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Assessment instructions

You are asked to show you understand that social issues are understood differently from
different theoretical perspectives.  This is a key skill in community service work because different
theories are dominant at different times, and you will need to develop your practice theoretical
framework to inform your practice.
Your paper will show you understand that there is never one complete explanation for social
issues but there may be multiple explanations
The second part of the paper asks you to recognise that governments can act on social issues
through policy responses. The constitutional structure of government in part shapes the
The essay therefore crosses sociology, politics, and policy.

Essential Reading and Referencing

This paper must be drawn from:

·         the given literature for your topic in this unit
·         at least two peer reviewed journal articles using the college
·         one of those articles must come from the Australian community workers association
·         at least one from the ProQuest sociological data base
·         you may use information found on Australian state or federal government web pages
·         you may use information found on Australian non-government or peak organisations
identified in this unit
·         The paper will be written in academic style and use APA 7th referencing including correct
referencing for E book titles, and online accessed journal articles and web sources.
See  Acknowledge Education guide to APA 7


1.      Describe two explanations for a contemporary Australian social issue identified in this unit.
2.      Identify the level of government that is constitutionally responsible for this social issue and
the Commonwealth State arrangements for the associated social policy.
3.      Identify and describe one current policy response to that social issue.
The explanations for the problem can be identified through the Essential reading and/ or the
journal articles.
The social issues can be framed in the language of your explanations but need to be covered in
this unit; for example, poverty, inequality, family-based issues such as violence or harm to
children, youth issues, mental health or problematic drug and alcohol use. You can also narrow
down your topic by examining the issue in relation to a particular group based on for example,
location (rural or remote), gender, age, non-English-speaking migrants, or Indigenous

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