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Administration nurse:



Patient’s family:


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hello everyone! Good afternoon! First of all, we are from group one will show you about group
conversation in hospital which will be played by:

1. A as a doctor
2. B as an administration nurse
3. C as a nurse
4. D as a patient
5. E as a patient’s family
6. F as a pharmacist

And let’s get started it

Admin nurse: Good morning! How may I help you?

Patient’s Family: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment with Dr.A.

Admin nurse: Great. What seems to be her problem?

Patient’s Family: She complained that her stomach hurt a lot all night.

Admin nurse: Certainly. Has she been here before?

Patient’s Family: Yes, she has been here before.

Admin nurse: I need to check your identity card first. What's your name? (Ask to PX)

Patient: My name is D.

Admin nurse: Of course, Ms. D. You're registered on the database. Dr. A will be available today
around half an hour. You can wait in the waiting room and we will inform you when it's your turn.

Patient: Sure. thank you

Patient’s family: You're welcome.

a few minutes later

Patient’s family: Serial number 3 please enter Dr. A's room

Patient: Good Morning Dr.A!

Dr.A: Good morning, what’s wrong with you ?

Patient: I have had a terrible stomachache since last night.

Dr.A: Can you elaborate further?

Patient: I have had a severe pain in my stomach since yesterday. It does not go away even after
eating many foods. I feel like something’s burning in my stomach. My stomach also feels bloated

Dr. A: Do you remember the food you ate before you got stomach pain?

Patient: I ate fried rice for breakfast, fried noodles for lunch, then spicy curry for dinner.

Dr.A: Which area of your stomach hurts the most, then?

Patient: I feel it most in my upper abdomen, doctor. It is right below the chest.

Dr.A: Okay. Based on where the pain is and what you ate, my diagnosis is that you have gastritis. It’s
probably from the spicy curry you ate. That can trigger acid reflux.

Patient: What is gastritis doc?

Dr.A: Gastritis is a disease caused by inflammation of the stomach wall. This condition is generally
characterized by pain in the solar plexus. Based on the symptoms you are experiencing, you have
gastritis. But don't worry, I will give you a prescription for medicine to make your condition better.

Okey, you will be accompanied by nurse C to go to the pharmacy.

Patient: Okey doc. Ners, how can I prevent this disease?

Nurse C: Oily, sour or spicy foods should be avoided miss. Alcohol can also cause symptoms to
appear, so consumption of alcoholic beverages must also be avoided. Stress control must also be
done in order to avoid this disease.

Patient: Okey ners, I wiil do that. Thank you!

Nurse C: You’re welcome. This is the pharmacy, you can redeem your prescription here.

Patient’s family: Okey ners.

Pharmacist: Hello! How can I help you?

Patient’s family: Hi, I’d like to pick up a prescription.

Pharmacist: Okay, give me the doctor’s note.

Patient’s family: Here it is.

Pharmacist: One moment please. I’ll have it ready for you shortly.

Patient’s family: Certainly, thank you.

Pharmacist: Here’s your meds. Take the green tablet 45 minutes before meal, three times a day. And
then, take this blue and white capsule one each, after meal three times a day.

Patient and patient’s family: Alright, thank you!

Pharmacist: You’re welcome, get well soon miss!

Okay that’s all from our group. If there many mistakes we’re apologize. Thank you for your
attention! Wassalamua’laikum wr.wb

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