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SCI ENGINEERING, INC. EARTH « SciENCE* soLUTIONS rorrcwecs NiRGMENTAL reargnal REOURCES CcoLTURAL RESOURCES ‘CONSTALOTION SER HOES August 12, 2022 Christopher Norman CFO/Asst. Superintendent — Finance & Facilities Hazelwood School District 15955 New Halls Femy Road Florissant, Missouri 63031 RE: Proposal for Radiological Testing 13780 Old Halls Ferry Road Florissant, Missouri SCI No. 2022-1057.29 Dear Christopher Norman: ‘SCL Engineering, Ine. (SCJ) is pleased to submit this proposal to perform ra of Coldwater Creek in Hazelwood, Missouri. gical testing along a stretch ‘The purpose of SCI's survey's to assess and quantify ambient radiation levels/sources and provide guidance regarding our findings, SCOPE OF SERVICE ‘SCI will perform a radiation survey across the site to document radiation exposures 16 visitors oF occupants ofthe site, This survey will be performed using a digital radiation meter to record radiation levels as several points across the site, This information will be used to prepare a contour map of the sfle depicting the collected data. At your request, SCI can also perform soil sampling and analysis to attempt to identify whether shallow surface sediment across the site contains elevated levels of radiation beyond naturally occurring background. If you desire this testing, SCI will collect core samples from the approximate upper 12 inches of soil on the site and submit these samples to a laboratory for analytical testing. Based on a review of the site, SCI would recommend 5 to 10 samples as well as an offsite sample of an arca believed to be unimpacted to serve as background, At the conclusion of SCI's testing activitics, we will prepare a report detailing the testing pratocol and the results of the ficld screening and, if performed, analytical testing. SCHEDULE AND FEE The radiological testing activities described above will be completed within three weeks of notification to Broceed. SCI will perform the above-referenced scope of work for a lump sum foe of $2,800.00 plus ‘$255.00 per soil sample analysis. 130 Point West Boulevard, St. Charies, Missouri 62304 = 636-040-8200 Win ‘Christopher Norman 2 August 12, 2022 ‘Hazelwood School District ‘SCI No. 2022-1057.29 Additional services by SCI might involve meetings and/or extensive telephone conversations to discuss the content and recommendations provided in the report, These additional services will be performed on a time and material basis. ACCEPTANCE If the work order outlined herein is acceptable, please provide formal authorization to praceed by completing, signing, and retuming the enclosed Acceptance of Proposal for Professional Services sheet. This sheet provides important information regarding report distribution and invoicing. Formal authorization is necessary prior to initiation of the activities outlined herein. SCI services will be performed for the signatory of the enclosed form, ‘Writicn consent must be provided by SCI should anyone other than the client (signatory) wish to excerpt, or rely ‘on, the results of our activities. The enclosed Gemreral Terms and Conditions will also apply to- any fatare services you authorize for this project. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, or desite to modify the proposed scope, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, SCI ENGINEERING, INC. Eh boas. Glen A Grissom Senior Specialist Edwin P. Grimmer, P.E, Vice President GAGIEPGIrah Enclosures Acceptance of Proposal for Professional Services Terms and Conditions Nitec MARS) 78 Oo Fry Ran rca 7E0O A ay and pon ie

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