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Visual Literacy Lesson Plan Assignment Name:____Mesheng Vang_____

Go back and look at the visual activities we read about, or experienced so far, this also includes the VTS critique about the scream we did together as
a class. You are going to come to class next week with a lesson plan for the activity you’d like to do with your students that involves visual literacy. If
you have your own idea that you’d like to try and develop by all means do that and bring it in. We will be peer reviewing these lesson plans in our
next class.

The Lesson Plan Format will be this …

1.) Objective/Goal of the lesson: Why are students learning this? What do they need to do?
Students will learn about the Hmong people’s history during the Vietnam War and how its influence shaped their art.
Students will read and listen to a song about a Hmong’s couple journey during the Vietnam War.
Students will reflect on Hmong art pieces using VTS/art criticism questions.
Students will create and design an art piece using Hmong’s motifs and symbols.

2.) Any art standards you think this lesson hits: Please write out the benchmark(s) you felt you hit with this lesson. The numbers are optional, but
the entire benchmark should be written out.
● Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of the arts area. Visual Arts
1. Analyze how the elements of visual art including color, line, shape, value, form, texture and space are used in the creation of, presentation
of, or response to visual artworks.
● Demonstrate understanding of the personal, social, cultural and historical contexts that influence the arts areas. Visual Arts
2. Analyze the meanings and functions of visual art.
● Respond to or critique a variety of creations or performances using the artistic foundations. Visual Arts
1. Analyze and interpret a variety of visual artworks using established criteria.
3.) A list of materials (any art supplies, visuals, art works, etc. that you will need for the project. Please use a bullet or list format)
Copies for doc cam:
● Lyrics with Translation for the song “Nkawv Zaj Dab Neeg (Their Story)” (3pgs)
● Artwork #1
● Artwork #2
● Artwork #2

● - “Nkawv Zaj Dab Neeg (Their Story)”

● Lyrics handout for each students

● Blank Sheet of Paper
● Template of Hmong Emblem (*optional-if student want to use a template instead)
● Markers
● Colored Pencils
● Black Permanent Marker

4.) The procedure and timing of the activity (Give the step by step structure of how you will present the lesson. Be sure to write down how long
you think each step in the lesson will take to do. Remember to be very specific in how you will present the material to the students.)

5 mins
I will introduce the activity to the class by creating a discussion that will allow me to generate an idea of how much they know about the
Vietnam War, the Hmong people and their history. This will allow me to connect their prior knowledge of this history with new information
if needed.
T: “Today, we will listen to a Hmong song called “Nkawv Zaj Dab Neeg.” Repeat after me, “Nkawv Zaj Dab Neeg.”
S: Students listen and repeat.
T: The translation of this is called “Their Story.” This song is sung in a duet about a couple’s journey during the “Vietnam War.” Please raise your
hand and tell me if you know what a duet is.
S: Students listen and answer. (A duet is a performance by two people, usually singers or dancers. )
T:Please give me a thumbs up if you have heard of the “Vietnam War” before.
S:Students listen and show a thumbs up if they have heard it before.
T: The Vietnam War was a prolonged conflict in Southeast Asia. It started in 1954 when Vietnam was split into two parts, North and South. The
North wants to control the South with views that the South does not support. The United States helped South Vietnam, but in the end, they lost to the
North in 1975.
S:Students Listen.
T: Many people helped fight in the war and were affected by it. Especially the Hmong People. My grandpa died in the war helping the US Soldiers.
My dad and his family had to run away from their village and hide from North Vietnamese soldiers because they were upset that the Hmong people
were helping the US. Raise your hand and tell me how you'd feel if you were in their shoes, having to run away from home to find safety elsewhere?
S: Students listen and answer. ( Answers will varies)

10 mins on listening to the song and analyzing the lyrics. This is a Hmong song about a couple’s journey through the Vietnam war and how
they immigrated to the United State in 1975. I have translated the lyrics to English where students can follow along.
T: Now, let's take a look at the song. I have written down the Hmong lyrics and translated them into English. I will pass out copies to everyone. I will
have the lyrics on the screen as well. Please follow along with me as we listen to the song. Guide students line by line. After the song, ask students if
they have any questions or need more understanding of) Please raise your hand and tell me how the song made you feel. Turn to a partner and share
your feelings or ideas.
S: Student pair and share. (Answers will vary)

10 mins on going over and discussing the three Hmong art pieces that I will display on the Doc cam. They will use this opportunity to
connect and compare the lyrics to the artwork.
T: I am going to show some artwork called Paj Ntaub (pronounced pondouw) or flower cloth. It is handmade by using needlework. It is an integral
part of the Hmong culture. ( Show Artwork #1, #2, and #3 on the overhead board.)
S: Students listen and observe.
T: Please tell me if you can find any similarities between the song in these artworks. Ask VTS questions about the art pieces.
S: Students listen, observe and answer.
Answers will vary.
Artwork #1: Depiction of Secret War (Top) and refugees fleeing Laos (line of people at the bottom). People farming (Left side), war planes flying
overhead (Top).
Artwork #2: Hmong refugees escaping across the Mekong River to Thailand on rafts and bamboo floats. Vietnamese soldiers forcing people from
their homes.
Artwork #3: This artwork is like the love story of the couple in the song.

