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Adalid Ballesteros

Ana Lopez

Laura Rebolledo

Jessica Romero

HSCI 6220


Quiz #5

Topic: Knowledge, attitude, and practice of sexual health among college students

1. Knowledge: What is the current sexual health knowledge among college students?

2. Attitude: what is the current perception of safe sexual health behaviors among
college students?

3. Practice: what is the prevalence of contraceptive use among college students?

Descriptive Statistics Results


Interpretation statements: In our population of 111 college students, 56.8% of students

agreed that they are confident in their knowledge of sexual health, 36% strongly agreed,
6.3% disagreed that they are confident in their knowledge of sexual health and only .9%
strongly disagreed.


Interpretation statements: In our population of 111 college students, 36.9% of students

agreed that they face stigma from their community when seeking information regarding
sexual health, 63.1% of students disagreed that they do not face stigma when seeking
information regarding sexual health. Stigma is a negative attitude or feeling towards a
specific subject, therefore in this study more than half of student do not receive that
negativity when seeking information related to sexual health.
Attitude Graph:


Interpretation statements: Among the 111 participants, more than half, 59.46%
indicated that they only use condoms as a contraceptive when engaging in sexual
activity. These results may indicate that majority of participants are knowledgeable and
engage in safe sex practices. Nearly 40% of participants disagreed with only using
condoms as a contraceptive method.

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