Presentation On Music Writing Task 2

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IELTS WRITING Task 2: Argument essay (13 sens.

• INTRODUCTION: (2-3 sentences) • BODY 2: (5-6 sentences)
- Topic - Topic sentence
- Background (How - When - Where) - Explanation
- Thesis - Example
- Outline - (Concluding sentence)
• BODY 1: (5-6 sentences) • CONCLUSION: (1-3 sentences)
- Topic sentence - Summary (Restate the introduction)
- Explanation - Emphasis on your opinion
- Example - Implication
- (Concluding sentence)
IELTS WRITING Task 2: Argument essay
Topic 1. Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different
cultures and ages together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Topic 2. The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of

money. Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

IELTS WRITING Task 2: Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of
different cultures and ages together.
• Introduction: completely agree
• Main paragraph 1: why music transcends cultures and age groups
• Main paragraph 2: how music connects people
• Conclusion: repeat / summarise
IELTS WRITING Task 2: Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of
different cultures and ages together.
It is often said that music has the power to unite and connect people, regardless of their cultural
backgrounds or ages. I completely agree with this view, and will give my reasons below.
Music can certainly reach across cultural and national boundaries and bring people together. Perhaps
the best example of this would be the Live Aid concerts that took place back in the 1980s, and which were
broadcast to a global audience. Two live events were held simultaneously in the UK and the US, and the
objective was to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia. The concerts were a huge success, both in terms
of the number of people around the world who watched them and their impact on international public
awareness of the famine. They demonstrated, I believe, that music truly is the planet’s global language.
Just as it transcends cultures, music also has the ability to connect people from different generations.
Regardless of age, we can all enjoy a memorable melody, a strong rhythm or a beautiful singing voice,
and the best songs seem to have the same magical effect on all of us. This would explain why televised
music competitions, such as ‘The X Factor’ or ‘The Voice’, are such popular prime-time shows. These
programmes attract incredibly broad audiences because singing and popular songs appeal to children,
parents and grandparents alike. I would argue that no other form of entertainment can bring families
together in this way.
In conclusion, I believe that music is unique in its capacity to create shared experiences between people,
irrespective of culture and age
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 1: Find out the subject, topic:
- Subject: Arts, Music, and Theature
- Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music, and Theature
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 2: Paraphrase the key words (Vocabulary) (LR)
- The government’s investment
+ Governmental (adj) / State (adj)
+ invest A in B (v)
+ funds (n)
+ Funding (n)
+ The State budget (n)
+ Subsidy (n)
+ The government’s money
+ The public money
+ Finance (n) / Financial (adj) => give higher financial priority to (v)
- A waste of money (n) => Wasteful (adj) => waste (v)
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 2: Paraphrase the key words (Vocabulary) (LR)
- Public services:
+ Construction of the public gardens or parks
+ Public health service/ care
+ Subsidies for the vulnerable
+ Education subsidies
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 3: Paraphrase the whole topic
• The funding in arts, music, and theatre is wasteful, so the State is advised to
financially priorize public services.
• Instead of allocating the funding to arts, music, and theatre, the State ought to give
higher financial priority to public services.
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 4. Outline (Balanced)
• INTRODUCTION: (2-3 sentences)
- Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music, and Theature
- Background (How - When - Where)
+ How: increasingly concern
+ When: over some recent decades
+ Where: globally
- Thesis: I partly agree with the statement
- Outline: Balance
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 4. Outline (Balanced) • BODY 2: (5-6 sentences)
• INTRODUCTION: (2-3 sentences) - Topic sentence
- Topic: The state funding for Arts, - Explanation
Music, and Theature - Example
- Background (How - When - Where) - (Concluding sentence)