10 mins: I will show students the art activity that I want them to complete for the rest of the class. I will show them some example work of
Hmong’s emblems and go over some of the motifs and symbols used to create it.
T: Today we will work on designing our own emblem by using some of the Hmong’s symbols and motifs. Let's go over each of these patterns and tell
me what element of art can you connect it to.
S: Students listen and answer. (Answer will Vary. A lot of the pattern focused on lines and colors.)
T: I will give you guys the rest of the class to create a design that used some of these patterns that we just went over. You can use your own design or
use one of the already created templates that I have here. Please include at least 4 or more of the pattern and there should be more than 3 colors in
your design.

15 mins: Rest of the class time will be working on their design. Once they are done, they can show it to me and I will display it on our
bulletin board. If they do not finish, they can use their free time to finish. I will also give them 10 mins the next class to work on it as well.
5.) Assessments:
Assessment Objective 1: Finished Personalized Emblem using Hmong Symbols: Criteria will be...
a.) At least four hmong patterns must be added in the design.
b.) There need to be more than 3 colors in the design.
c.) Additional patterns must be added to create a personally unique piece
d.) The piece looks neatly made and well cared for.
Assessment Objective 2: Informal assessment during discussion of the artwork using the VTS critique questions.

6.) An explanation of how this activity exercises visual literacy skills and how it could relate to a larger unit of study: (Look back at the online
reading, “Teaching Visual Literacy in the Classroom.” How does this activity relate to why visual literacy is important? What visual texts does it
utilize? What elements/principles are the students exposed to? Write a brief example/written description of the kind of unit or project that this activity
could be a part of and when you would teach it in the unit.)

I created this activity to enable my students to use their thinking skills by effectively finding, interpreting, evaluating, and then creating images with
what they learned. They can read and listen to a song about the personalized experience of the war and then look at art pieces that were influenced by
it. Discussions using the VTS critique questions let them use their judgment and knowledge to answer. This helps them interpret what they learned
and apply the knowledge to artwork.
The elements of art that they are exposed to are color, form, shape, and texture. The principles that they are exposed to are patterns, repetition, and
rhythms. This activity can be a part of a social studies unit focused on culture and experiences.
Example of Artworks that will be used:
Example of Hmong Emblems. Students will create their own using the Hmong Motifs and Symbols below.
Criteria 10-9 8 7 6 5-0
Objectives/ Learning objectives and Learning objectives are all Learning objectives are Learning objectives are not Learning objectives are
Standards learning tasks are clear, aligned with each other and loosely or are not consistently aligned with each other and missing and do NOT align
concise, and consistently in grade level appropriate aligned with each other. learning objectives are not to the appropriate state
aligned with each other and language and Some Learning objectives are measurable and many do learning standards
in grade level appropriate learning objectives are measurable and align to NOT align to the
language. They are clearly measurable and align to appropriate state learning appropriate state learning
measurable, realistic, and appropriate state learning standards standards
attainable and align to standards
appropriate state learning
Materials A list of all materials A list of most of the A list of some of the materials A list of a few of the Little to none of the
needed. Demonstration materials needed. 1 of the needed. 1 or 2 of the listed materials needed. 2 of the materials needed are listed.
resource or instructional listed criteria not considered. criteria not considered. Some listed criteria not All 3 of the listed criteria
materials were strongly A good understanding of understanding of what you considered. A little not considered. Very little
considered. An obvious what you will need and what will need and what the understanding of what you understanding of what you
understanding of what you the students will need. students will need. will need and what the will need and what the
will need and what the students will need. students will need.
students will need.
Procedure Organization of instruction Organization of instruction Organization of instruction to Organization of instruction Organization of the steps id
to ensure content is to ensure content is ensure content is is difficult to follow. missing and no time is
comprehensible, relevant, comprehensible and relevant comprehensible for learners AND/OR considered. Entire
and challenging for learners for learners Time Expectations are Time Expectations are NOT procedure is unfinished or
Time Expectations are Time Expectations are included but not realistic included missing.  Sub could not use
included and realistic included and are realistic A substitute teacher would A substitute teacher would this lesson to teach from for
A substitute teacher could A substitute teacher could need to ask multiple questions find the lesson plan difficult the day.
easily follow the lesson follow the lesson plan, and in order to deliver the lesson to follow and would need
plan, and both teacher and with a few inferences, the successfully. extensive support in order to
learners would experience a lesson would generally be deliver the lesson
successful lesson. viewed as successful. successfully.

Assessment Every objective has an Most objectives have an Some objectives have an Few objectives have an No objectives have an
assessment aligned to it. assessment aligned to it. assessment aligned to it. assessment aligned to it. assessment aligned to it.
The criteria for each Most of the criteria for each Some of the criteria for each Little of the criteria for each Little to none of the criteria
assessment is listed and assessment is listed and assessment is listed and assessment is listed and for each assessment is listed
makes sense for the mostly make sense for the somewhat make sense for the doesn’t make much sense and doesn’t make much
objective. objective. objective. for the objective. sense for the objective.
Visual Very many specific Many specific examples of Some specific examples of A few specific examples of Very few specific examples
literacy examples of why visual why visual literacy is why visual literacy is why visual literacy is of why visual literacy is
literacy is important are important are explained. important are explained. important are explained. important are explained.
Explanation explained thoroughly. There are some elements/ There are a few elements/ There are very few There are 1 or fewer
and Related There are quite a few principles used, and the principles used, and the elements/principles used, elements/principles used,
Unit or elements/principles used, unit/project and timing unit/project and timing seems and the unit/project and and the unit/project and
Project and the unit/project and seems appropriate. somewhat appropriate. timing don’t correlate very timing don’t correlate well
timing seems appropriate. well. at all.

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