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MATRIC NO : 216625


LAB : 20




Algae is the photosynthetic microorganism that live in water.Algae lack of true roots,stems or
leaves.It classified into two protist group which is microalgae and macroalgae.Microalgae
characterized into unicellular,simple filament or colony while macroalgae characterized into
multicelullar,thallus or complex filament.Three objectives from this experiment are to determine
typical characteristics of some species of Protist algae,,to characterize the group of protist
microalgae and protist macromolecule and to observe slides and specimens through
microscope.According to the result of prepared slides and specimens algae prepared,some of
them can observed by only with naked eyes and some of them need help of compound
microscope to observed.Algae also have its important that really beneficial such as a source of
food,source of oxygen and indicator for pollution.Each of algae have their own characteristic
and habitat.

Algae is a members of kingdom Protista of primarily watery photosynthetic organism. Algae
are eukaryotic organisms that photosynthesize but lack plants' specialised multicellular
reproductive systems, which always comprise fertile gamete-producing cells surrounded by
sterile cells.Algae have many life cycles. Algae have four different life cycle types which are
triphasic, diplontic, diplohaplontic, and haplontic.(Schader,Meg.2022)They also have range in
size from tiny Micromonas species to enormous kelps that can grow to a length of 60 metres
that equal to 200 feet.Algae are eukaryotic organisms that have three different kinds of double-
membrane-bound organelles, including the nucleus, chloroplast, and mitochondrion. Although
some cells are multinucleate, the majority of algal cells only have one nucleus.
Algae's cells have characteristics not found in plants or animals, and their photosynthetic
pigments are more diversified than those of plants. In addition to their ecological functions as
oxygen providers and the primary source of nutrition for practically all aquatic life, algae play
a significant economic role as a source of crude oil, food, and a variety of medical and industrial
products for humans.Taxonomy of algae is contested and vulnerable to quick change as new
molecular data is found.(Andersen.2022)
Algae are found in the Precambrian fossil record, which spans around 3 billion years. They
use a variety of reproductive techniques from simple,asexual cell division to complex forms
of sexual reproduction.Although algae and lichens were both included in Carolus Linnaeus's
25th class, Cryptogamia, in 1754, he did not go into greater detail on the classification of
algae.And Jean Pierre Étienne Vaucher was the first to suggest a system for classifying algae
in 1803. Algae were first divided into broad groupings in the 1830s according to their
predominant hues of red, brown, and green. Different chloroplast pigments, including
chlorophylls, carotenoids, and phycobiliproteins, are reflected in the colours. There are a lot
more than just three classes of pigments recognised, and each class of algae has its own
distinctive set of pigment types.(Anderson.2022)
There were three objectives from this experiment which are to determine typical
characteristics of some species of Protist algae.Secondly,to characterize the group of protist
microalgae and protist macroalgae.Other than that is to observe slides and specimens through

Firstly,the prepared slides provided was observed.One of it is dinophyta with prepared
slides Peridinium sp. and Ceratium sp. were observed.Then,the bacillariophyta with prepared
slides Diatoms mixed,Diatoms freshwater,Diatoms marine and Navicula sp. were observed
also.After that,the chlorophyta with prepared slides Chlorella sp.,Chlamydomonas sp. and
Volvox sp. were observed.Phaeophyta with prepared slide Sargassum sp. was observed.Other
than that are Chrysophyta with prepared slide Synura sp.,charophyta with prepared slide Chara
sp. and cyanobacteria with prepared slide Spirulina sp were observed.
Secondly,the fresh specimen was observed which are chlorophyta with specimen Caulerpa
sp.,phaeophyta with specimens Turbinaria sp. and Padina sp. also the last is specimen for
cyanobacteria,Spirulina sp.
There are more importance of algae.For proving it,algae is a source of food.Algae are
prevalent in a variety of food chains because they have the best producer position in the food
chain. Because many species eat algae, the primary source of life in the ocean, life in the
ocean is mostly dependent on algae.Besides that,algae is a source of oxygen.The most
significant contribution that algae make to the environment is the creation of oxygen. The
distinction between terrestrial plants and algae is made by the presence of chlorophyll. By
exploiting solar and carbon dioxide energy, this chlorophyll helps to create organic food
molecules. Algae need to go through this process in order to survive, and later oxygen is
released. More than 30% of the oxygen that land animals need is produced by algae. The
abundance of algae in the oceans is the primary factor contributing to the world's high level
of oxygen production.Algae also an indicator for pollution.Algae is crucial in revealing
information regarding the contamination of water bodies. We can identify whether water
bodies are contaminated by algae by looking at the many factors that contribute to their
growth. Algae reproduce quickly, which is one of the contributing factors. By looking at the
offspring, we can determine whether there are variations in the rate at which algae reproduce.
Algae have been utilised as environmental indicators before.

