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Central Nervous System

Vas c ulopat hies

Jennifer E. Soun, MDa,*, Jae W. Song, MD, MSb, Javier M. Romero, MDc,
Pamela W. Schaefer, MDc

 Central nervous system  Vasculopathy  Vasculitis  Brain imaging

 CNS vasculopathies comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders with multiple different causes,
including noninflammatory and inflammatory etiologies.
 Distinguishing salient clinical and imaging features helps with diagnosis and initiation of appropriate
 Imaging techniques, including advanced MR sequences, in conjunction with the clinical presenta-
tion and laboratory markers, play an important role in diagnosis and management of these


Central nervous system (CNS) vasculopathies are Various imaging techniques are used to diagnose
challenging to diagnose because of the wide CNS vasculopathies. A noncontrast head computed
spectrum of disorders. Various causes have tomography (CT) scan can detect macrohemor-
been described, including idiopathic, inflamma- rhage or infarction. MR diffusion-weighted imaging
tory, infectious, drug-induced, iatrogenic, connec- (DWI) and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI)
tive tissue disorders, and gene mutations.1,2 For show acute infarctions and microhemorrhages,
the vasculopathies attributable to vasculitis, respectively. T2-weighted and fluid-attenuation
or inflammation of the vessel wall, the 2012 inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences demonstrate
Revised International Chapel Hill Consensus Con- changes in white matter, and postcontrast images
ference Nomenclature of Vasculitides provides a detect blood-brain barrier breakdown, which can
framework for organization based on the size of manifest as abnormal leptomeningeal, dural, or
the involved vessel or on single-organ involve- parenchymal enhancement. CT angiography (CTA)
ment, systemic involvement, or probable cause.3 and MR angiography (MRA) are used to evaluate
Patient demographics, clinical presentation, other luminal irregularity, narrowing, occlusion, or aneu-
organ involvement, serum and cerebrospinal fluid rysm. However, MRA may overestimate the degree
markers, and neuroimaging play an important of narrowing and is less sensitive in distal vessels.4
role in diagnosis and management. This article Color Doppler ultrasonography can evaluate extra-
provides an overview of the salient clinical and im- cranial vessel wall thickening and degree of
aging features of noninflammatory and inflamma- stenoses.5 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
tory CNS vasculopathies. PET/CT has a role in diagnosing extracranial and

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, 101 The City Drive South, Orange, CA
92868, USA; b Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; c Department of Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Har-
vard Medical School, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
; @jsongmd (J.W.S.)

Radiol Clin N Am 57 (2019) 1117–1131
0033-8389/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1118 Soun et al

systemic vasculopathy findings. Digital subtraction other CNS vasculopathies. Vessel involvement
angiography (DSA) is considered the imaging gold favors proximal intracranial and cervical arteries.
standard for diagnosing most vasculopathies Although there can be an overlap, vessel wall
because it has the highest spatial resolution and involvement tends to be eccentric and focal
can identify culprit vascular lesions when noninva- rather than concentric and segmental as seen
sive imaging is negative.6,7 in vasculitis (Fig. 1).10
Newer advanced imaging techniques are also
being used to evaluate vasculopathies. Vessel
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy
wall imaging (VWI) is a black-blood MR imaging
with subcortical infarcts and
technique with blood and CSF suppression allow-
ing visualization of vessel wall pathology to help
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with
distinguish among different intracranial vasculo-
subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
pathies.8 Recent studies have also shown that
(CADASIL) is a nonatherosclerotic, nonamyloid
VWI can identify vessels with abnormal wall
genetic vasculopathy affecting small cerebral
enhancement for targeted biopsy.9 When imaging
vessels caused by a notch3 mutation.11 Patients
methods are nonspecific, biopsy is sometimes
often present in adulthood (mean age of onset
41–49 years old) with recurrent subcortical
strokes, dementia, migraines with aura, pseudo-
bulbar palsy, and psychiatric disturbances.11
Distinguishing imaging features include
Noninflammatory Vasculopathies
periventricular and subcortical white matter
Atheromatous disease involvement, notably in the anterior temporal
Atherosclerotic disease comprises the vast lobes and external capsules (Fig. 2).11 Micro-
majority of noninflammatory vasculopathies and bleeds are commonly present in symptomatic
affects both intracranial and extracranial vessels. patients, with predilection for the thalami, brain-
Although this entity is not discussed in detail stem, white matter, and cortical-subcortical
here, it is important to remember that atheroscle- regions, but they can have a widespread
rosis can occur in conjunction with or mimic distribution.12,13

