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Step 1: Narrowing Your Idea

What is the general topic or Asian American issue you are addressing?

Racism towards Asian Americans and Asians.

Can you list aspects of the topic, such as:

Target Communities affected (ie. Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, etc) :

Chinese and Filipino.

Location and Environmental Details (ie. San Francisco, Bay Area or United States):

United States

Time period that is most relevant (ie. 2000- current):

2000 - Current

Step 2: State Your Research Question

Write out your research question or questions here:

What environmental elements affect the health of Asian American communities?

Step 3: Translate your research question into search terms.

Library Research

What are the major ideas of the research question? What keywords and synonyms can be

for each concept, to help you search for articles or reports?

Idea 1: Environments health effects in Asian American communities.

Keywords: Environment

Idea 2: Amount of Asian American communities affected by the environment.

Keywords: Amount affected by the environment.

Step 4: Identify the types of information you need

Source 1:

Type: Book

APA or MLA reference:

Nguyen, Mimi Thi, and Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu. Alien Encounters. Duke University Press, 2007.

What is this source About?

This source is about how being surrounded by violence impacted the Asian American
communities. It shows how Asian Americans were being treated in different environments.

How does it answer your research question?

It answers my research question because I want to find out how different environments can
affect how people change and act. Asian Americans being surrounded by violence tend to
have an unhappy life while Asian Americans surrounded by non-violence tend to have a
happy life.

Source 2:
Type: Scholarly Journal Article

APA or MLA reference

Grineski, Sara E. “Asian Americans and disproportionate exposure to carcinogenic hazardous air

pollutants: A national study.” NCBI, 18 May 2017, Accessed 23 November 2021.

What is this source About?

This source is about environmental factors that affect the Asian American communities, air
pollution, and the amount of Asian American communities affected by it.

How does it answer your research question?

This source answers my research question because for my research question, I am finding
what environmental factors affect the Asian American community and it tells the amount of
Asian Americans affected by it.

Source 3:
Type: Scholarly Journal Article

APA or MLA reference:

Gee, Gilbert C., et al. “Racial Discrimination and Health Among Asian Americans: Evidence,

Assessment, and Directions for Future Research.” Epidemiologic Reviews, vol. 31, no. 1,

2009, pp. 130-151. Oxford Academic, Accessed 23 November 2021.

What is this source About?

This source is about the impact of Asian Americans health because of racial discrimination.
Racial discrimination can cause mental health.

How does it answer your research question?

It answers my research question because racial discrimination is one of the environmental

factors that impacted Asian American communities. It caused many Asian Americans and
Asians to have mental health.

Source 4:
Type: Government

APA or MLA reference:

“Critical Issues Facing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.” Obama White House Archives,

Accessed 24 November 2021.

What is this source About?

This source is about the data of how many AAPI’s or Asians are affected by health
problems caused by cancer from lack of environmental resources such as health care and

How does it answer your research question?

It answers my research question because I want to figure out how many people were
affected by environmental factors and this source gives me data about the amount of
people affected.

Source 5:
Type: Professional Website

APA or MLA reference:

Abrams, Zara. “The mental health impact of anti-Asian racism.” American Psychological

Association, 1 July 2021,

Accessed 23 November 2021.

What is this source About?

This source is about the impact that mental health causes to Asians, anti-Asian racism, and
anti-Asian xenophobia.

How does it answer your research question?

It answers my research question because one environmental factor that affects Asian
American communities health is mental health and it also talks about the source of how
mental health is produced and the efforts of people helping to fight off against anti-Asian
Step 5: Decide on your next steps

What are you going to focus on next? Do you still need more resources? Refine your search

terms in the space below and make notes of where you are going to find the needed

I want to focus on writing my essay next. I think I need more sources. I am going to find the
needed sources from government websites, education sources, and professional websites.

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