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4-5 Year Old Pre K Progress Report

1- Consistently demonstrates this skill * Blank items have not been tested
2- Occasionally demonstrates this skill / Developing
3- Needs improvement or more practice with this skill

MATH 1 2 3 4
* Identifies bigger, biggest, smaller, and smallest
object in a group
* Identifies longer, longest, shorter and shortest
object in a group
* Identifies the heavier, heaviest, lighter, and
lightest object in a group
* Tells if a container holds more /less than another
* Classifies objects by size, shape, and color
* Orders three or more objects according to
length or size differences
* Recognizes and names 11 basic colors (blue, red,
purple, black, white, gray, brown, orange,
yellow, green, and pink)
* Recognizes circle, square, rectangle, and
* Understands most and least
* Understands equal quantity and can match two
groups that have the same number of objects
* Counts orally through 30 (rote counting)
* Counts objects in a group to 10
* Understands empty and full
* Recognizes numerals 0-10
* Recognizes numerals 0-20
* Identifies objects in a group that are the same
* Identifies object in a group that is different
* Arranges objects in order from small to big
* Arranges objects in order from big to small
* Understands position words (up, down, in, out,
over, under, front, back, top, bottom, middle,
beside, and next to)
* Identifies penny, nickel, dime and quarter
* Counts orally to…
* Remembers objects from a given picture
* Knows the difference between a letter & number
* Looks at books for enjoyment
* Can sequence a 4 part story
* Responds to questions that begin with what/why
* Identifies parts of the body (head, eyes, nose,
mouth, ears, arm, hand, fingers, leg, knee, waist,
foot, toes, stomach, back, shoulder, hips, ankle,
jaw, heel, chin, palm, elbow, neck, thumb, lips,
eyebrows, knuckles, wrist, and eyelashes)
* Identifies objects that have a functional use
* Repeats 5 numbers in a sequence
* Distinguishes between fantasy and reality
* Tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end
* Expresses self verbally
* Can follow a 4 step direction
* Names things you would do during the day/night
* Names as least 4 friends
* Recites alphabet (not singing)
* Identifies upper case letters
* Identifies lower case letters
* Tells the meaning of simple words
* Repeats a sentence of 6-8 words
* Completes incomplete sentences w/ proper word
* Pretends to read and understands that print
carries a message
* Uses left to right progression
* Repeats as story that was just heard keeping the
correct sequence of events
* Names words that start with a given letter
* Identifies beginning sounds in words
* Identifies ending sounds in words
* Names words that are opposite
* Identifies rhyming words
* Matches words that rhyme
* Answers questions about a short story
* Tells the meaning of words heard in a story
* Looks at pictures and tells a story
* Identifies own name in print
* Spells own first name
* Spells own last name
* State a missing item when one is taken from group


* Kicks a ball that is moving towards him or her
* Hops and jumps while in motion
* Skips
* Gallops
* Jumps forward 10 times
* Catches a small bounced ball
* Turns somersault
* Alternates feet walking up or down stairs
* Marches in time to music
* Balances on one foot for 10 seconds
* Walks backward heel to toe
* Walks down steps carrying something
* Balances as he/she walks along a curb or 4 inch
* Hops on one foot
* Aims and throws a ball overhand


* Holds scissors properly
* Cuts paper on lines accurately
* Strings 1/2 inch beads easily
* Cuts out a square or triangle
* Copies simple shapes accurately
* Writes first name
* Writes last name
* Buttons
* Zips
* Folds paper in half with edges parallel
* Ties shoes
* Cuts and pastes simple shapes
* Completes simple puzzles (24 pieces or less)
* Draws and colors beyond a simple scribble
* Holds pencil correctly
* Controls pencil or crayon well
* Draws a simple house
* Traces around his or her hand
* Writes the numbers 1-5
* Builds a 3 dimensional block structure
* Draws a person with at least 6-8 body parts

* Names the days of the week in order
* Says the months of the year
* Understands today, tomorrow, and yesterday
* Knows address
* Knows parents' names
* Knows phone number
* Knows birthday
* Can state what day of the week it is
* Can state what month it is
* Can state what year it is
* States full name
* Knows right and left
* Copies and continues a complex pattern (3 parts)
* Shows awareness of sequence of class events

* Identifies common emotions (happy, sad, mad,
surprised, excited)
* Asks permission to use a toy another child is
* Indicates needs to teacher
* Takes turns with other children
* Shares with others
* Engages in make-believe play activities with
* Is able to complete a task with little to no
direction from teacher
* Maintains self-control
* Respects teacher
* Plays with several children in a common area
* Works quietly
* Cares for own belongings
* Follows classroom rules
* Listens attentively while teacher is talking
* Follows directions that are given
* Completes an assigned task
* Gets along well with other children
* Puts away toys where they belong
* Cleans up toys and supplies before moving to
another areas without being prompted
* Participates in group activities
* Engages in interactive play with one other child

1 2 3 4
* Stays on task
* Plays simple games according to the rules
* Respects rights and property of others
* Has an attention span of 15-20 minutes
* Uses words instead of actions to solve problems
* Uses polite words when appropriate
* Works independently

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