Fig. 1. Vessel wall imaging for athero-

sclerosis (top) and vasculitis (bottom).
Top: eccentric wall thickening and het-
erogeneous enhancement (arrow) is
present in the intracranial internal ca-
rotid artery, characteristic for athero-
sclerosis. Bottom: circumferential wall
thickening and enhancement (arrow)
is more characteristic of an inflamma-
tory vasculitis, as seen in the basilar
artery of this patient with primary an-
giitis of the CNS.
CNS Vasculopathies 1119

Fig. 2. A patient with CADASIL with characteristic hyperintense white matter lesions in the external capsule (A,
arrow) and anterior temporal lobe (B, arrow) on FLAIR images. Gradient echo (GRE) images (C) show microhe-
morrhages, predominantly in the thalami.

Susac syndrome (moyamoya syndrome) such as atherosclerosis,

Susac syndrome is a microangiopathy of unknown Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, neurofibro-
pathogenesis that affects the brain, retina, and co- matosis type 1, radiation, connective tissue disor-
chlea.14 Patients are typically women in their ders, or infection. Children often present with
twenties to forties. The classic clinical triad in- ischemic infarction in borderzone or subcortical
cludes encephalopathy, visual deficit from branch areas, whereas adults often present with hemor-
retinal artery occlusions, and sensorineural hear- rhagic infarctions.16
ing loss.14 Imaging features include white matter Typical vessel involvement includes narrowing
lesions with variable enhancement and callosal le- of the terminal internal carotid and proximal
sions involving the central fibers with a T2/FLAIR- anterior and middle cerebral arteries, with
hyperintense and T1-hypointense “snowball” rare involvement of the posterior circulation
appearance (Fig. 3).14,15 Distinguishing MR fea- (Fig. 4).16,17 Patients develop fragile collaterals,
tures of Susac syndrome and multiple sclerosis which cause the “puff-of-smoke” appearance on
are listed in Table 1.15 vessel imaging. On FLAIR, leptomeningeal hyper-
intense signal, termed the “ivy sign,” reflects
Moyamoya slow flow via leptomeningeal anastomoses.18
Moyamoya is a progressive steno-occlusive vas- Postcontrast MR images demonstrate corre-
culopathy that can be idiopathic (moyamoya sponding leptomeningeal enhancement. DSA al-
disease [MMD]) or related to conditions lows preoperative assessment of anastomoses

Fig. 3. A 59-year-old woman with

Susac syndrome with headache, branch
retinal artery occlusion, and hearing
loss. MR imaging shows scattered
punctate FLAIR-hyperintense white
matter lesions, some of which have
restricted diffusion. A callosal lesion
(arrow) has the typical “snowball”
1120 Soun et al

