Lesson 1 Activity

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Activity 1
Name: Jane B. Rico Course/Year/Section: BSES 1B
Schedule: Tue/Thur 4-5:30 Date: 2-28-22

Lesson 1: Arts and its Conventions

A. On this activity, list down at least five of your daily routine and explain why it deals with
My Daily Routine Why it deals with Art
1. Sleeping Well, a lack of sleep has been linked to
poor cognitive function including poor
focus, concentration, low creativity,
erratic behaviour, inability to multitask,
and increased mistakes. These are
executive functions needed to facilitate a
creative or designer's mind.
2. Eating That is because like many other kinds of
art, food plays with your senses, maybe
even more senses than any other kind of
art. Food is a unique art because it can
play with all of your senses. Obviously,
you taste the dish. You can feel the
texture as you chew.
3. Exercise Art is physical training itself, you make
use of your hands in painting, drawing
and your mind in creating visuals and
ideas. On the other hand, physical
training is a form of art too. Your
movements, your routines and even the
way you motivate your self to get through
your workout.
4. Cleaning Cleaning is defined as the process of
cleaning the surface of an artistic creation
without disturbing its texture, color, etc.
Sprays and some brushes may cause
damage to the surface of an art work, so
we have to use the correct tool to clean the
art. Traditionally the wad of white bread.
5. Watching involves recognizing or
connecting the information the eyes take
in with your previous knowledge and
experiences in order to create meaning.
This requires time and attention.
B. On this activity, briefly answer the questions below.

1. What is art to humanity?

The arts are frequently included in discussions of the humanities. Visual arts such as
painting and sculpture, as well as performing arts such as theatre and dance, and
literature, are examples of these. Other humanities, such as language, are sometimes
included in the arts, as the language arts, for example. Both use words and nonverbal
expression to interpret the human experience. True, the arts focus more on the act of
creation itself, whether through performance or actual fabrication of objects, whereas
the humanities focus more on study and critical analysis. Art makes people optimistic
about their future. Art can be used to help spread a message of inspiration, making
people achieve great things in life. Art can be a form of communication between
people, to focus on common issues for the betterment of humankind. Inspirational
music is the best form of creative art.

2. Why study humanities in the study of art?

The humanities and the arts are central to all human cultures throughout time. Their
study can facilitate deeper intercultural understanding and lay the groundwork for a
civically engaged life. They can also prepare you to think critically, act creatively, and
succeed in a rapidly changing world.

Activity 2
Name: Jane B. Rico Course/Year/Section: BSES 1B
Schedule: Tue/Thur 4-5:30 Date: 03-02-2022

Lesson 1: Arts and its Conventions

A. Answer the following questions base on your own understanding.

1. Why is art not nature? Cite your own example or evidence.

Because art is created by humans which we call things created by humans as not
natural as they are not created naturally by nature without humans interference. It is
natural for humans to create things but to define the difference between what humans
create and what nature creates humans created the phrase not natural.

2. What makes art ageless and timeless?

Art is ageless because it connects people of different generations, age groups, ethnicity,
etc. It has a creative, spiritual sense to it that can have a lasting impact on anyone,
irrespective of their age. Art is timeless because it has elements that are deep and

3. Why does an artist need to have personal experience in art?

I don't think writers and artists necessarily have to use their own experiences to
produce well, if that's what you mean, but it most certainly helps to write about and
paint what you know best. When Frida Kahlo was asked why she painted so many self
portraits, she replied, ’That’s what I know best,' or something to that effect.
Activity 1

B. True or False.
` True 1. Art has a limitation because it is not nature.
False 2. Art involves experience because it is not something that is natural or innate.
3. Art can never get old.
False 4. Time and art have nothing to do with each other.
True 5. Universality and nature are interconnected.
True 6. Nature is an art in human capacity.
False 7. Art is nature.
True 8. Art is universal because its meaning and implication are relatable.
True 9. Anyone could do art even without experience.
True 10. Art is what you see daily.
False 11. Experience provides emotion and feelings.
True 12. Art is subjective.
True 13. Art is highly objective.
True 14. Art is part of human’s growth and civilization.
True 15. You are an artist of yourself.
Activity 2

C. Say something about the statements given below. You can agree or disagree by
explaining your point.
1. Feelings and emotions are concrete proofs that the artwork has been made through

Feelings and emotions are concrete proofs that the artwork has been experiences.
It takes an artist make art. One may perceive beauty on a daily basis. However
not every beautiful thing that can be seen or experienced may truly be called a
work of art.

2. All of us see nature, perceive its elements in myriad, different, yet ultimately valid

I agree all of see nature but feel and think outcomes vary. There is so many of us
and we have people on our wavelength that possibly understand our perception/
experience what we experience and we theirs. Maybe it is good to have that
variation so we can form robust bonds with people on our wavelength. Also
learning about someone’s else experiences and perceptions can help you develop
and grow. I like being open minded to that, I love learning something I never
have ever thought of. I guess it does not matter how subjective feelings and
thoughts are, it is the open mind and responsive from others that is the key of
melding our species together. In terms of subjective and objective perception vs
what is, well who is to really know. Biology and physics could be used to dispute
either way.

3. Humanities and art have always been part of man’s growth and civilization.

Art can inspire and allow people to see things from different perspectives. Art
comforts man through poems, literature, songs, drama, and cinema. Art lovers
can spend their whole life working for art. Art serves to fulfil the desire of man to
transcend the death and decay to which all earthly things are subject.

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