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Justine Gil A.

Assignment in Logic

I. Classification of ideas.
a) According to comprehension
1. Simple – is the idea expresses only one thought or concept.
Example: Equality, Truth, Freedom, Loyal, Brave, Reverent, Inequality, Just, Fair,

2. Compound – an idea which expresses two or more thoughts or concepts.

Example: Reign, power, Sound, height, weight, size, temperature, Speed, Christianity,

3. Concrete – is the idea expresses something has external attributes- perceivable.

Example: Chair, dog, cat, house, door, bed, cap, shirt, pants, slipper.

4. Abstract – it is when we learn an idea from concrete.

Example: The toughness of the chair.
Smoothness of the hair.
Calmness of the cat.
Beauty of the house.
Holiness of the door.
Durability of the bed.
Hardness of the cap.
Quietness of the place.
Deepness of the ocean.
Lowness of voice.

b) According to Extension
1. Singular – an idea represents only one object.
Example: That box. This spoon. That car, those chickens, this notebook, this ball, those
fish, this stone, that rock, those pebbles.

2. Universal – idea represents not only a class but each member of the class.
Example: All Birds, all bishops, all deacons, all girls, all boys, all insect, all animals, all
creatures, all women, all Christians.

3. Particular – idea represents only part of universal

Example: Some birds, some bishops, some deacons, some girls, some boys, some insects,
some animals, some creatures, some women, some Christians

4. Collective – idea represents a number of things constituting a group of whole.

flock of birds, wolf pack, school of fish, army of frogs, dozens of eggs, sects, quartet,
panel, ethnic group, threesome.
c) According to Origin
1. Immediate – when we get knowledge directly through our senses.
Example: The notebook is small.
The table is smooth.
The ice is cold.
That music is loud
The chair is yellow.
The church is big.
The plate is white.
The spoon is hard.
The glass is transparent.
The bed is white.

2. Mediate – it is when we grasp an idea before understanding other idea.

Example: The notebook is a tool for writing.
The table is use for putting things.
The ice is a frozen water.
That music is meaningful.
The chair is use for sitting.
The church is a place for mass.
The plate is a tool for eating.
The spoon is a tool for eating.
The glass is a tool use for drinking.
The bed is a thing that man use to lay down or sleep on.

d) According to relation.
1. Compatible – when idea co-exist in a subject
Example: Big-black, White-cold, Neat-clean, Natural-pure, old-filthy, Hard-rough, Clear-
plain, cash – currency, nice – pleasant, price – expensive.

2. Incompatible
2. a. Contradictory – when two ideas exist exclusively. The idea AFFIRMS, white
other DENIES
Example: Martyrs – non-martyr, Students – Non-students, employers – non-employers,
workers – non-workers, saints – non-saint, virgin – non-virgin, doctors – non-doctors,
costumers – non-costumers, professors – non-professors, laborer – non-laborer.
2. b. Contrary – ideas that are both extreme but belonging only to one class.
- They are opposite
Example: Black – white, hot – cold, night – day, light – darkness, good –
bad, small – large, happy – sad, hard – soft, water – fire, love – hate.

2. c. Privative – idea expresses a certain degree of perfection, while other

expresses absence.
Example: lame-walking, Wisdom – Ignorance, Virtue – vice, Brave –
coward, empty – full, dry – wet, high – low, noisy – quiet, now – never,
talk – mute.

2. d. Correlative – two opposing ideas that bear mutual relationship.

Example: Masters – servant, landlords – tenants, bourgeoisie-proletariat,
owners – slave, producer – consumer, Seller – buyer, bully – bullied,
suspect – victim, actors – audience, doctor – patient.

e) According to Meaning
1. Univocal – when two ideas have same meaning.
Example: present – gift, weak – tired, bold – strong, genuine – real, legit – true, just –
fair, salutary – helpful, certain – sure, wasted – missed, fresh – new.

2. Equivocal – same term/pronunciation but carries different meaning

Example: but-bat, heel-heal, pot-pat, pad-pod, called-cold, gun-gone, toll-tall, whole-
hole, poll-pall, tap-top.

3. Analogous – terms that are used are partly the same but partly different.
Example: Slow – slow motion, slow hands
Well – well of oils, well played.
Left – left away, left arm
Bitter – bitter taste, bitter gourd
Peak – peak of the mountain, peaking in the room.
Live – have life, broadcasting
Flowering- flowering words, flowering garden.
Fast – fast food, fasting, fasten.
Long- long for, long run.
Air – air bag, air conditioner

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