Table 1
Because of the higher prevalence of intracranial
Comparison of MR imaging findings for Susac aneurysms in FMD patients compared with the
syndrome and multiple sclerosis general population, the AHA recommends one-
time screening.22,23 Treatment typically includes
Susac Syndrome Multiple Sclerosis antiplatelet therapy and treatment of
Punctate white Ovoid white matter
matter lesions lesions The classic vessel imaging appearance on DSA
Central callosal Peripheral callosal or and CTA is a “string of beads” with alternating
lesions callososeptal stenosis and dilatation (Fig. 5). Ultrasonography
Leptomeningeal lesions can evaluate the cervical vessels for abnormal
enhancement No leptomeningeal flow-related disturbances but is limited in evalu-
No spinal cord enhancement ating vessels at the skull base or intracrani-
lesions Spinal cord lesions ally.22,23 Other vessel imaging findings include
tortuosity, dissection, stenosis/occlusions, or
and evaluation of post-revascularization collat-
Carotid web
erals.16 Perfusion imaging helps monitor blood
Carotid webs are likely secondary to focal FMD,
flow changes after revascularization.19 Micro-
affecting the vessel wall intima rather than media,
bleeds occur in up to 30% of Asian patients and
and are associated with cryptogenic stroke in
are associated with an increased risk of hemor-
young patients.25,26 CTA is the best noninvasive
rhagic stroke.20 Incidental aneurysms occur in
imaging technique for detecting a carotid web,
3.6% of adults with nonhemorrhagic MMD.16,21
which appears as a shelf-like intraluminal defect
Treatment involves bypassing the occluded seg-
along the posterior wall of the carotid bulb
ments with direct, indirect, or combined revascu-
(Fig. 6).26 No standard treatment guidelines exist,
larization techniques.
but recent studies suggest that surgical revascu-
larization of the carotid artery is better than
Fibromuscular dysplasia medical management for preventing recurrent
Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a medium- strokes.25
vessel vasculopathy most commonly affecting
middle-aged Caucasian women. Typical clinical Vasculopathy associated with connective tissue
presentations include headache, dizziness, and disorders
pulsatile tinnitus.22,23 The most common vessel Connective tissue disorders, including Marfan
involved is the renal artery (79.7%), followed syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, and
closely by the extracranial internal carotid artery Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS), are caused by ge-
(74.3%) and the vertebral artery (36.6%).24 The netic defects that impair connective tissue, result-
2014 American Heart Association (AHA) recom- ing in weakened vessel walls.27 These disorders
mendations classify the disease into multifocal are autosomal dominant, but sporadic mutations
(most commonly medial fibroplasia) and focal can occur.27 Marfan syndrome is caused by a
(most commonly intimal fibroplasia) sub- defect in the fibrillin-1 gene, which results in aortic
types.22,23 Complications include dissection, root dilatation or dissection, ectopia lentis, muscu-
stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysm rupture. loskeletal involvement, and dural ectasia.1,28

Fig. 4. A patient with moyamoya syn-

drome with left-sided borderzone in-
farctions on DWI (A) and severe
narrowing of the left intracranial inter-
nal carotid artery terminus and origins
of the left anterior and middle cerebral
arteries (B, arrow).
CNS Vasculopathies 1121

Fig. 5. A 60-year-old woman with fi-

bromuscular dysplasia shows marked
beading (arrows) of both distal cervical
internal carotid arteries.

Fig. 6. A 37-year-old man with recurrent strokes has an acute left postcentral gyrus infarction on DWI (A) and a
carotid web on CTA (B, arrow). Subsequently, a stent was placed in the internal carotid artery (C, arrows).
1122 Soun et al

Ehlers-Danlos type IV is caused by a defect in the changes and is seen in 8% to 38% of patients.34,35
COL3A1 gene that encodes for type III collagen, Vessel imaging shows reversible segmental arte-
with manifestations of skin translucency, arterial rial narrowing appearing as a “string of beads” or
or visceral rupture, extensive bruising, character- “sausage on a string” (Fig. 8).32,33,35,36 Transcra-
istic facial appearance, and cavernous-carotid fis- nial Doppler ultrasonography can monitor vaso-
tulas.27,29 LDS is caused by mutations in the constriction by measuring blood flow velocities.37
transforming growth factor b signaling pathway, Studies suggest, VWI may help distinguish RCVS
with a clinical triad of hypertelorism, a bifid uvula from inflammatory CNS vasculitides because
or cleft palate, and arterial tortuosity with aneu- RCVS demonstrates more diffuse uniform wall
rysms and dissections.30 Aortic root aneurysms thickening and less wall enhancement.8,37 In
and intracranial aneurysms are commonly seen studies comparing RCVS and primary angiitis
in these entities.27,31 of the CNS (PACNS), the features of either (1)
Surveillance with vessel imaging is important, recurrent thunderclap headaches or (2) single
as arterial dissections and aneurysm thunderclap headache in combination with normal
ruptures significantly contribute to morbidity imaging, borderzone infarctions, or PRES had a
and mortality.1,31 Tortuosity (Fig. 7) and friability 100% positive predictive value for diagnosing
of vessels make endovascular treatments chal- RCVS.32,36 Unlike PACNS, RCVS sometimes pre-
lenging and are only reserved for symptomatic sents with normal MR imaging despite vasocon-
patients. striction.32,36 Table 2 compares RCVS with
Reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome
Inflammatory Vasculopathies
Reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome
(RCVS) is associated with exposure to various Large-vessel vasculitis
vasoactive triggers and is characterized by Takayasu arteritis Takayasu arteritis (TAK) is
thunderclap headaches and reversibility of a chronic large-vessel inflammatory vasculitis
angiographic findings.32–36 RCVS is considered involving the aorta and its main branches and pul-
self-limiting with a favorable outcome, but monary arteries (Fig. 9).1 TAK typically affects
causes significant morbidity in less than 5% of women in the second or third decade.3,16,38 Vessel
patients.35 wall inflammation and later intimal proliferation and
CT or MR imaging findings of RCVS include fibrosis cause narrowing, occlusion, dilatation,
convexity subarachnoid hemorrhage, vasogenic and aneurysm formation.2
edema (posterior reversible encephalopathy syn- There are two phases of TAK. In the early
drome [PRES]), infarctions, or parenchymal hem- phase, patients present with constitutional sys-
orrhage.32,34,36,37 PRES is detected as confluent tems and vascular pain.16,38 In the late
subcortical T2/FLAIR-hyperintense white matter phase, ischemic symptoms develop, including

