Grade 11 Physics Supportive Notes

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Grade 11 Physics supportive Notes

 The uncertainty in the measurement of a physical quantity is called an error.
 The errors in measurement can be classified as
A. Systematic errors and
B. Random errors
 These are the errors that tend to be either positive or negative. Sources of systematic
errors are
A. Instrumental errors
B. Imperfection in experimental technique or procedure
C. Personal errors
 Those errors which occur irregularly.
 These errors arise due to unpredictable fluctuations in experimental conditions
Absolute error
 The magnitude of the difference between the individual measurement and the true value of
the quantity is called the absolute error of the measurement.

Significant figures
 The significant figures are normally those digits in a measured quantity which are known
reliably plus one additional digit that is uncertain.
the significant figure rule are
 All non- zero digits are significant figure
 All zero between two non-zero digits are significant figure.
 All zeros to the right of a non-zero digit but to the left of an understood decimal point are
not significant. But such zeros are significant if they come from a measurement.
 All zeros to the right of a non-zero digit but to the left of a decimal point are significant.
 All zeros to the right of a decimal point are significant.
 All zeros to the right of a decimal point but to the left of a non-zero digit are not significant.
Single zero conventionally placed to the left of the decimal point is not significant.
 The number of significant figures does not depend on the system of units.
Dot product or scalar product
 The dot product of two vectors A and B, represented by is a scalar, which is equal to the product of the
magnitudes of A and B and the Cosine of the smaller angle between them.
 If Θ is the smaller angle between A and B, then AB= AB
Cross or Vector product
 The cross product of two vectors and , represented by x is a vector , which is equal to the
product of the magnitudes of A and B and the sine of the smaller angle between them.
 If Θ is the smaller angle between A and B, then = AB Sinθ

Law of Sines and Law of Cosines and Use in Vector Addition

A. Cosine law of vector addition

R = √𝑃2 + 𝑄 2 + 2𝑃𝑄𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
B. Law of sines in vector

𝐹1 𝐹2 𝐹3
+ +
𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛽 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛾

1. The resultant of two vectors A and B is perpendicular to the vector A and its magnitude is equal
to half the magnitude of vector B. The angle between A and B is ________
Answer = 1500
2. The magnitude of one vector is double that of the other and the resultant of the two vectors is
equal in magnitude with the magnitude of the bigger vector. The angle between the two vectors is:
A. cos−1(1/2) B. cos−1(−1/2) C. cos−1(1/4) D. cos−1(−1/4)

Instantaneous Velocity
 Average velocity cannot tell you how the velocity of an object changed at particular
instants of time.
 Instantaneous Velocity = LimΔT → 0 ΔS/ΔT = dS/dT
 The instantaneous velocity at a particular moment is calculated by substituting the
corresponding time variable’s value, in the first time derivative of the displacement
1. A bullet fired in space is traveling in a straight line and its equation of motion is S(t) = 4t +
6t2. If it travels for 15 seconds before impact, find the instantaneous velocity at the
10th second. Ans = Vintantaneous at (t =10) = 124 m/s
2. A body is released to fall under the influence of gravity. Its approximate equation of motion
is given by S(t) = 4.9 t2. What would be the instantaneous velocity of the body at the fifth
second after release? Ans = 49 m/s
3. Calculate the Instantaneous Velocity of a particle traveling along a straight line for time t =
3s with a function x = 5t2 + 2t + 3? Ans = 32 m/s

Instantaneous acceleration
 The instantaneous acceleration of a body is the acceleration the body has at a particular
time, at a specific point of its trajectory.
 It is defined as the limit of the average acceleration when the interval of time considered
approaches 0.
 It is also defined in a similar manner as the derivative of velocity with respect to time.
1. The position of a particle moving along x-axis given by x = (−2t3+3t2+5) m. The acceleration of
particle at the instant time (1second)is _____ Ans = −6m/s2
2. A particle moves along x-axis as x=4(t−2) + a(t−2)2 Which of the following is true?
A. The particle is at origin at t=0 C. The initial velocity of particle is 4
B. The acceleration of particle is 2a. D. None of these

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