From this experiment,there are a provided sample of algae that is used for
observation.Their size ranging is from small,single-cell forms to complex multicellular
forms.Some algae only can be observed by using compound microscope which are Charas
sp.,Synura sp., Peridinium sp.,Ceratium sp.,Diatoms mixed, Diatoms freshwater.
Diatoms marine, Chorella sp., Chlamydomonas sp., Volvox sp., Navicula sp.,Sargassum sp.
and Spirulina sp. are small algae with their size in terms of micrometer.Perinidium sp. and
Ceratium sp. are an algae of dinophyta or dinoflagellate.Dinoflagellates is characterised in
microalgae.Dinoflagellates is a single-cell organisms with two flagella that can be found in
freshwater ponds,rivers and streams.Depending on the depth, salinity, or sea surface
temperature, populations are spread.Diatoms mixed,diatoms freshwater,diatoms marine and
Navicula sp. are an algae of bacillariophyta,diatoms.Diatoms is unicellular organism which is
the major group or microalgae that can be found in the ocean,waterways and soils. Diatoms
grow attached to benthic substrates, floating debris, and on Macrophytes.Cell wall is intricate
hard but porous made of silica.The movement of diatoms are primarily passive because lack
of flagella and dense cell walls cause them to readily sink.Chlorella sp.,Chlamydomonas sp.
And Volvox sp. is example of chlorophyta which is green algae.Green algae is unicellular and
colonial.It have chloroplast with two membranes in stacked thylakoids.It have two
chlorophyll which are a and b that can give them a bright green color.It can be found in fresh
water and a few grow in brackish and marine waters.For chrysophyta or golden algae,Synura
sp. is used as an example in this experiment.It is unicellular organism that can be found in
soil,freshwater and marine environment.In addition,it have yellow carotenoids fucoxanthin
and the photosynthetic pigments chlorophylls a and c.Lastly,for charophyta or stonewarts,the
prepared slides is Chara sp. and it is unicellular and filamentous. Charophyta produce starch
by autotrophic photosynthesis. Asexual or sexual reproduction is possible in
charophyta.So,all of this algae are microalgae.

Some of algae can be observed by naked eyes..For example Caulerpa sp. for Chlorophyta
or green algae. Sargassum sp.,Turbinaria sp.,Padina sp.for phaeophyta which is brown algae
and Spirulina sp. is for Cyanobacteria which is blue-green algae.They are all multicellular
and classified in macroalgae.Caulerpa sp. can be found in tropical waters including the
Carribean and Red Sea.It is a bright green seaweed that have a blades that grow from obvious
green runner.Sargassum sp. can be found in brackish or salt water.Most sargassum species
have a thallus that is heavily branched and has hollow berrylike floats.Turbinaria sp. can be
found primarily in tropical marine waters.Turbinaria has an upright thallus with blade-bearing
radially branching axes.Padina sp. occurs along all tropical and warm temperature sea
cost.Lastly,Spirulina sp. can be found in soil,marshes,freshwater,brackish water,seawater
amd thermal springs.Spirulina sp. is symbiotic, multicellular and filamentous blue-green
microalgae with symbiotic bacteria that fix nitrogen from air.Formalin is used for
preservation to fix the proteins in a fresh specimen and get it ready for wet
preservation,formalin in various solutions has previously been used to preserve specimens for
long-term storage.

To conclude this,algae defined to a class of mainly watery, photosynthetic, and nucleus-
bearing organisms that lack the real roots, stems, and leaves of plants as well as their
specialised multicellular reproductive structures.Their cells have characteristics not found in
either plants or animals, and their photosynthetic pigments are also more diversified than
those of plants.Then,protist microalgae and macroalgae can be characterized by type of
cell,multicellular or unicelullar,based on filament or thallus and colony.The prepared slides
and specimens can be observed by using compound microscope.

Algae. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16,
2022, from

Andersen, R. A. and Lewin, . Ralph A. (2022, August 22). algae. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Home. Ecological Importance of Algae. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2022, from

Schader, Meg. (2022, November 15). Life Cycle of Algae. Retrieved from

Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, November 14). Algae. Wikipedia. Retrieved November 16,
2022, from

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