House Rent Agreement

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घर भाडा सम्झौता

लिखितम गोपाि ठकुरीको छोरर काठमाड ौँ लिल्ला काठमाड ौँ महानगरपालिका वडा नोों १०, बसने सरस्वलत थापा मगर (यस
करारनामाको प्रथम पक्ष भलनएको) र महन गोश्वामीको छोरा मोरों ग लिल्ला वडा नोों ०१ अिुुन गोश्वामी (यस
करारनामाको दोस्रो पक्ष भलनएको छ)। दु इ पक्ष बीच भाडा लिन लदन सहमलतभइ लनम्न सतुहरु पािना गने गरर
साछीहरुको रोहवरमा आफु िु शी होस् हवासमा दु वै पक्षिे सलह छाप गरर एक एक प्रलतलिलप लदय /लिय ।


१.यो सम्झ ता लमलत २०७७/०१/०८ गते दे खि ५ वर्ु सम्म िालग हुने छ।

२.सुन्थान मािपोत कायाुियमा प्रथम पक्षको नाममा दताु कायम रहेको लक.न. ४३१, ४५५ िम्मा क्षेत्रफ़ि
२०४८.६७३७ वगु लफटमा बने को ३ तल्ला घरको भुई तल्लाको कोठाहरु भाडामा लिन दोस्रो पक्ष मन्िुर छ ।

३.घर भाडा मालसक रु ३०,०००/- (लतस हिार मात्र) गररएको घरधलनिाई मलहनाको पलहिो सातामा अलिम
भुक्तानी गनु दु वै पक्ष मन्िुर छ ।

४.पालन बलिको सव मीटर िडान गरर सोलह बमोलिमको लबि अनु सार प्रथम पक्षिाई लतनु मन्िुर हुने छ।

५.यलद प्राकृलतक प्रकोप बाट क्षेलत भएमा प्रथम पक्षिे र अन्य कारणिे लबिेमा दोस्रो पक्षको दालयत्व हुने छ।

६.दोस्रो पक्षिे घर िािी गनुु चाहेमा ३५ लदन अगावै प्रथम पक्षिाई सूचना गनुु पने यो करार समाप्त पलछ भाडा
अवलध दु वै पक्षको सहमलतमा बढाउन सलकने छ।

७.यो करार उल्लेि नभएको सतुहरु ने पािको प्रचलित कानुन अनु सार गररएको र यो करार प्रथम पक्षको घर
दिानमाबसी िेखि सलहछाप गरर एकप्रलतलिय लदय ।

प्रथमपक्ष दोस्रोपक्ष
सरस्वलत थापा मगर अिुुन गोश्वामी


काठमाड ,ौँ लिल्ला काठमाड ौँ महानगरपालिका-०५ मा बसने लबर माया मगर …………………………………१

मोरों ग, लिल्ला पथरी नगरपालिका- ११ मा बसने लबष्णु गोश्वामी ………………..१

मस्य दाकार:- शेिर थापा का.िी.अ. प्र प न ६३८४

इलत सोंवत २०७७ साि बैशाि मलहना को ८ गते रोि सुभम……………………………………१

Distributed by:
Nepal Notary Public Council

S.N. 216393

Land Lease Agreement

It is written that Mr. Ganesh Ghimire, son of Dhan Kumari Ghimire resident of
Kathmandu district Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ward No. 13, (hereafter will be called the
First Party in this agreement), and Mrs Maya Pariyar, Daughter, Daughter of Narima Damai,
resident of Nawalparasi district kawasoti Municipality Ward No. 06, (hereafter will be called the
Second Party in this agreement). With the consent of both parties, we agreed to take/give the
Land in Lease under the following terms and conditions on the presence of following witnesses
and has exchanged copy of this putting the signature and thumb impression with our freewill.

Terms and Conditions

1. This agreement will effective from date April 2020 A.D. for five years. First party agreed
to leased the land registered in the first party name at Land Revenue Office, Plot No.
142 total area 200.85 Sq. Ft. monthly Rs.15,000.00( Fifteen Thousand) and second party
agreed to took the land in rent.
2. The leased period of land mentioned in the condition no 1, will valid for 5 years from
today's date. Second party should manage electricity, water supply and pay the
Governmental Tax while using the land and the rent will be increase 5% in every 1 year,
both parties agreed upon it.
3. Both If first party wants to evacuate the leased land shall issue 3 months' prior notice to
second party and if second party willing to leave the leased land shall issue 3 months'
prior notice to first party with in the contact period mentioned in condition No.2
4. If second party need any new construction shall construct after obtaining permission
from first party, after the termination of this contract both parties will discuss and make
the decision to leave the constructed materials to first Party or took by second party
5. After having the rented land second party should leave the land in previous condition.
6. The Content written in this will be as per this and not mentioned will be as per the
prevailing law of Nepal.
7. Incase if any terms, condition and amendment of this contract shall be added with the
mutual consent of both parties. This agreement will be effective from today's date.
Distributed by:
Nepal Notary Public Council

S.N. 216394

First Party Second Party

Sd. Sd.
Ganesh Ghimire Maya Pariyar
Thumb Impression Thumb impression

Right Left Right Left

Affixed Affixed
Affixed Affixed


Sd. Bir Maya Magar, resident of Kathmandu-05, Kathmandu

Sd. Bishnu Goshwami, resident of Pathari-02, Morang
Sd. Draft Person: Shekhar Thapa, Kathmandu District Court
License No: 6384
Done on, Sunday, 8th day of the Month of Baisakh of the Year 2077 (April 20th ,2020 A.D.)

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