Fig. 7. A 50-year-old man with vascular Ehlers-Danlos type IV with dizziness. Imaging shows acute infarctions in
the cerebellum (A) and tortuosity with multifocal dilatation of the vertebral arteries (B, C).
CNS Vasculopathies 1123

Fig. 8. A 39-year-old woman with reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome with thunderclap headache in
the setting of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and marijuana use. CT shows left frontal convexity subarach-
noid hemorrhage (A). DSA shows diffuse multifocal narrowing of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries (B),
which improves after administration of intra-arterial verapamil (C).

claudication, syncope, hypertension, bruits, whereas Doppler ultrasonography has high spec-
diminished pulses, and blood pressure discrep- ificity but lower sensitivity (81% in a meta-anal-
ancy.38,39 CTA and MRA have high sensitivity ysis).40,41 Multiple imaging modalities have
and specificity (>90%) for diagnosing TAK, shown mixed results in monitoring disease

Table 2
Comparison of reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome and primary angiitis of the central
nervous system

Clinical presentation Thunderclap headache in young Insidious headache, cognitive
women impairment in middle-aged men
Triggers Vasoconstrictive medications None
(sympathomimetics, serotonergic
antidepressants), illicit drugs
(cocaine, amphetamines,
marijuana), pregnancy/postpartum
state, and physiologic triggers
(sexual activity, Valsalva)
CSF findings Normal Lymphocytic pleocytosis, elevated
total protein
Histologic findings Normal Granulomatous, lymphocytic, or
necrotizing vasculitis
Imaging findings  Reversible after 3 months  Variable duration, depends on
 Segmental arterial narrowing severity
 Borderzone infarctions  Variable focal or multifocal
 Convexity subarachnoid segmental arterial narrowing
hemorrhage  Variable location of infarctions,
 PRES including deep gray and white
 Parenchymal hemorrhage
Treatment Remove offending agent, calcium- Steroids, cytotoxic therapy
channel blockers

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; PACNS, primary angiitis of the central nervous system; PRES, posterior reversible
encephalopathy syndrome; RCVS, reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome.
1124 Soun et al

Fig. 9. A 36-year-old woman with Takayasu arteritis with dysarthria, vision changes, and headache. DWI shows
acute pontine and cerebellar infarctions (A, B). CTA shows circumferential soft-tissue thickening of the aortic
arch and origins of the great vessels (C).

activity and response to therapy.10,16,40,41 DSA Medium-vessel vasculitis

is helpful in showing stenoses, occlusions, collat- Polyarteritis nodosa Polyarteritis nodosa is an
erals, subclavian steal phenomenon, and for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-
endovascular intervention.39,40 Vessel wall thick- negative necrotizing vasculitis of medium and
ening and enhancement on MR imaging in the small vessels that typically affects renal arteries
early phase correlates with elevated inflammatory in older males.3 Rare CNS vessel involvement in-
markers.42 Vessel wall edema on T2-weighted cludes aneurysms, stenosis, or occlusions.2
MR sequences and increased carotid artery Because medium and small vessels are most
intima-to-media thickness on ultrasonography commonly affected, infarctions are typically
may also be markers of active inflammation.2,41 cortical or subcortical.46