- Thesis • CONCLUSION: (1-3 sentences)
- Outline - Summary (Restate the introduction)
• BODY 1: (5-6 sentences) - Emphasis on your opinion
- Topic sentence - Implication
- Explanation
- Example
- (Concluding sentence)
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 5. Full essay (Balanced)
• INTRODUCTION: (2-3 sentences)
- Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music, and Theature
- Background (How - When - Where)
+ How: increasingly concern
+ When: over some recent decades
+ Where: globally
- Thesis: I partly agree with the statement
- Outline: Balance
=> Over some recent decades, besides developing the economy as well as
consolidating the national security, the government has been increasingly
concerned about artistic activities. Even though importance of these spiritual
activities is undeniable, I think the State ought to reduce a certain amount of the
funding to priorize public services on morality purposes.
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 4. Outline (Balanced) • BODY 2: (5-6 sentences)
• BODY 1: (5-6 sentences) S1. Topic sentence: Topic + Controlling
S1. Topic sentence: Topic +
Controlling ideas + Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music,
and Theatre
+ Topic: The state funding for Arts, + Controlling ideas: Extract a part of the
Music, and Theatre funds in artistic activities to improve the
+ Controlling ideas: Essential public services
S2. Explanation 1: Make a happy S2. Explanation 1: Assure the social welfare,
community especially satisfying the primary needs to its
S3. Example 1: Vietnam: the tenth most S3. Example 1: Aids for the vulnerable such
pleasant countries some years ago as the homeless, the elderly, the disabled, or
S4. Explanation 2: greatly contribute to victims of natural disasters
the domestic economic growth in terms S4. Explanation 2: More support for people’s
of tourism physical and mental health
S5. Example 2: Hanoi Opera: both local S5. Example 2: Construction of public
and foreign visitors gardens or green parks for exercises in cities
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money.
Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.
• STEP 5. Full essay (Balanced) CONCLUSION: (1-3 sentences)
• INTRODUCTION: (2-3 sentences)
- Summary (Restate the introduction)
- Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music, and Theature
- Background (How - When - Where) + In short, / To sum up,/ All in all,/ To
+ How: increasingly concern conclude,/ In conclusion,/ On the
+ When: over some recent decades
summary,/ In short,
+ Where: globally => All in all, there is a tendency that
- Thesis: I partly agree with the statement arts , music, and theatre have been more
- Outline: Balance and more highly appreciated by the
=> Over some recent decades, besides developing the government due to their economic and
economy as well as consolidating the national security, recreational benefits, but I suggest a
the government has been increasingly concerned about
artistic activities. Even though importance of these
partly proportion of this budget should
spiritual activities is undeniable, I think the State ought be used more realistically for the cases in
to reduce a certain amount of the funding to priorize need in society owing to the humanity.
public services on morality purposes.
üto be/sing out of tune: to not be in harmony/to sing the wrong notes
üa piece of music: an item of music
üto play by ear: to play without reading the musical notes
üa pop group: a small group of people who play or sing pop music together
üto read music: to understand and follow written musical notes
üa rock band: a group of musicians that play rock music
üto sing along to: to join in singing
üa sing-song: to sing informally, often with other people
üa slow number: a song with a slow tempo
üto take up a musical instrument: to begin learning a musical instrument
ütaste in music: the music someone likes
üto be tone deaf: to be unable to distinguish the different notes in music
üto be/sing out of tune: to not be in harmony/to sing the wrong notes
üa piece of music: an item of music
üto play by ear: to play without reading the musical notes
üa pop group: a small group of people who play or sing pop music together
üto read music: to understand and follow written musical notes
üa rock band: a group of musicians that play rock music
üto sing along to: to join in singing
üa sing-song: to sing informally, often with other people
üa slow number: a song with a slow tempo
üto take up a musical instrument: to begin learning a musical instrument
ütaste in music: the music someone likes
üto be tone deaf: to be unable to distinguish the different notes in music
Table of content

