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58 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX


Power of a lens: The power of a lens is inversely proportional to the focal length of the
lens. It is denoted by the letter P.
txufyg az:jycsufonf rrSefuefyg/ The power of a lens \ owfrSwfcsuf trSefrSm
atmufygtwdkif; jzpfonf/
Power of a lens: The power of a lens is the reciprocal of the focal length of the lens in
P .
f (m)
The unit of lens power is dioptre (D). [D = m-1]
(is inversely proportional to) ESifh (is the reciprocal of) wdkU rwlyg/
reciprocal (ajymif;jyefjzpfaom) ESifh inversely proportional (ajymif;jyefajymif;vJaom) wdkU
rwlyg/ ajymif;jyefjzpfaom [k qdkvsif tydkif;udef; ydkif;a0 1 \ ydkif;ajcjzpfonf/
ajymif;jyefajymif;vJaom [k qdkvsif tjcm;ajymif;vJjcif;udef;ao &SdEdkifNyD;? xdkudef;aotwGuf
uefUowfcsufrsm;vnf; &Sdayrnf/
wlovdkvdkESifh rwlnDrSkrsm; &SdaomaMumifh wdusaom owfrSwfcsufudkom oHk;oifhygonf/
rSefbDvl; yg0g\ ,lepfonf dioptre (D) jzpfonf/ D = 1/m jzpfonf/

rSefbDvl; yg0gudk wGufcsuf&ef yHkaoenf;rSm P  jzpfonf/
Oyrm/ Focal length 25 cm &Sdaom convex lens \ power udk wGufrnf qdkygu?
tqifh (1)/ P (yHkaoenf; a&;onf/)
tqifh (2)/ P (f wefzdk;udk ,lepf tygt0if tpm;xdk;onf/)

tqifh (3)/ P (cm udk m ajymif;onf/)
25 102 m
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 59

tqifh (4)/ P (10-2 udk ydkif;a0odkU ajymif;onf/)
25 m

tqifh (5)/ P (102 udk 100 ajymif;a&;onf/)
25 m

100 1
tqifh (6)/ P  (*Pef;ESifh ,lepfudk oD;jcm;a&;onf/)
25 m

tqifh (7)/ P=4D (100/25 = 4, 1/m = D)

tqifh (8)/ P=4D (tajrSmufvu©Pmudk azsmufa&;onf)
vufawGU wGufcsuf&mwGifrl (2)? (4)? (6)? (7) tqifhrsm; ra&;yg/ (5) udkyif ausmfEdkifygonf/
1 1
P udk P  [k a&;jcif;rSm f udk m ,lepfjzifh wGuf&ef today;jcif;jzpfonf/ odkUrSom
f f (m)
*Pef;wefzdk;a&m ,lepfyg udkufnDrnf jzpfonf/
xdkykpämudk ausmif;om; ESpfa,mufu ,lepfrsm; rxnfhbJ enf;ESpfrsKd;jzifh wGufedkifonf/
f = 25 cm = 25  10-2 m f = 25 cm
1 1 1 1
P (or) P  P (or) P 
f f (m) f f (m)
1 100
P 2
25  10 25

P=4D P=4D
ar;cGef;wGif Include respective unit in every step of calculation [k razmfjyxm;vsif
aomfvnf;aumif;? oufqdkif&m pmppftzGJUrS tqifhwdkif;wGif ,lepf xnfhwGuf&rnf[k
rnTefMum;xm;vsifaomfvnf;aumif; txufyg enf; ESpfckpvHk; tqifajyygonf/ c
[Edexcel Mark Scheme wGif tqifhwdkif; ,lepf xnfhwGufonf/ CIE wGif rxnfhyg/
tu,fí jzwfvrf;jzifh oifvdkygu atmufygtwdkif; f udk ,lepf rxnfhbJ oifvQif &Edkifonf/
If the focal length is in metre, P  , the unit is dioptre (D).
60 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

If the focal length is in centimetre, P  , the unit is dioptre (D).
Original formula rSm P  om jzpfonf/
f (m)
P rSm jzwfvrf;udk rl&if; yHkaoenf;vdk a&;jcif; jzpfonf/ ,lepfrudkufyg/
f (cm)
1 100
P rS P  odkU *Pef;a&m ,lepfyg udkufnDatmif rajymif;vJjyedkifaMumif;udk
f (m) f (cm)
&lyaA' tajccH &Sdolwdkif; odaomfvnf; jzwfvrf;udk wG,fwmNyD; wif;cHaeMuonf/