Giant cell arteritis Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a

chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory vascu- Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease, or mucocu-
litis of large and medium-sized vessels, most taneous lymph node syndrome, is a vasculitis
commonly involving external carotid artery of medium and small vessels affecting infants
branches and the thoracic aorta and its branches and young children.3,47 The clinical findings
in women older than 50 years.1,3 Histologically, include fever for at least 5 days, extremity ery-
GCA is indistinguishable from TAK, and some thema or edema, polymorphous exanthema, pain-
consider both entities as part of the same disease less bulbar conjunctival injection, oral
spectrum.3 Patients often present with temporal cavity erythema, strawberry tongue, cervical
arteritis and a coexisting polymyalgia rheuma- lymphadenopathy, and coronary artery aneu-
tica.16,43 Symptoms include jaw claudication, tem- rysms.47 Rare CNS imaging findings include tran-
poral headaches, vision loss, scalp tenderness, sient subcortical FLAIR-hyperintense lesions,
and elevated inflammatory markers.1,16 subdural effusions, infarctions, reversible splenial
CTA and MRA show vessel wall thickening, ste- lesions, and parenchymal atrophy.2,48
noses, and occlusions, most commonly of the su-
perficial temporal artery. Ultrasonography shows a Small-vessel vasculitis
hypoechoic, thickened superficial temporal artery Small-vessel vasculitides are categorized by
wall, the “halo sign,” which aids diagnosis and dis- vessel wall immunoglobulin deposition: ANCA-
ease activity surveillance during therapy.44 In chal- associated (none or few deposits) and immune
lenging cases, biopsy is required.2,5,16,44 FDG PET complex (many deposits).3 CNS involvement is -
has a role in diagnosing inflammation of extracra- uncommon and includes vessel irregularities,
nial vessels, but its efficacy during treatment is pachymeningitis, infarctions, hemorrhage, T2-
less clear.43 VWI can be accurate in the initial diag- hyperintense lesions, PRES, hypophyseal involve-
nosis of superficial temporal artery involvement in ment, and transverse myelitis.2,49–52 Granulomas
GCA.45 As in TAK, monitoring disease activity and in granulomatosis with polyangiitis can be isolated
treatment effect with imaging has produced vary- or secondary to direct extension from the orbits or
ing results and remains under investigation.40,43 sinonasal cavities.2 Peripheral neuropathy and
CNS Vasculopathies 1125

cranial nerve involvement can be seen in any of infarction, or aneurysm.2,53,54 Occasionally the
these entities.2,49,50 lesions are mass-like, mimicking tumors or
Variable-vessel vasculitis
Behçet disease Behçet disease is a relapsing Single-organ vasculitis
multisystem disease of unknown cause, typically Primary angiitis of the central nervous system
presenting with oral and genital ulcers and uve- PACNS is a vasculitis affecting medium- and
itis.53,54 There are two main subtypes of neuro- small-sized vessels without systemic involvement.
Behçet, parenchymal and nonparenchymal. The PACNS most commonly affects 40- to 60-year-old
parenchymal subtype is more common and men and presents with nonspecific symptoms
considered an inflammatory meningoencephalitis, such as insidious headache or cognitive impair-
whereas the nonparenchymal subtype results ment.56,57 Three vasculitic patterns include granu-
from vascular involvement.54 lomatous, necrotizing, and lymphocytic types.58
Parenchymal neuro-Behçet manifests as Treatment is with steroids and cytotoxic agents.56
enhancing T2-hyperintense lesions in the brain- PACNS has imaging features that overlap with
stem and to a lesser extent involving the basal many noninflammatory and inflammatory vascu-
ganglia, thalami, cerebral hemispheres, spinal lopathies, thromboembolic diseases, demyelin-
cord, and cranial nerves (Fig. 10).53,54 Classic ating disease, infection, and neoplasms.32,56,57
brainstem lesions involve the pons and cerebral Vessel imaging typically shows variable focal or
peduncles.53 Lesions can show restricted diffu- multifocal segmental narrowing. However, the
sion in the acute phase and atrophy in the absence of pathology on vessel imaging does
chronic phase.54 Nonparenchymal neuro-Behçet not exclude the diagnosis. MR imaging often
imaging findings include aseptic meningitis, shows multifocal infarctions and predominantly
venous sinus thrombosis, dissection, occlusion, subcortical white matter lesions, although deep

