Case Study 17 Mohamed The Untouchable Pedophile

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Case study

The untouchable pedophile

 Summary:
The former doctor for the American gymnastics team and worker at Michigan
State University, He is currently facing a trial of 40 to 175 years in jail for
conducting sex offenses. He went to jail because of his crimes. Doctor Nassar
physically abused large numbers of young women and girls at gymnastics camps,
gyms, his house, and his MSU facility over several years and with the pretense of
medical care. Each of these victims was ambitious sports.

 Questions:

17.11. The Public Relations of Michigan state Management indicates that the

athletic community wants to keep informed, and engaged, and to receive any
problems answered. The public relations job is to interact with those who
understand the value of those involved and help raise awareness of these
individuals to the general public. Gymnasts now understand Dr. Nasser's
treatments of sports and how to communicate with one another. The doctors must
communicate with the media offices so that sessions can be held to teach people
about their specializations. The research that Dr. Nasser has completed will be
shown to everyone, after which the public universities may participate in
sessions of questions and answers. This will bring both teams together and allow
them to benefit the most from the doctor's involvement. Therefore, public relations
must ensure that the treatments of sports receive the greatest of public relations to
learn about the doctor's services, so the doctor has the chance to talk and provide
the answers for the participants to keep the route among them. The doctor's
participation in those Publicity communications could therefore be extremely
important, and everyone must be aware of it.
17.12. The findings focus on the significance of role models as providers
of effective leadership and as motivators of attitudes about the good morals and
characteristics of a leader. examination of advertising material and leadership
Concepts of effective communications are fundamental within that leading public
relations concept. The significance has been acknowledged in certain
advertisements for colleges. The IABC Excellent Research, one of the most
thorough analyses throughout the area of advertising items, offers an analytical
framework for comprehending the roles of public affairs and for communicating
about management and its use in the context of excellent public relations. The
behavioral approach focuses on the qualities and qualities that a promotional items
organization may have at the financial, administrative, programmatic, and
structural levels. The researchers proposed that public affairs leaders be able to
argue for "why publicity relates to organizational effectiveness and to what degree
level by unambiguous that publicity has economic value to the
organization to achieve excellence throughout public affairs and operational
processes. The investigators advised firms to elevate public affairs as a vital
planning process. To ensure that public opinion is recognized and considered
in organizational decisions, leadership marketing representatives should be
involved in the company's dominant alliance and strategic planning. Promotional
items directors required strategic understanding, specialized knowledge, and
expertise to be successful within that capacity. The
culture of an organization is also considered to have an impact on the efficacy and
function of advertising items. An environment for messaging is defined as having a
collaborative atmosphere, internal pressure communication, fair chances, and high
employee job satisfaction. Investigators might have asserted that certain individuals
lack the skills or knowledge necessary to function well in leadership or
socialization roles. Their ability to perform and be successful as analysts
are constrained by a lack of management background, leadership, awareness of
organizational structures, and lack of understanding of organizational politics and
social dynamics. For example, social power theory explains how to utilize the
ability to make PR units more engaged, successful, and ethical when making
decisions about their organizational structure. The investigators established the
concept that advertising is primarily political and advocated that individuals can
have a greater impact in organizational units where decisions are made across
social relations by becoming more intelligent and educated, using more services
and techniques for impact, and imposing more political control. Furthermore, any
variables that help managers of public affairs achieve professional achievement
and keep onto their authority roles within enterprises. They discovered a creative
collection of elements and characteristics that would seem essential to
achievements, such as skills abilities, a wide range of activities and tasks,
initiative, relationship-building, networking, and mental skills.

17.13. After reviewing the Nassar situation that the United States of

America Gymnastic encountered, everyone could see it was not a brand-new
accusation that had been continuously occurring throughout society. However,
USA Gymnastics' response to this was inadequate, which finally resulted in a
difficult situation where they were forced to damage the company's overall
reputation. They would be required to deal with the issue and take steps to
appropriately reduce those charges to gain this again. The suggestion will be as
follows. Firstly, a frame should be set up for the police and the relevant locations
to analyze every coach's background, especially their online activity, and evaluate
their both mental and physical fitness. After the security screening is completed,
United States Gymnasts also must choose a panel of doctors, both male, and
female, to examine the gymnastics participants for any cases of problems, assault,
or discrimination. Doctors and counselors that specialize in accusations might be
part of this panel as well. People can advise the individuals and determine whether
any information has been kept from them or if they’re experiencing a terrible
situation. Additionally, the organization needs to set up a claim platform in which
offenders or persons could share their grievances. However, a required plan must
be created for a reliable third party who is acquainted with the victim or their
parent can appear and press the accusation on their own or alert the organization to
a problem of sexual abnegation in the region. Despite widespread protests, the
organization took strict measures, forbidding the involved individual, director, or
board member from cooperating with united states Gymnastics and any
organization related to this issue.

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