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In today’s world childhood obesity is one of the most pressing problems. There are
many reasons for this issue and many effects have been associated with it.
However, I believe that several steps could be followed to improve this situation.
There are two main factors that are contributed to children obesity. One is bad
eating habits: eating junk foods like MacDonald’s and drinking sugary soft drinks.
Another possible factor could be that  children nowadays tend to have a sedentary
lifestyle, they play computer games, chat on the internet rather than doing  sport or
playing outside.

As a consequence, of these factors, children these days are becoming obese. They
are overweight, unhealthy and unfit to play or to do any physical exercise. Another
devastating effect is that, the higher risk of heart diseases, diabetes and cancer.
These diseases put a strain on hospitals and they are going to be a heavy burden in
the future.

On the other hand, I think there are several measurements can be done by parents,
governments and schools. Firstly, giving children healthy food, control what they
eat and ensure that they have a healthy diet. For example, the diet that includes
more vegetables and less fat contents. Secondly, governments can limit junk food
advertisements or prohibit those which are directed to children. Finally, restrict the
time they spend on computer and video games, and encourage them to do regular

In conclusion, it is true that obesity among children with its negative impacts, is
growing at an alarming rate but it seems to me that there are many solutions to
tackle this problem.
The number of children who are suffering from obesity can be said to have reached
epidemic proportions. So, what are the factors behind this obesity epidemic, and
how can it be brought under control. This essay will attempt to answer these
pressing questions.

Firstly, it seems that a significant amount of blame can be given to poor diet
combined with the marketing of unhealthy food toward young people. Children’s
diets often consist of junk food, such as potato chips and candy, which is not only
low in nutrients but also high in calories. This dietary issue is also compounded by
the fact that these kinds of food are often marketed directly at children with fun
cartoon mascots and bright colours that are designed to attract children’s attention.

Another undeniable reason is sedentary lifestyle. Children in the modern world

tend to lead lives that are shockingly inactive compared to their predecessors.
Much of their time is spent sitting in front of a screen, whether it be television, a
computer, or a smartphone. In fact, studies have shown that children in urban
environments tend to get only two hours of exercise per week compared to two
hours per day just a generation ago.

Nevertheless, through concerted action by parents and governments, this worrying

situation can be alleviated. In terms of diet, parents need to play a greater role in
controlling what their children eat. For the government’s part, they can introduce
legislation restricting the promotion of unhealthy food to children. Similarly,
parents need to make a greater effort to ensure their children are getting sufficient
exercise on a daily basis, while the government can launch some kind of ‘stay
active’ health campaigns.

Overall, the rise in the number of obese children is certainly worrying, especially
kids are a vulnerable part of the population. However, by taking some simple
practical steps, we can help to make sure that the next generation grows up healthy
and strong.

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