Lesson 11-12

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Area: English as a foreign language

Grade: 1rst grade A / B / C / D

Secondary Level

Tuesday, 29th November 2022

Thursday, 01rst December 2022

IV Bimester
Learning Project:
“We proudly spread the wealth of our Liberteño heritage by participating in the entrepreneur fair”
Lesson Nº 11-12
“Identifying holidays activities in a text about festivals around the world by solving exercises in their books”
Purpose: Identifies festivals around the world in a text making comparisons using the comparative adjectives by solving
exercises in their books.
Virtue: Respect

Competence 02: Read different writing texts in English as a foreign language.

- Obtain information from the written text.

- Infer and interprets information from the written text.
- Reflect and evaluates the form, content and context of the written text 

ACHIEVEMENT: 2.1. Identifies explicit information about festivals around the world that is clearly distinguishable from another and that is found in
obvious places, such as title, beginning or end, in written texts in English about holidays activities, with simple vocabulary and with or without illustrations.

ACHIEVEMENT ADEQUACY: Identifies the uses od comparative adjectives (rule)

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Criteria for assessing my learning process it learning process?
01 I have participated actively during the development of the class.
02 I have respected the coexistence rules
03 I have used the dictionaries at everything
04 I have identified the vocabulary about “Festivals around the world”
05 I have identified the use of Comparative adjectives using the rule
06 I have practiced the virtue : Respect
07 I have developed the exercises from my book by myself


COMPETENCE 02: Read texts in English as a foreign language

PURPOSE : Identifies festivals around the world in a text by solving exercises in their books .
1.-Understand the meaning of the text.
2.- Identify the grammar structure presented in the text : Comparissons (comparative adjectives rules)
3.- Answer simple and specific questions about the topic
4..-Apply reading strategies : skimming and scanning to identify information about the written text.
5- Show respect the time assigned for the activity.
Area: English as a foreign language
Grade: 1rst grade A / B / C / D
Secondary Level

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