I. Co-ordinating conjunctions
II. Subordinating conjunctions
III. Correlative conjunctions
IV. Conjunctive adverbs
Table of content

I. Co-ordinating conjunctions
II. Subordinating conjunctions

More examples:
When/ As/ Once: Khi 2 hành động xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm: V1 xảy ra
xong, ngay lập tức V2 xuất hiện => Dùng 2 thì đơn
- When + Past continuous, Past simple.
- When + Past simple, Past simple.
- When + Present tenses, S + modal1 + V + O. (IF)

More examples:
When/ As/ Once: Khi 2 hành động xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm: V1 xảy ra xong, ngay lập tức V2 xuất hiện => Dùng 2 thì đơn
Eg: When I had had dinner, I did the washing up.
When/ As/ Once/ While: Can thiệp: V1 dài đang diễn ra (thì tiếp diễn), V2 ngắn xen vào (thì đơn)
Eg: When she will be performing her play on the stage tomorrow, I will give her a bunch of flowers.
While: 2 thì tiếp diễn (cả V1 và V2 cùng xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm cùng nhau)
Before (By the time), After (As soon as):
- TH1: Khoảng cách thời gian giữa V1 và V2= => V1 thì quá khứ hoàn thành, V2 thì quá khứ đơn
- TH2: Nhấn mạnh tuần tự các bước khác nhau : V1 và V2 là hai thì đơn
DẠNG RÚT GỌN (Chủ ngữ 2 vế là 1):
- when/ as/ once/ while/ after/ before: V1-ing + O1, Clause 2.
- After/ Before + V1-ing/ P2, Clause 2.
More examples:
When/ As/ Once: Khi 2 hành động xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm: V1 xảy ra xong, ngay lập tức V2 xuất hiện => Dùng 2 thì đơn
Eg: When I had had dinner, I did the washing up.
When/ As/ Once/ While: Can thiệp: V1 dài đang diễn ra (thì tiếp diễn), V2 ngắn xen vào (thì đơn)
Eg: When she will be performing her play on the stage tomorrow, I will give her a bunch of flowers.
While: 2 thì tiếp diễn (cả V1 và V2 cùng xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm cùng nhau)
Before (By the time), After (As soon as):
- TH1: Khoảng cách thời gian giữa V1 và V2= => V1 thì quá khứ hoàn thành, V2 thì quá khứ đơn
- TH2: Nhấn mạnh tuần tự các bước khác nhau : V1 và V2 là hai thì đơn
DẠNG RÚT GỌN (Chủ ngữ 2 vế là 1):
- when/ as/ once/ while/ after/ before: V1-ing + O1, Clause 2.
- After/ Before + V1-ing/ P2, Clause 2.
- After/ Before + N phrase, Clause 2.

More examples:

Dạng giản lược:

Because of/ Owing to/ Due to/ As a consequence of/ As a result of/ On
account of/ Thanks to + N/ V-ing, Clause 2.
I didn’t go to school today owing to heavy rain.
Nowadays, a rising number of parents have bought toys for their children
due to their awareness that the toys can make their kids become more

More examples:

Mệnh đề:
Because/ Since/ For/ As/ Now that/ Now/ Seeing that/ Seeing as +
Clause 1, Clause 2.

Nowadays, a rising number of parents have bought toys for their children
since the toys can make their kids become more skillful.
1. Because of/ Owing to/ Due to/ As a consequence of/ As a
result of/ On account of/ Thanks to + N/ V-ing, Clause 2.
2. Because/ Since/ For/ As/ Now that/ Now/ Seeing that/
Seeing as + Clause 1, Clause 2.
S1. Topic sentence: Topic + Controlling ideas
+ Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music, and Theatre
+ Controlling ideas: Essential

I believe that governments should maintain the funding for Arts, Music and theatre
due to their essential role in life.
The state funding for arts, music, theatre is essential for people’s spirits since they
help everyone entertain and update information.
1. Because of/ Owing to/ Due to/ As a consequence of/ As a
result of/ On account of/ Thanks to + N/ V-ing, Clause 2.
2. Because/ Since/ For/ As/ Now that/ Now/ Seeing that/
Seeing as + Clause 1, Clause 2.
S1. Topic sentence: Topic + Controlling ideas
+ Topic: The state funding for Arts, Music, and Theatre
+ Controlling ideas: Essential
The government’s budget for artistic activities is regarded as an essential social part
now that they can bring people closer together and make them happier.
In my opinion, maintaining the funding for Art, Music, and Theatre is essential
because of various benefits.
I think that the government should be using a half of the current funding for arts,
music, and theatre as a result of their essential recreational meanings in every
individual’s life.

3.1. Conditional Type 0: Fact/ Truth

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Present simple, Present simple
Eg1: If a rock is thrown in the water, it sinks in the water.
Eg2: If the temperature is 00C, the water becomes ice/ freezes.
Eg3: If you press the power button, the equipment starts.

3.2. Conditional Type 1: Possibilities at present or in the future

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Present tenses, S2 + modal 1+ V2 + O2.
If + S1 + modal1 + V1 + O1, (Don’t) V2 + O2. (Not used in written languages)
Eg1: If she studies harder, she can get higher results.
Eg2: If your cameras are working right now, we can talk more easily.
Eg3: If we have studied grammar for 2 hours, we must feel tired out.
Eg4: If we have been studying grammar for 2 hours, we may find it tedious.
Eg5: If you can join our meeting next week, notify us soon, please.

3.2. Conditional Type 1: Possibilities at present or in the future

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Present tenses, S2 + modal 1+ V2 + O2/ (Don’t) V2 + O2. (Not
used in written languages)
Should + S1 + V1 + O1, S2 + modal 1+ V2 + O2/ (Don’t) V2 + O2
Eg1: If she studies harder, she can get higher results.
=> Should she study harder, she can get higher results.

