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Formation Defenses
Interpretation & Terms Remedies
Performance & Breach

Application of law: Common law vs. UCC

Infancy Doctrine Statute of Frauds
Unconscionability Duress

1) Whose Mental Incapacity Misrepresentation &

UCC Common law UCC (sale of goods
Meaning Parol Evidence Rule Implied Terms Good Faith Nondisclosure
Common Law /sale of land)
Controls & 2) what was that party's meaning?
Cognitive vs.
Volitional Test

Mutual Assent- Offer & Acceptance; certainty (clarity) Defenses Based on

Changed Circumstances

Bilateral Contracts Unilateral Contracts

Force Majeure Clause
Rest. 201 Interpretive Maxims Intrinsic Evidence Extrinsic Evidence

Consideration (bargained-for exchange) OR Promissory Estoppel

Impossibility Impracticability Frustration

Methods of Termination (Excludes Option Contracts)

Rejection or Death or Incapacity of

Lapse of Time Revocation by Offeror or Offeree
Coutneroffer the Offeror

Wrinkly Wrinkles

Conditional Gifts
Illusory Promises
Recited Consideration

Past Consideration
Moral Consideration Nominal

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