Fig. 10. A 47-year-old man with neuro-

Behçet disease with recurrent oral ul-
cers, left arm and leg weakness, and
diplopia with dysconjugate gaze. MR
imaging shows FLAIR-hyperintense ex-
pansile lesions in the right lentiform
nucleus, thalamus, internal capsule,
mesial temporal lobe, and midbrain
(A, C) with associated patchy enhance-
ment (B, D).
1126 Soun et al

gray and white matter and cortical lesions can and sizes, basal ganglia lesions, white matter
occur (Fig. 11).56 Hemorrhage is commonly T2/FLAIR hyperintensities, and vessel steno-
parenchymal, unlike the convexity subarachnoid ses.61–64 Lupus patients with positive antiphos-
hemorrhage in RCVS.32,36,56 Parenchymal or lep- pholipid antibodies have an increased risk of
tomeningeal enhancement can be seen, and thromboembolic phenomena such as infarctions
occasionally the lesions are tumor-like.16,36 and dural venous sinus thrombosis.63,64 Cerebral
Diagnostic criteria formulated by Hajj-Ali and col- atrophy, edema, hemorrhage, and intracranial
leagues59 include (1) presence of an unexplained, calcifications can be seen.61,64 VWI shows
acquired neurologic deficit after an extensive increased vessel wall lesions and infarct burden
workup, (2) presence of an inflammatory arteritic in lupus subjects compared with nonlupus sub-
process shown by pathology or angiography, jects, even with normal-appearing vessels on
and (3) absence of other systemic vasculitis. Bi- MRA.62
opsy remains the diagnostic gold standard but
only yields up to a 61% positive rate because of Sarcoid vasculitis Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic
sampling error.56,57,60 inflammatory disease characterized by nonca-
seating granulomas, most commonly involving
Vasculitis associated with systemic disease lungs, skin, and lymph nodes. CNS vessel imaging
Lupus vasculitis Systemic lupus erythematosus findings occur in up to 10% of patients, but path-
is an autoimmune disease with a wide range of ologic involvement is much higher, with autopsy
clinical presentations, affecting women more studies showing preferential involvement of small
than men. Patients with CNS involvement usually perforator branches within the Virchow-Robin
present with neuropsychiatric symptoms. CNS spaces.65–67 MRA and CTA usually do not have
imaging shows infarctions of varied distribution high enough resolution to detect abnormalities in

Fig. 11. A 28-year-old man with

biopsy-proven primary angiitis of
the CNS with facial numbness and
pseudobulbar symptoms. MR imaging
shows scattered FLAIR-hyperintense,
enhancing frontal and parietal juxta-
cortical (A, B) and brainstem and left
cerebellar (C, D) lesions. There is also
enhancement of the cisternal
segments of the trigeminal nerves
CNS Vasculopathies 1127

Fig. 12. A patient with neurosarcoido-

sis, hydrocephalus with T2-hyperintense
transependymal edema (A), and basilar
leptomeningeal enhancement (B).

the involved vessels.66 The nonvascular CNS Infection Infectious CNS vasculitis may be from
findings include leptomeningeal enhancement, viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic causes. Com-
especially of the basilar cisterns, nonenhancing mon presentations include headaches, seizures,
periventricular white matter lesions, enhancing fevers, encephalopathy, stroke, and meningitis.
nodular or mass-like parenchymal lesions, Treatment varies by the infecting agent. On imag-
cranial nerve enhancement, hydrocephalus, ing, infected and inflamed intracranial vessels may
hypothalamic-pituitary axis enhancement and show vascular remodeling, segmental narrowing,
edema, enhancing dural lesions, spinal involve- occlusion, and mycotic aneurysms. VWI can
ment, and lytic osseous lesions (Fig. 12).67 Infarc- show wall thickening and transmural and periad-
tions and hemorrhage are rare but may be the first ventitial enhancement (Fig. 13). Serial vessel im-
presentation of neurosarcoidosis.65,66 aging may be helpful for monitoring treatment
response. Other imaging findings include basilar
meningeal enhancement (tuberculosis and bacte-
Vasculitis associated with probable cause rial infections), infarctions, and hemorrhage. Vari-
This classification encompasses a heterogeneous cella zoster virus, one of the more common
group of vasculitides that result from specific infectious vasculopathies, results in ischemic le-
causes (Table 3). sions, particularly of the deep gray and white mat-
ter and at gray-white matter junctions.68

