The (4) cheered loudly for the (5) - The hare woke up and began to run again, but it was too late. WRITING Task I. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example. %, Example: An Tiem was hard-working 88092 = fh eS 1 The was wise. J S\7 2. The was stupid. 3. The elder was greedy. 7 4. The was beautiful and kind. 5. The ‘was slow, but hard-working. Task 2. Order the words. There is one example. Example: what / in / happened / the / story What happened in the story? 1. of /you / do / what / think / Snow White 2. tales / do/ like / you / folk 3. of / what / like / stories / kinds / you /do 4. story / end /how/ did / the 2 5. you / do / why / the / story / like 9 Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your favourite story. 0. What’s your name? 1. What's your favourite story? 2. Who is the main character in the story? 3. What happened in the story? 4. How did the story end? 5. What do you think of the main character? Why? 0. My name’s 1. My favourite story is 2. The main character is 2 3. First, Then, 4. In the end, 5. I think he/she/the because KIEN THUC MO RONG Task 1. Reorder the sentences. 1. you/What/Cinderella?/do/think of 2, beautiful /hink/he’s 3. you/What/Thanh Giong?/doAhink of 4. brave /isthink/I/Thanh Giong 5 think of/Whatlthe fox?/yowdo 78 6. Starfruit Tree?/What/the Golden/do/think of/you 7. like?/books/do/What/kind offyou 8. do/think of/What/Aladdin and/in/the Magic Lamp?/Aladdin/you 9. in/{ think/intelligent./is/the mouse/and the Mouse/The Lion ‘10. there/a/princess /beautifal/was/Snow White /Once upon a time, ‘Task 2. Read and tick @) True or False. Hi, I'm Quan. My hobby is reading myths. Myths are interesting. Myths” main characters are usually kind, patriotic or honest and strange. My favorite myth is The Story of Thanh Giong. Thanh Giong was a strange boy. He couldn’t speak or walk when he was three years old. However, when the war began, he suddenly spoke and ate a lot of rice. Then, he became very big and strong. After that, he rode an iron horse and used bamboo to fight against the enemies. | love myths with all my heart because each of them gives me an example about patriotism and good personalities of the character. True False 1. Quan likes reading myths. 2. His favorite myth is The Legend of Watermelon. 3. Thanh Giong isnt brave because he’s just a three-year-old boy. 4. Thanh Giong rode an iron horse and used bamboo to fight against the enemies. 5. Quan loves myths because each of them gives him an example about love of country and good personalities of the character. a UNIT 15: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TOBE IN THE FUTURE? A. LANGUAGE IN FOCUS Intonation 1, What would you like to be in the future? Td like to be a nurse. 2. Why would you like to be a nurse? Because I'd like to look after patients. Vocabulary space Functions P HOi va tra Joi tgi sao ban muda tam nghé d6 Why would you like to be a/an + job? (Tai sao ban muén lem... >) 80 aes ose sew es See ose eee oe ee eet ett ett (Bi vi mink mud) ai trong lai?) 4 Wai ban mada lim gi tron; ny ‘What would you like to be in the future? (Ban muon, lam gi trong I'd like to be a/an + job. (Minh pean hi 19 be a nurse P Td like to take care of pati Cie miu ciu cin gl What would you like to be in the fature? I'd like t Why would you like to be a nurse? Because, B. LANGUAGE IN USE READING Task I. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. ents. teacher architect Example: They work in a company or in a factory. _workers 1. He loves children and helps them to learn. 2. He designs houses and buildings. 3. He/She works in a field or in a farrm. a_i 4. Their job is dancing. 5. He can keep our town or city safe. ‘Task 2. Read and tick @) True or False. There is one example (0). Dear Grandpa, How are you? Last week, Dad took me to Kid city. There were a lot of people and interesting things to see there. I was very excited (0 be on a plane, and watched some video clips about pilots. It was great to see them fly lots of planes. I'd like to be a pilot in the future like you. | want to fly to many countries around the world. Now | prepare for my dream job by running two kilometres. in the moming. A good pilot must be strong, right? Love you, Jim True False writes to his grandmother. 1. Jim’s father took him to Kid city. C—O EE ||| 2. He saw a lot of pitots there 8 3. His father is a pilot o 6 4. He does moming exercise by running 2 kilometres to be strong. () S. He wants to be a pilot in the future, oo Task 3, Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. Bob's father: Oh, really? So, why don’t you get up early, and play | football with your friends Tony and Tom every morning? B Bob: Well, maybe you're ight, Dad. 0 c Bo8's father: You stay in your room all day, Bob. What would you like to be when you grow up? | p 306: Daddy, itis summer time, so hot. can’t play football. 'minmy room fo write and draw my football comic book, you know that! Bob's father: Ab ha! So1 Buess you'd like to be a writer. Not a famous football player, right? F Bob: Well, | think I'd bea famous footballer. | like Messy very much. Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example ©). ee eel een ee school classrooms playground as Hi, I'm Le. I'm 10 years old. Let me tell you about my dream. Fd like to be an (0) archit the future because Id like to design schools very much. Look at this picture. This is a nice (1) for primary children, There are many (2) I in this building, There is also a beautiful (3) with a lot of books for children. After school, the children can play football with t tends in the school . (4) ‘or swim in a modem swimming (5) WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures. example. Read and write one word for cach gap. There is one t 82 ————————

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