Unit of Power of a Lens (dioptre): If a lens has a focal length of 1 metre, it has one unit
power or one dioptre. It is denoted by D.
1. If the power of a lens is + 2 D, it is a convex lens and its focal length is 0.5 m or 50 cm.
2. If the power of a lens is - 4 D, it is a concave lens of focal length 0.25 m or 25 cm.
3. The lens having greater power can make the rays parallel to the principal axis more
convergent or divergent. The shorter the focal length the greater is the power of the

[Lenses for vision correction are usually described in terms of the power, defined as the
reciprocal of the focal length expressed in meters. The unit of power is the diopter.
University Physics with Modern Physics in SI Units by Hugh D. Young, Roger A.
[The power P of a lens in diopters equals the inverse of the focal length in meters: P = 1/f.
College Physics, Tenth Edition, Raymond A. Serway and Chris Vuille]
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 61

[Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th edition, 2016 by Douglas C. Giancoli]

short focal length, larger power, long focal length, smaller power,
more converges the parallel rays less converges the parallel rays


short focal length, larger power, long focal length, smaller power,
more diverges the parallel rays less diverges the parallel rays

Fig 8.12: Effects of Power of lenses

4. Since the focal length of a convex lens is positive in sign it has a positive power.
5. The focal length of a concave lens is negative so that it has a negative power.
6. The sign of the powers of the lenses used in this text are the same as those used by the
lens makers.
Chapter 8: Exercise 8.3
R111: (1) The human eye has a lens of focal length +5 cm. Find the power of the eye.
62 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

Ans: f = + 5 cm = +5 × 10-2 m
1 1 100
P  
 D   20 D
f (m) 5 10 m
2 5
1 100
P 2
 D   20 D
5 10 m 5
Since P has a plus sign, the lens is a convex lens.
R111 (2) An image is formed by a convex lens on a screen which is 60 cm from the lens.
If the height of the image is one-fourth the height of the object, what is the power of
the lens?
Ans: Since the size of the image is smaller than the object and the lens is a convex lens, the
image is a real image.
v = +60 cm
II = -1/4 OO
II  1
m 
OO 4
v 1
m 
u 4
 60 cm 1
 
u 4
u = +240 cm
1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 1
Using Lens formula,       
f u v  240  60 240 240 48
f = 48 cm
1 1 100
P  
 D   2.08 D
f (m)  48  10 m2 48
E04: An object is 30 cm from a lens and its image is formed 10 cm on the same side as
the object from the lens. Find the type, the focal length and the power of the lens.
Ans: u = +30 cm,
v = -10 cm (the image is on the same side as the object, virtual, v takes minus sign)
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 63

Since the image is virtual and between the lens and the object, it is a concave lens.
1 1 1 1 1 1 3  2 1
Using Lens formula,       
f u v  30  10 30 30 15
f =  15 cm (Since f has a minus sign, it is a concave lens.)
1 1 100 20
P    D   D   6.67 D
f (m)  15 10 2 m 15 3

E05: An image five times the size of an object is to be produces by a convex lens of power
+2 D on the same side as the object. How far should the object be placed from the
Ans: P = +2D
Since the image is on the same side as the object, it is virtual image and erect.
II/ takes the plus sign.
II/ = +5 OO/
II 
m = +5
OO 
f m 
f m 
f  m  0.5 m = +50 cm
 5 
v = -5u
1 1 1
  (Lens formula)
u v f
1 1 1
 
u  5u  50
64 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

5 1 1

5u 50
4 1

u 10
u = +40 cm (Since u has a plus sign, the object is real.)
The object should be placed 40 cm from the lens.
E06: An image ten times the size of the object is formed on the wall by a convex lens of
focal length 10 cm. (i) How far is the object from the lens? (ii) How far is the wall
from the lens?
Ans: f = +10 cm (for a convex lens, f takes a plus sign.)
Since the image is on the wall, it is real image and inverted. II takes a minus sign.
II = -10 OO
II 
m  10
10  
v = 10 u
1 1 1
  (Lens formula)
u v f
1 1 1
 
u 10u  10
10  1 1

10u  10
11 1

u 1
u = +11 cm
v = 10 u = 10  (+11 cm) = +110 cm.
The object is 11 cm from the lens.
The wall is 110 cm from the lens. (on the other side of the lens.)
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 65

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