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People can travel from one location to another thanks to public transportation. On a daily basis, citizens
commute from their homes to work and other services such as hospitals and stores. They can travel to their
destinations in comfort and efficiency by taking advantage of public transportation. Buses have long been
the most widely accepted mode of transportation. They are popular because they provide a convenient and
inexpensive mode of transportation. However, there are some issues with using a bus as a mode of
transportation, such as passenger safety, bus availability, and bus delays due to traffic congestion in the
local area. This research will show how public transportation can thrive in a city with a high population and
fewer defined public transportation system. There is no proper system in place for public transportation, so
citizens face problems on a daily basis.

Transportation in Nepal, particularly in Kathmandu, is becoming increasingly disruptive and unmanaged.

Currently, the type of system used at the counter is an internal system that is used manually to sell bus
tickets. Customers must go to the counter to purchase a bus ticket or inquire about a bus schedule; customers
must also queue for a long time in order to secure a bus ticket; and customers must pay cash when
purchasing a bus ticket. Additionally, it consumes a lot of paper, and data loss occurs because there is no
data backup. customers are not permitted to purchase bus tickets over the phone or online. Not only that,
but an unmanaged bus system causes traffic jams in some places. The road appears to be congested at all
times, and the volume is higher during peak season. There is a heavy traffic jam, and it takes a long time
for vehicles to cross a certain distance. Because the number of vehicles on Kathmandu's roads has surpassed
800,000, the city requires technical assistance to manage traffic. The high number of private vehicles and
the lack of a good public transportation management system are two of the main causes of traffic congestion
in Kathmandu. while the government is responsible for the unavailability of the public transportation
management system. also, the traffic problem is directly related to a country's economic progress because
the number of vehicles increases with economic development. There are essentially two options for
reducing traffic congestion: widen the road and manage traffic. It is not possible to widen the road; instead,
if the bus management system is renovated, the problems can be mitigated.

A bus management system is designed to provide customers with a personalized, easy-to-use online
booking system and ticketing experience. It records customer personal information, frequent travel patterns,
scheduled routes, drop-off locations, and other information. It is a web-based application that allows users
to check bus ticket availability, purchase bus tickets, and make online bus ticket payments. This system is
configured for all home/office users after receiving administrator access. Now, the bus ticket cannot be lost,
taken, or destroyed. customers can check the availability of bus tickets online before making a purchase.
Customers can purchase tickets without experiencing any disruptions to their daily lives, in addition. As a
result, the buses that register with our system will have the option to allow their passengers to choose as
many seats as they'd like, depending on the availability. Unique tickets will be generated as the system's
seats are confirmed, enhancing its effectiveness. Here I am with a system that enables users to reserve their
seats in terms of planning. The bus driver and staff, along with the owner, work together to ensure that the
bus ticket booking system runs smoothly. The staff will decide whether or not a seat is available.

The bus management system project operates via the internet and allows users to reserve seats, cancel seats,
and inquire about available seats on any given route and date. This project will automate seat availability
inquiries and bus ticket reservations. As a result, this is a web-based system that offers a comprehensive
mechanism for booking bus tickets on any route and date. This system is also beneficial to travel agency
management companies.


This project aims to present a complete bus management system and design as a solution to various
transportation problems.


This study's main goal is to automate the manual steps involved in booking a bus ticket for any trip.
Customers can choose their own seats, and the system is said to be automatic. This project's specific goals
include offering a web-based bus ticket reservation function that enables customers to purchase tickets
online without having to stand in line at a counter. Customers can check the types and availability of buses
online, as well as the time of each bus’s departure if it is registered on our system. obtaining a bank pin to
make paying for bus tickets easier after payments have been made to the designated banks. Customers' right
to cancel their reservations. the ability to modify and delete records for payments, routes, and vehicles as
an admin user. The major activities listed below will be carried out in order to accomplish the
aforementioned goals: To obtain more precise information for the project; regular consultations with
teachers, websites, and references will take place. designing each module with a functional user interface,
A good user interface will be used. when coding, to validate each section of code, testing will be divided
into unit, integrated, and system testing. Throughout the entire project, documentation and user manual
creation will be done.

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