Number I II III IV V VI VII Viii IX X Total Marks Obtained: 2-Science-1 Term-12-13 of

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Rustomjee Cambridge International School & Junior College

1st TERM EXAMINATION (2012-13)


Name:___________________________________________________ Roll No. : _______

Date: __________ Time: 2hrs Marks  50 Marks Obtained: ________


I. Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blanks:- (10 marks)

sight, breakfast, sugarcane, fibers, herbs,

fruits, creepers, medicinal, carrot, skin

1) Sugar and jaggery are made from the juice of __________________________.

2) Plants with soft green stem that grow without support are called as _________________.

3) _____________________ covers our body and makes it appear pleasant.

4) Green leafy vegetables and ______________________ have vitamins and minerals.

5) _________________________ is an edible root.

6) We get _________________________ from cotton and jute plants.

7) We get sense of _________________________ through our eyes.

8) A bowl of cereal is the healthiest form of _______________________.

9) Aloe is a ___________________________ plant.

10) Most of the _________________________ bear heavy fruits.

II. Circle the correct alternative:- ( 5 marks)

1) An adult has ……… bones.
a. 600 b. 206 c.200
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2) Shoe flowers grow on a bushy…….
a. herb b. climber c. shrub

3) Underground stem of ……….. is cooked and eaten as vegetables.

a. potato b. radish c. beetroot

4) Correct …….. is important while walking.

a. stoop b. posture c. dance

5) ………… is a growth food.

a. chocolates b. chips c. fish
III. Name the following:- (10 marks)
1) Small muscles
a. _______________________b. _______________________
2) Two sense organs

a. _______________________b. _______________________

3) Junk food

a. _______________________b. _______________________

4) Creepers

a. _______________________b. _______________________

5) Beverages that we get from plant.

a. _______________________b. _______________________

IV. Match the column:- ( 2 ½ marks)

1. Cabbage a. preparation of food for the plant
2. First aid b. energy food
3. Sleep and rest c. bandage
4. Wheat d. needed for strong bones and muscles
5. Photosynthesis e. edible leaf

Ans. 1.__________ 2. __________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________

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V. Write true or false:- ( 5 marks)
1) We get paper from sunflower. ____________________
2) Exercise makes our muscles and bones strong. ____________________
3) We should go for a walk after meal. ____________________
4) We must play with sharp objects. ____________________
5) Roots grow above the soil. ____________________
VI. Look at the picture and answer the following:- (2 ½ marks)

There are two pictures showing children playing. Which picture shows children following
the safety rules while playing? Tick the correct picture.

1) What would happen if safety rules are not followed? Mention two points.


VII. Answer the following questions:- ( 10 marks)

a. Arnav has recovered from illness. What food should he eat to be healthy?
Give two examples of such food.

b. Gita has to cross the road to reach the other side. Write any two traffic rules that she
should follow to reach safely on the other side.

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c. How can you make your muscles strong?
d. How are trees useful to us?
e. What are the different parts of a plant?


VIII. State the function of the following:- ( 3 marks)



growth food

IX. Draw and name the following: ( 2 marks)

Fruit eaten as a vegetable A thing kept in the first aid box

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________________________________________ ___________________________________________


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