3.2. Conditional Type 2: No possibilities at present or in the future

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Past Simple/ Continuous, S2 + modal 2+ V2 + O2.
Eg1: If I were the president, I would formulate a stringent rule about
smoking in the public places.
Eg2: If I were famous, I could help more victims in this country.
Eg3: If we were studying face to face (in person/ directly) now, the
lecture might be more effective.

3.2. Conditional Type 2: No possibilities at present or in the future

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Past Simple/ Continuous, S2 + modal 2+ V2 + O2.
Were + S1 + O1/ Adj..., S2 + modal 2+ V2 + O2.
Were + S1 + to + V1, S2 + modal 2+ V2 + O2.
Eg1: If I were the president, I would formulate a stringent rule about smoking in the public places.
=> Were I the president, I would formulate a stringent rule about smoking in the public places.
Eg3: If we were studying face to face (in person/ directly) now, the lecture might be more
=> Were we to study face to face (in person/ directly) now, the lecture might be more effective.

3.2. Conditional Type 3: No change in the past

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Past Perfect Simple/ Continuous, S2 + modal 2+ have + P2 + O2.
Eg1: If she had got to the airport sooner yesterday, she could have met
her idol.
Eg2: If I hadn’t been surfing the internet at this time last night, I would
have finished my homework.

3.2. Conditional Type 3: No change in the past

If Clause, Main clause.
If + Past Perfect Simple/ Continuous, S2 + modal 2+ have + P2 + O2.
Had + S + P2/ been + V-ing, S2 + modal 2+ have + P2 + O2.
Eg1: If she had got to the airport sooner yesterday, she could have met her idol.
=> Had she got to the airport sooner yesterday, she could have met her idol.
Eg2: If I hadn’t been surfing the internet at this time last night, I would have
finished my homework.
=> Had I not been surfing the internet at this time last night, I would have
finished my homework.

3.6. Special conditional

- Unless = If ... not: trừ phi
- In case (that): phòng khi
- In case of + N: phòng khi
- On condition that: với điều kiện là
- As long as/ So long as: Miễn là
- Provided/ Providing (that) Miễn là
- As if/ As though (Types 2 + 3): Như thể là
Eg: He talks to me as if/ as though he knew me very well.
- Without/ But for + N: Nếu không vì (Types 2 + 3)
Eg: But for his help, I couldn’t be successful now.

More examples: Trường hợp nào sau đây, có thể dùng even though/ even if:
Mang tính bao quát, mở rộng, nhấn mạnh tính chất nghiêm trọng
1. Mặc dù giá xăng tăng nhanh gần đây, nhưng nhiều cây xăng không được phép
tích trữ. (Even though) (Although) (formal) (Despite) (Notwithstanding that)
2. Mặc dù xăng gần đây đắt hơn, nhưng tôi không thích tích trữ xăng. (Though)
(Less formal), In spite of (Less formal), Albeit
3. Mặc dù giá xăng đã và đang giảm, nhưng bạn vẫn nên dự trữ 1 ít. Although,
Despite, Notwithstanding
4. Mặc dù giá xăng đã và đang giảm mạnh, nhưng các chuyên gia kinh tế khuyên
rằng các trạm xăng không nên tích trữ quá nhiều. (Even if) ((Although) (formal)
(Despite) (Notwithstanding that)

3.2. Mixed conditional: Type 2 + 3

If Clause (Type 3) , Main clause (Type 2).
If + Past Perfect Simple/ Continuous, S2 + modal 2+ V2 + O2.
Eg1: Fact: Last night, I went to bed late, so I feel tired and sleepy now.
=> If I had gone to bed early last night, I wouldn’t feel tired and sleepy