Table 3 Drugs Drug-induced CNS vasculitis has been

Vasculitis associated with probable cause associated with sympathomimetics, such as am-
phetamines, cocaine, and ephedrine.69 Common
Category Cause clinical presentations include headaches, transient
Infection Varicella zoster virus/herpes ischemic attacks, and stroke. It is noteworthy that
simplex virus/cytomegalovirus drug-induced cerebral vasospasm is now consid-
HIV ered part of the RCVS spectrum and can mimic the
Hepatitis B virus angiographic appearance of CNS vasculitis, which
Hepatitis C virus is much rarer.58 Imaging findings include stenosis
Tuberculosis and occlusion, infarctions, and intraparenchymal
hemorrhage. Histologically confirmed cases of
Drugs Hydralazine angiitis are thought to have evolved from perivas-
cular changes and vasculitis related to chronic
vasoconstriction. Treatment is primarily aimed at
Allopurinol removing the inciting agent.
Sulfasalazine Miscellaneous
Neoplasm Clonal B cell lymphoproliferative
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Myelodysplastic syndrome Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) comprises a
spectrum of noninflammatory and inflammatory
Other Radiation
vasculopathies characterized by deposition of
1128 Soun et al

Fig. 13. A patient with tuberculous meningitis with multifocal leptomeningeal enhancement (A) and vasculitis
with near circumferential wall enhancement of the bilateral proximal M1 middle cerebral arteries (B, C).

amyloid-b in vessel walls. CAA is most commonly Inflammatory CAA (I-CAA) and amyloid-b–
a sporadic disease of the elderly, although a he- related angiitis (ABRA) are subtypes of CAA with
reditary type presents at a younger age.70 CAA similar features. I-CAA presents with perivascular
typically presents with dementia or focal neuro- inflammation without an angiodestructive compo-
logic deficits and accounts for 5% to 20% of non- nent and is associated with the apoE 34/34
traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in the genotype, while ABRA is a vasculitis with angio-
elderly.70,71 A diagnosis of probable CAA can be destructive, often granulomatous, vessel wall
made with the modified Boston Criteria if (1) MR inflammation and meningeal lymphocytosis.73,74
imaging or CT demonstrates multiple hemor- The clinical presentation of I-CAA and ABRA are
rhages restricted to lobar, cortical, or cortical- nonspecific, including altered mental status, head-
subcortical regions (cerebellar hemorrhage ache, seizure, focal neurologic deficit, or hallucina-
allowed) or single lobar, cortical, or cortical- tions.74,75 In contrast to noninflammatory CAA, MR
subcortical hemorrhage and superficial siderosis imaging in I-CAA and ABRA shows asymmetric
(focal or disseminated), (2) patient’s age 55 years T2-hyperintense edema in a lobar, cortical, or
or older, and (3) there is no other hemorrhage subcortical distribution, as well as microbleeds
cause.72 SWI detects siderosis and microbleeds, and leptomeningeal enhancement concentrated
which tend to be in a cortical-subcortical distribu- in the areas of edema (Fig. 14).71,73,75 It is impor-
tion with sparing of the basal ganglia, thalami, tant to recognize I-CAA and ABRA because they
and brainstem (in contrast to hypertensive respond to immunosuppressants, unlike nonin-
microbleeds).71 flammatory CAA.

Fig. 14. A 70-year-old man with in-

flammatory cerebral amyloid angiop-
athy or amyloid-b–related angiitis
with rapidly progressive dementia
and psychosis. MR imaging shows
hyperintense subcortical and cortical
edema on FLAIR (A) and microhe-
morrhages on GRE (B) in the right pari-
etal lobe.
CNS Vasculopathies 1129

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