An Approach To Global Learning

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An Approach to Global Learning

Student Name

University of the People

EDUC 5810 Living and Learning Globally

Instructor: Dr. Alison Binger

February, 2021

An Approach to Global Learning

Global learning can be defined as“. . . a critical analysis of and an engagement with

complex, interdependent global systems and legacies (such as natural, physical, social, cultural,

economic, and political) and their implications for people's lives and the earth's sustainability”

(AAC&U, n. d.). According to UCDAVIS (n. d.), Global learning can help students develop their

capacity to be more globally-informed, open-minded and responsible, and more responsive to

diverse perspectives. Global learning can also prepare teachers and educators to address the

world’s most pressing and important issues collaboratively, equitably and sustainably, and it can

help students “understand that pressing issues must be faced in an interdisciplinary way given

the complexity of environments and competing needs and interests” (UCDAVIS, n. d., para. 1).

I entered global learning since I was an elementary school, where “global learning” mostly

focus on “global issue” like global warming, pollution, world peace and war, etc. I have been a

caring person since I first learned about our planet. I love everything in the nature, the plants, the

animals and the people. I hate waste and would always advocate for sustainable development, saving

water, electricity, papers, and all other materials, in order to help reduce pollution and protect and

save the nature resources. I was and am still curious about various cultures and I loved learning

different and foreign cultures, which was also a reason why I chose to learn English as a major in the

university. After being a Christian when I was still in the university, I realized that I have a deep love

for whatever God created and I care more about the world and would pray for other people and

would like to join in any environment-friendly activities.

However, the knowledge of global learning still stays more on environment and cultures.

Only after joining in the courses in the UoPeople, I realizes that Global learning means more about

global competence both for teachers and students.

According to VIF International Education (n.d) , Global competence means: “Teachers

understand and explore cultural and global topics Students explore their own culture, make

comparisons with other cultures and investigate global issues and challenges. Teachers use effective

pedagogical skills to integrate global themes into their classrooms. Students improve their critical

thinking, problem solving, perspective-taking and research skills. Teachers integrate globally infused

content into their classrooms. Students develop awareness of cultural diversity and global issues.” (p.



AAC&U. (n. d.). Definitions of Global Learning.

UCDAVIS. (n. d.). What Does Global Learning Look Like?

VIF International Education (n.d). Teacher guide. K-12 global competence grade-level indicators.

Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P12).


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