3.2. Mixed conditional: Type 2 + 3

If Clause (Type 2) , Main clause (Type 3).
If + Past Simple/ Continuous, S2 + modal 2+ have + P2+ O2.
Eg2: Fact: I’m short-sighted now. I bought short-sighted glasses in the
=> If I weren’t short-sighted now, I wouldn’t have bought short-sighted
glasses in the past.
1. Mặc dù giá xăng tăng nhanh gần đây, nhưng nhiều cây xăng không
được phép tích trữ. (Even though) (Although) (formal) (Despite)
(Notwithstanding that)
1.1. Even though the fuel cost has recently increased rapidly, many gas
stations are not allowed to store it.
1.2. Although the fuel cost has recently increased rapidly, many gas
stations are not allowed to store it.
1.3. Despite a rapid increase in the cost of the fuel recently, many gas
stations are not allowed to store it.
1.4. Notwithstanding that the fuel cost has recently increased rapidly,
many gas stations are not allowed to store it.
2. Mặc dù xăng gần đây đắt hơn, nhưng tôi không thích tích trữ xăng.
(Though) (Less formal), In spite of (Less formal), Albeit
2.1. Though the fuel has recently been more expensive, I don’t like store
the fuel.
2.2. In spite of the more expensive fuel recently, I don’t like store the
2.3. Albeit the more expensive fuel recently, I don’t like store the fuel.
3. Mặc dù giá xăng đã và đang giảm, nhưng bạn vẫn nên dự trữ 1 ít.
Although, Despite, Notwithstanding
3.1. Although the cost of fuel has been decreasing, you should store it a
3.2. Despite a decrease in the cost of fuel, you should store it a little.
3.3. Notwithstanding a decrease in the cost of fuel, you should store it a
4. Mặc dù giá xăng đã và đang giảm mạnh, nhưng các chuyên gia kinh tế
khuyên rằng các trạm xăng không nên tích trữ quá nhiều. (Even if)
((Although) (formal) (Despite) (Notwithstanding that)
4.1. Even if the cost of fuel has been decreasing significantly, the
economic experts advise that gas stations shouldn’t store it a lot.
4.2. Although the cost of fuel has been decreasing significantly, the
economic experts advise that gas stations shouldn’t store it a lot.
4.3. Notwithstanding that the cost of fuel has been decreasing
significantly, the economic experts advise that gas stations shouldn’t
store it a lot.
4.4. Despite a significant decrease in the cost of fuel, the economic
experts advise that gas stations shouldn’t store it a lot.
More examples: Trường hợp nào sau đây, có thể dùng even though/ even
if: Mang tính bao quát, mở rộng, nhấn mạnh tính chất nghiêm trọng
1. Mặc dù giá xăng tăng nhanh gần đây, nhưng nhiều cây xăng không
được phép tích trữ. (Even though) (Although) (formal) (Despite)
(Notwithstanding that)
2. Mặc dù xăng gần đây đắt hơn, nhưng tôi không thích tích trữ xăng.
(Though) (Less formal), In spite of (Less formal), Albeit
3. Mặc dù giá xăng đã và đang giảm, nhưng bạn vẫn nên dự trữ 1 ít.
Although, Despite, Notwithstanding
4. Mặc dù giá xăng đã và đang giảm mạnh, nhưng các chuyên gia kinh tế
khuyên rằng các trạm xăng không nên tích trữ quá nhiều. (Even if)
((Although) (formal) (Despite) (Notwithstanding that)


1. Clause 1 + in order that + clause 2. (để mà)
2. Clause 1 + so that + Clause 2. (để mà)
3. Clause 1 + for fear that + Clause 2. (Vì lo sợ rằng)
4. Clause 1 + in order to + V2 + O2. (Để)
5. Clause 1 + so as to + V2 + O2. (Để)
6. Clause 1 + to + V2 + O2. (Để)
7. Clause 1 + on + N + purpose.
8. Clause + with an aim at + V2-ing/ N.

Quá ... đến mức mà / Đủ...để làm gì

1. S1 + V + so + Adj/ Adv + that + Clause 2.
= So + Adj/Adv + V1 + S1 + that + Clause2.
=> So organized has been the program that none of the talks overlap.
2. S1 + V1 + such + (a/an) + Adj + N + that + Clause 2.
= Such + (a/an) + Adj + N + V1 + S1 + that + Clause 2.
=> Such a boring speech was it that I fell asleep.
3. S + V + too + Adj/ Adv + (for + O) + to V2.
=> The speech was too boring for me to keep awake.
4. S + V + enough + N + (for + O) + to V2. => The speech didn’t have enough attraction for me to keep awake.
5. S + V + Adj/ Adv + enough + (for + O) + to V2.
=> The speech was not interesting enough for me to keep awake.

Chủ ngữ chính: Chủ ngữ giả:

It seems that + Clause. It’s seeming that + Clause.
I know that + Clause There is a possibility that + Clause.
I’m sure that + Clause. There remains a firm belief that +
I stated that + Clause. Clause.
I understated that + Clause.....

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